The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D

So much for garlic, hen's blood, and eye of newt. :laugh:
LOL Did she really blame the docs first? Was it back in March 2020 or after everyone on the planet knew there was a COVID pandemic and they best take precautions?

Nope, she posted about it here a couple days ago, and blamed her health care providers. Maybe she only leaves the house when she needs a "procedure" (cough cough) so those were the only ppl she's been exposed to for the last 18 months? lol
yes, by convincing them to sign their souls away to the dark deep state control grid?

you're committing evil in the world.

The dark state you are referring to is from having your head deep up your ass.

You have to pull your own head out of your ass to see the light!

No one can do this for you!
And now they're divorced and he's free to boink all the massage girls he wants, and she can boink anyone who can stand listening to her screechy-ass voice, too. Bristol's divorced, so is Track or Treadmill or whatever his name was, the Army "hero." Who knows about the other ones.

God bless America where the Evangelista's haven't banned divorce. LOL
I believe you're a sad psycho troll. That's enough. Now get back in your sty before your mistress starts whining again. Dismissed!
It's ludicrous to believe that 5.44 billion people have been vaccinated. You're spreading disinformation. Instead of acknowledging your gullibility, you reply with ad homs of hate.
Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D
She didn't "blame the doctors for giving it to her." You liar.

Awesome. LOL

Yeah well a bunch of vaxxed, masked & distanced people in 2 doctors' offices gave me the rona last week. LOL
It's all good though. Glad I'll have strong natural immunity now.
It's ludicrous to believe that 5.44 billion people have been vaccinated. You're spreading disinformation. Instead of acknowledging your gullibility, you reply with ad homs of hate.

Not as ludicrous as you being the neighborhood Rambo having daily shootouts with gang-bangers in between solving the mystery of 9/11 and attending court-assigned therapy.
40.3% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
5.46 billion doses have been administered globally, and 33.54 million are now administered each day.
Only 1.8% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.
Not as ludicrous as you being the neighborhood Rambo having daily shootouts with gang-bangers in between solving the mystery of 9/11 and attending court-assigned therapy.
Dutch is incapable of having an adult conversation.
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

No fucking body ever knows what is in a vaccine. Why is this suddenly information they require? Does anyone know what is in the polio shot? Can they break down the yearly flu vaccines? Nope, just this one matters. They are suddenly medical experts.
Dutch is incapable of having an adult conversation.

Totally true. Pretty sure he got a bad case of Mexican Siph down in TJ and it went untreated. Insanity followed shortly thereafter. He should have at least soaked his Johnson in boiling bleach for a few minutes. That can work if you catch it early enuff,..... but noooooooooooooooooo, he wouldnt do it!...:laugh:
No fucking body ever knows what is in a vaccine. Why is this suddenly information they require? Does anyone know what is in the polio shot? Can they break down the yearly flu vaccines? Nope, just this one matters. They are suddenly medical experts.

Of course they do. It is right on the CDC's site. The complete breakdown of each. You ignorant uneducated asshole.
It's ludicrous to believe that 5.44 billion people have been vaccinated. You're spreading disinformation. Instead of acknowledging your gullibility, you reply with ad homs of hate.

Don't believe it then. No one cares. Now scoot along back to your toxic sty and have your mistress whip you for straying away from The Gossip. :laugh:
Totally true. Pretty sure he got a bad case of Mexican Siph down in TJ and it went untreated. Insanity followed shortly thereafter. He should have at least soaked his Johnson in boiling bleach for a few minutes. That can work if you catch it early enuff,..... but noooooooooooooooooo, he wouldnt do it!...:laugh:
Dutch can't separate debate from all his board wars.
Totally true. Pretty sure he got a bad case of Mexican Siph down in TJ and it went untreated. Insanity followed shortly thereafter. He should have at least soaked his Johnson in boiling bleach for a few minutes. That can work if you catch it early enuff,..... but noooooooooooooooooo, he wouldnt do it!...:laugh:
Wow, Stone. I didn't take you to be both a Trumper and a 9/11 Truther.

Who do you think was behind blowing up the Towers? Do you think it was Bush like your little goat buddy believes? LOL