The Palin Chronicles

BTW - Most people in the west of the Mississippi have no idea why it is a big deal she answered the door in a robe.

Robe now is it? I thought we were talking towells ?

Accuracy you know.

The original report said that she entered the room wrapped "only" in a towel, with a second towel covering her still-damp hair on her head. She did not answer the door. Her husband was in the room.

A few points: I suspect that this was not your usual hotel "room" with a bed/sitting/desk area and a bathroom only, but more likely, given her status as VP candidate, it was a suite. If we accept that as likely, it also is unlikely that it was necessary for her to make an appearance at all until she was "presentable". Given that she entered the room after her guests had been seated (again, according to the initial report) apparently they already had been greeted (by Todd?) and she did not need to show herself at all until she was at least dressed. Even in jeans if she wanted to be casual.

Given that this was a professional visit, I suspect also that these two fellas did not simply "drop in" but were expected at a specific time, as one arranges a business meeting. It is unlikely that they'd show up significantly early for the appointment. I do find it somewhat odd under such circumstances that Palin would just have to have a shower right then, and not be sufficiently ready for the meeting at whatever was the appointed time. This was beyond unprofessional, it was lascivious and sleazy.

This was not a casual situation; they weren't longtime friends showing up at her house. The circumstances make her behavior completely unacceptable, and I have no doubt at all that she knew exactly what she was doing, just not that it would be made public and therefore roundly criticized.

Desh made a post a while ago today about sexual power and the choices that each woman makes as to whether or not to use it or if we feel we have much more to offer. That rang true for me too.
The original report said that she entered the room wrapped "only" in a towel, with a second towel covering her still-damp hair on her head. She did not answer the door. Her husband was in the room.

A few points: I suspect that this was not your usual hotel "room" with a bed/sitting/desk area and a bathroom only, but more likely, given her status as VP candidate, it was a suite. If we accept that as likely, it also is unlikely that it was necessary for her to make an appearance at all until she was "presentable". Given that she entered the room after her guests had been seated (again, according to the initial report) apparently they already had been greeted (by Todd?) and she did not need to show herself at all until she was at least dressed. Even in jeans if she wanted to be casual.

Given that this was a professional visit, I suspect also that these two fellas did not simply "drop in" but were expected at a specific time, as one arranges a business meeting. It is unlikely that they'd show up significantly early for the appointment. I do find it somewhat odd under such circumstances that Palin would just have to have a shower right then, and not be sufficiently ready for the meeting at whatever was the appointed time. This was beyond unprofessional, it was lascivious and sleazy.

This was not a casual situation; they weren't longtime friends showing up at her house. The circumstances make her behavior completely unacceptable, and I have no doubt at all that she knew exactly what she was doing, just not that it would be made public and therefore roundly criticized.

Desh made a post a while ago today about sexual power and the choices that each woman makes as to whether or not to use it or if we feel we have much more to offer. That rang true for me too.

Thorn thank you for writing all of this. I couldn’t have said it this well under the best of circumstances, but these days, with my shoulder broke, it feels like a chore to write out a long post, and when I am talking to people who are being, I believe, deliberately thick, it feels so futile.
You said it so well.
Thorn thank you for writing all of this. I couldn’t have said it this well under the best of circumstances, but these days, with my shoulder broke, it feels like a chore to write out a long post, and when I am talking to people who are being, I believe, deliberately thick, it feels so futile.
You said it so well.

Thanks. I'm so sorry about your poor shoulder!
I think a lot of men don't know that women are totally aware of the power they have. Many of us assume it accidental at best.

(not in defense of what Palin did, just discussing guy's views of women)
The original report said that she entered the room wrapped "only" in a towel, with a second towel covering her still-damp hair on her head. She did not answer the door. Her husband was in the room.

A few points: I suspect that this was not your usual hotel "room" with a bed/sitting/desk area and a bathroom only, but more likely, given her status as VP candidate, it was a suite. If we accept that as likely, it also is unlikely that it was necessary for her to make an appearance at all until she was "presentable". Given that she entered the room after her guests had been seated (again, according to the initial report) apparently they already had been greeted (by Todd?) and she did not need to show herself at all until she was at least dressed. Even in jeans if she wanted to be casual.

Given that this was a professional visit, I suspect also that these two fellas did not simply "drop in" but were expected at a specific time, as one arranges a business meeting. It is unlikely that they'd show up significantly early for the appointment. I do find it somewhat odd under such circumstances that Palin would just have to have a shower right then, and not be sufficiently ready for the meeting at whatever was the appointed time. This was beyond unprofessional, it was lascivious and sleazy.

This was not a casual situation; they weren't longtime friends showing up at her house. The circumstances make her behavior completely unacceptable, and I have no doubt at all that she knew exactly what she was doing, just not that it would be made public and therefore roundly criticized.

Desh made a post a while ago today about sexual power and the choices that each woman makes as to whether or not to use it or if we feel we have much more to offer. That rang true for me too.

I knew the girls on here would understand that post perfectly and I thank you for your referance to it. I know men who have made the same type of choice too. My Hubby could knock em gob smacked in his day and chose not to be that kind of man. Its what the true decent people choose. Great post Thorn
The original report said that she entered the room wrapped "only" in a towel, with a second towel covering her still-damp hair on her head. She did not answer the door. Her husband was in the room.

A few points: I suspect that this was not your usual hotel "room" with a bed/sitting/desk area and a bathroom only, but more likely, given her status as VP candidate, it was a suite. If we accept that as likely, it also is unlikely that it was necessary for her to make an appearance at all until she was "presentable". Given that she entered the room after her guests had been seated (again, according to the initial report) apparently they already had been greeted (by Todd?) and she did not need to show herself at all until she was at least dressed. Even in jeans if she wanted to be casual.

Given that this was a professional visit, I suspect also that these two fellas did not simply "drop in" but were expected at a specific time, as one arranges a business meeting. It is unlikely that they'd show up significantly early for the appointment. I do find it somewhat odd under such circumstances that Palin would just have to have a shower right then, and not be sufficiently ready for the meeting at whatever was the appointed time. This was beyond unprofessional, it was lascivious and sleazy.

This was not a casual situation; they weren't longtime friends showing up at her house. The circumstances make her behavior completely unacceptable, and I have no doubt at all that she knew exactly what she was doing, just not that it would be made public and therefore roundly criticized.

Desh made a post a while ago today about sexual power and the choices that each woman makes as to whether or not to use it or if we feel we have much more to offer. That rang true for me too.

This story got posted on my school board which is almost all men posters and everyone laughed. No one cared. They laughed whatever. But go figure women who often see evil in the other acts of women to be the only one on this board going off about it. Of course there is partisanship involved too but women are freakin ruthless.
This story got posted on my school board which is almost all men posters and everyone laughed. No one cared. They laughed whatever. But go figure women who often see evil in the other acts of women to be the only one on this board going off about it. Of course there is partisanship involved too but women are freakin ruthless.

I think you're probably ignoring the context here, but anyway ...

Remember that it was men who leaked the story, not women, and that it was men who felt that the behavior was shocking and inappropriate enough to let the story out.

The comments on this board by women are simply reactions to the story, based on our recognitions of the behavior from past experience. The question is asked, "would I do that under those circumstances?" Hell, no.
I think you're probably ignoring the context here, but anyway ...

Remember that it was men who leaked the story, not women, and that it was men who felt that the behavior was shocking and inappropriate enough to let the story out.

The comments on this board by women are simply reactions to the story, based on our recognitions of the behavior from past experience. The question is asked, "would I do that under those circumstances?" Hell, no.

I didn't answer well before. I understand about the men leaking it I found it interesting that when men heard this story there was no reaction but when women heard it (well you, Desh and Darla) all had strong negative feelings about it. Why the male/female divide?
I didn't answer well before. I understand about the men leaking it I found it interesting that when men heard this story there was no reaction but when women heard it (well you, Desh and Darla) all had strong negative feelings about it. Why the male/female divide?
Um I found it inappropriate as well. She, or the first dude, should have told them to come back in 20 minutes. That would have been the right thing to do.
Can you imagine if it had been Hillary or Michele Obama doing this! The family values people would have been all over it!

Sarah is just a beauty queen and she is allowed! It is close to a bathing suit!
I didn't answer well before. I understand about the men leaking it I found it interesting that when men heard this story there was no reaction but when women heard it (well you, Desh and Darla) all had strong negative feelings about it. Why the male/female divide?

Excuse me Cawacko, but the "divide" is YOU. Here is a thread which contains numerous recent revelations about the moron, and the only one you responded to, and in fact, became fixated on, was this one. I notice you are using it to push your favorite theory that "women love to tear apart women".

And that's the only reason you're on it.

Maybe you should try examining yourself and attempting to figure out why you aggressively sold the "i'd put her exec experience up against obama's anyday" line. Which looked stupid then, but looks ludicrous now.
Freidman is not dead he will live on thru those trained in his methods..MBA's and such out there will keep trying it knowing it has to work sometime. And it does for a time but is not sustainable for many reasons.