The 'Natural Selection' Thread

It's an excuse.

The Republican party used to stand for personal accountability. Now it stands for blaming everyone but themselves.

Look at who is really supporting Trump. None of them support personal responsibility.

I have always thought that conservatives threw around buzzword terms like personal responsibility and rugged individualism too quickly, without ever stopping to really define what they really meant about it and what the consequences were.

"Keep your dirty government hands off my Medicare!"

-- heard chanted at a 2008 Republican rally
I have always thought that conservatives threw around buzzword terms like personal responsibility and rugged individualism too quickly, without ever stopping to really define what they really meant about it and what the consequences were.

They mean by that personal responsibility that OTHER people should be doing, not them.
Wonderful. Then you have nothing to worry about in the future. I just don't have that much confidence in it. The way it is pushed and lied about, media downplaying therapeutics and side effects, further deters me.
media AND the feds "downplay"therapeutics -even after we know about "breakthru" COVID

It's now 100% political.. get the vaxx. wear a mask and STFU.

Good on DeSantis for doing the out reach with therapeutics ..
These treatments should just come thru the pharmacy, but at least they have outpatient sites set up in Fla
what is "got the virus"
I assume I've gotten all the variants - vaxxes dont protect one from infections -
they stimulate the body response to infections
Acquired immunity does the same thing -stimulates immune system

Darth hasn't gotten the vax and he's anti-mask, so if he gets Covid, would he mention it here.
Unnecessary. I know the vaccines are safe. Two-thirds of the world's population have received at least one dose. That is 5.44 BILLION human beings. You're talking about what... a few thousand cases, most of which have not been directly linked to receiving the vaccine?

If getting poked scares you, don't do it. Live in fear instead. Your choice. As for me, I chose to follow the science and have been vaccinated, and will be getting a booster as soon as it's available. We are enjoying life as much as we did pre-pandemic. We go out to eat, we go to busy venues, we've traveled this summer (once by plane). I don't put on a mask unless it's required. Life is good when you aren't living in fear.
Don't believe MSM, use a little common sense before you parrot propaganda. Do you really believe 2/3 of Asia and Africa have been vaccinated?
Nah, I don't want to live in a country where we just let the uninsured die. It would be swell if people who drive cars and ride motorcycles would take responsibility for themselves, but since they don't, we have to do it for them.

First, I think we can agree that saving lives is, in general, a good idea. OTOH, as we've discussed in the religious threads, to a certain degree they are just meat. Like the unvaccinated idiots clogging up our ICUs.

Sure, it would suck if a loved one or myself was in an auto accident because some drunken Trump voter (no seatbelt, natch) crossed the median and we died in a tent because the ICU was clogged with said drunk's friends.

However, statistically, it's the only option open to us at this point. We can't fix stupid. We can't kill stupid. Therefore we must let stupid die by it's own hand.

As the Great Black Goddess once said:


Or maybe I'm just pedestalizing God, wherever she may be.
I have always thought that conservatives threw around buzzword terms like personal responsibility and rugged individualism too quickly, without ever stopping to really define what they really meant about it and what the consequences were.
They mean by that personal responsibility that OTHER people should be doing, not them.

Unfortunately, personal accountability hasn't existed in either party for over 25 years...and it was dying before then.
I agree. In Bristol's case, she was doomed from the start then by having a media whore of a mother who herself has had procedures and who is wrapped up in appearances rather than substance.

To be expected of a mother who uses her children as meatshields. Although her husband was a secessionist nutjob, I think he didn't like his children being pushed out front.
No. In his mind it would be an admission of weakness to tell the truth.

Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D
Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D
I hope she remains well. I have a friend in the hospital right now, that they thought was doing well last week and now they don’t know if he’ll make it.
Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D

LOL Did she really blame the docs first? Was it back in March 2020 or after everyone on the planet knew there was a COVID pandemic and they best take precautions?
Yeah, I was surprised that Sister Stretch admitted it. Although she immediately blamed the doctors for giving it to her, and not every person in every activity she participated in. She still hasn't admitted that her "natural immunity" failed. :D
She didn't "blame the doctors for giving it to her." You liar.