are you guys hanging out over hte holiday weekend?

well we're going out to the bar and im meeting his friends on saturday night, and i think friday night we might be going out to dinner, i keep forgetting that i have monday off.... perhaps... im def trying not to be too pushy or too smothering..

i think i might call my therapist again...LOL.
well we're going out to the bar and im meeting his friends on saturday night, and i think friday night we might be going out to dinner, i keep forgetting that i have monday off.... perhaps... im def trying not to be too pushy or too smothering..

i think i might call my therapist again...LOL.
You don't need therapy.
ooooh, that's serious, you're meeting the friends! You have to make a great impression with them! Are your friends going to be there too?
are you kidding? OF COURSE ITS SERIOUS! Those are his friends. The people he confides in and they are the ones that are going ot be giving him advice. If they have a bad impression, rest assured, they will let him know. Don't get too drunk. Maybe a little tipsy. I know if my friends are dating idiots, I'm the first to let them know after I meet them.
(I just got back from getting a pedicure)

Anyway, just relax and be yourself. Make sure you don't try too hard. You'll be fine!
Lady T got some text messages from him today...

1. Baby it seems like i haven't seen you in ages i miss you so much
2. I can't stop thinking about you im so glad you are my boyfriend
3. Guess who i ran into last night at the bar! Bobby! (who is my hairstylist) I told him we were dating and he was pissed.. :D
im not going to drink that much i don't think.. maybe like 2 beers or something and thats it. then ill just order coke and tell em i got stuff in it or something
Was bobby jealous of you!? That's funny.

The pedicure was phenomenal actually. I really want to go back tomorrow just for the message. It was only $20 too. She did a great job she worked my calves, I had a scrub on my feet and calves, and she messaged my toes. I could have sat there for hours. Although, I think someone farted. My coworkers think it was the trash (which it could have been), but for about a minute it wasn't pleasant. Then we made a starbucks run. All in all a good lunch.
Lmao! Maybe! It was hot and tangy. My eyes were closed, I was completely relaxed and then "bam" fart smell engulphed me.

But otherwise, it was very good. I think that's going to be my new place. The ones around me suck compared to that. Would you're boyfriend want to get his feet done?

I think I could convince mine to actually.
Can you really bring anyone home for a romantic evening? I'm guessing not with lazy pig and your mom there.
Can you really bring anyone home for a romantic evening? I'm guessing not with lazy pig and your mom there.

don't remind me... but yeah not really, and he lives at home, and i don't think he's entirely out though... i was thinking of something maybe next month going to a show in NYC and staying overnight or something...
How is not "entirely out"?

That kind of stinks though since you both live at home. Well there goes that idea. Anyway, a show sounds good. Me and my boyfriend did a weekend in NYC. It was cool. We saw Rent. I'd like to see K-Street (I think that's what its called), the color purple and wicked.