The 'Natural Selection' Thread

....and we still had an Insurrection of fucking morons. LOL


What insurrection? Are you trying to show liberals are stupid?
No backing out of it.

You implied the CCP bug would get me in spite of the ‘north of 99%’ odds it wouldn’t. I’ll die of something someday but the odds are stacked *greatly in favor* of being due to something besides the damn China bug. You know what the odds of dying from cancer are? Way, way, greater than from the bug.

Stay away from the horse track and stop looking at anecdotes.

quit lying, you're already vaccinated
Translation: I'm a coward. I talk big but do nothing because I'm a lazy fuckwad whose better parts ran down the crack of my momma's ass....whoever she may be.

Awesome, Fredo! Your cowardice is saving you from a prison ass-rape. Kudos!

You don't get to speak for anyone else. You only get to speak for you.
No doubt the media has been an influence on them, but like the Columbine Kids, media, movies and video games don't make kids violent. Violent kids are drawn to violent media, movies and video games.

Regardless, you and I are agreed they are living in a fantasy world. Unlike the fucking morons at the Insurrectionist, none of JPP's fucking morons were moronic enough to actually join the Insurrection. They are all happy to sit safe behind their keyboards and claim there was never an Insurrection. :laugh:

Maybe we need to have a JPP contest to vote for JPP's Finest Keyboard Warrior of 2021:


The only insurrection is the Democrat coup, so far successful.
No backing out of it.

You implied the CCP bug would get me in spite of the ‘north of 99%’ odds it wouldn’t. I’ll die of something someday but the odds are stacked *greatly in favor* of being due to something besides the damn China bug. You know what the odds of dying from cancer are? Way, way, greater than from the bug.

Stay away from the horse track and stop looking at anecdotes.

Would you tell us if you got the virus?
It's an excuse.

The Republican party used to stand for personal accountability. Now it stands for blaming everyone but themselves.

Look at who is really supporting Trump. None of them support personal responsibility.

You are describing Democrats, dope. Trump is not a Democrat.
lol you apparently have not seen MSNBC.

Opinion Journalist use "facts" but then they also use newz facts to expand on a report to show a wider perspective
This is nothing new..look at OPED pages in newspapers

He has. He actually considers it the gospel truth! :laugh: