You really took it apart.

you want specific dissection.....

to begin,
This disease, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, … this perceptual reality, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first.
opening with "this disease" demonstrates your bias and your claim Christianity rolled out over the "tribes of Europe" first ignores the fact that centers of religion in Alexandria and Antioch......

one sentence two strikes......three if you take "perceptual reality" at face value as a throw-away insult......
the AMERICAN DEMOCRCY was designed to end such things that had persisted over mankinds history which did not just take place in the northern European ancestry.

think gengis con

this is a mankind thingy of male dominance

all societies relegated women to a lower status


because women bare the physical brunt of bringing the next generation into existence.

Women had a tendency to DIE in childbirth

children had a tendency to die in child birth

men deemed them inferior to them because they were burdened by carring child in the times when there was no birth control

women were also unintentionally bred to be small.

what women got pregnant most?

the ones easier to rape

the small women

so the small women had more babies

that means their genes were carried to the next generation

small genes

this creates a world where testosterone rules

that means a more violent world

as 4 in 100 humans are sociopaths and that includes that statistic that out of that 4 one will be a woman and three will be males

guess what that means when you have an all male rules society?

more sociopaths in power

Now we know how to keep women and children from dying so frequently in childbirth

that means also that we don't allow rape

that means women are more in control of when they have sex and give birth

that means larger stronger women have a better chance of getting their genes promulgated into the future.

that means mankind gets bigger and stronger

both the males and the females

and that we can bring into the future the best and the brightest and not just make mankind trend towards the genes of those most "rapeable" for lack of a better term.

you menfolk need to face that the days of being able control women needs to end world wide

we are smarter now (all mankind) and know that its stupid to take half of mankinds talent and push it to the floor .

the way mankind moves to the next level includes what mankind actually started with.

and equally strong population of men and women.

a team

using the best of the effects of testosterone and estrogen on the body and mind to balance mankind equaly .

make us less violent and make us more embracing.

I really question your motivation to demean Democracy

you area either naïve or kinda russiany

post 645

I did take things apart
you want specific dissection.....

to begin,

opening with "this disease" demonstrates your bias and your claim Christianity rolled out over the "tribes of Europe" first ignores the fact that centers of religion in Alexandria and Antioch......

one sentence two strikes......three if you take "perceptual reality" at face value as a throw-away insult......

Looka who's not interested.

If you're insulted, I'm pleased, but that's got more to do with you than with me, it tells us all something about you. Papal Bulls of the 1500s called for the extermination of the indigenous peoples of North America, the Roman Catholic Church was the first multinational corporation. Everywhere Christianity has gone, slaughter paved the entryway. The tribes of Europe were subjugated by force and slaughtered into submission to this male dominator god. Revisit the Inquisition. Then it rolled out across the planet in some bogus “age of discovery”, titled such by a people utterly ignorant of the planet they gave themselves dominion over. All for their "god" of course.
Looka who's not interested.

If you're insulted, I'm pleased, but that's got more to do with you than with me, it tells us all something about you. Papal Bulls of the 1500s called for the extermination of the indigenous peoples of North America, the Roman Catholic Church was the first multinational corporation. Everywhere Christianity has gone, slaughter paved the entryway. The tribes of Europe were subjugated by force and slaughtered into submission to this male dominator god. Revisit the Inquisition. Then it rolled out across the planet in some bogus “age of discovery”, titled such by a people utterly ignorant of the planet they gave themselves dominion over. All for their "god" of course.

You really took it the way you forgot to apologize for post #664.....

If you intended to defend against #666 (gotta love the symbolism) you forgot to actually do for the popes, fuck' anything for protestants?.....
Looka who's not interested.

If you're insulted, I'm pleased, but that's got more to do with you than with me, it tells us all something about you. Papal Bulls of the 1500s called for the extermination of the indigenous peoples of North America, the Roman Catholic Church was the first multinational corporation. Everywhere Christianity has gone, slaughter paved the entryway. The tribes of Europe were subjugated by force and slaughtered into submission to this male dominator god. Revisit the Inquisition. Then it rolled out across the planet in some bogus “age of discovery”, titled such by a people utterly ignorant of the planet they gave themselves dominion over. All for their "god" of course.


its not just European Christian culture

its a world wide pattern

of males and organized religion
Cute story.

This disease, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, … this perceptual reality, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first. We are all the decedents of tribes and a spiritual perceptual reality of the universe and the creator. That memory has been wiped out of white consciousness pretty much, their enslavement having happened long before the disease rolled out across the rest of the planet via colonialism and proselytizing.

That perceptual reality was replaced with a male dominator god perceptual reality which gave rise to the notion that this male dominator god gave mankind, only the “chosen ones” mind you, dominion over the natural world, the planet, anything they “discovered”, and any other human beings they could manage to whip into consent. So you bring that into a technological perceptual reality era where we are now, and we’ve all been enslaved to/by an economic system that has no other purpose than to continue the colonialization of all human beings, further redistributing and concentrating wealth into the pockets of fewer and fewer, much of that wealth coming from the natural world that was in place long before the humans who manipulate it into their own hands. In the same manner the system mines uranium or coal or gold, it also mines the energy, spirit, and soul of the human being to run these authoritarian systems that enslave us all. In essence, they mine the being part of the human being. Think about your own experiences in the corporate world if you have them.

And so all of this racism, classism, sexism, religion, arises from the system’s need to keep the masses quibbling amongst themselves. The same applies to the american political system; it is designed to prevent any gathering of the masses against the aristocracy. It’s an illusion, this democracy and liberty. You have ostensibly “two” political parties who very comfortably don’t really have to do anything at all except point at the “other” party and with your consent present them as evil and scary; disconnected from what? Well, they’re not “real” americans like you and they don’t bow as deeply to the male dominator god as you do. Again, go back and look at Bacon’s Rebellion and the aftermath. The power structure learned that lesson very well. The system also learned very well from the 60-70s / the Viet Nam War / Civil Rights era, the last large scale questioning of our authoritarian system. The beast is bigger and stronger now.

It’s useful for all of us to go back and study our tribal ancestry, go dig into how they got “civilized”, invariably, it was anything but civil, that’s the great lie, it was very brutal stuff, they had to be brutalized into “accepting” the proper perceptual reality, and thus consent. And so now that the colonialism has become globalism, the power structure no longer has any national affiliations at all. That’s for YOU to hold onto, again, because it will feed into the unsubstantial people’s fighting amongst themselves so the system doesn’t have to, and so that the unsubstantial people will line up to go to war and die in endless wars over resources and turf someone else sits on that the system covets. It’s really no different than the manner in which any street gang goes after turf.

We have been with our own consent and participation indoctrinated into submission, consent, and acceptance of this authoritarian system that runs on our energy and labor just as surely as we’ve all been indoctrinated into hating and distrusting the only possible allies we have in this authoritarian system.

The hour is late, the vote is meaningless, police departments have been militarized, and we’re all on the menu. All humanity needs to do is simply align across imaginary indoctrinated lines and withdraw consent. That’s where the power is, they have no power, all they have is authority, and they realize that is only an illusion too. That’s why they need force to hold it all together.

post 639