The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Stalling again because you opened your fat mouth.

You say we are a REpUbLiC...OK, what does that mean?

Oh right, you're just gonna stall because you don't know what you're talking about and that's the only tactic of yours that seems to work.

RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over like a moron. It's already been answered multiple times.
So they are chosen by a majority of the citizens voting for them in a race, which you just said in an earlier post was small-d democratic.

So when you said that the US is a Republic, not a democracy, that's like saying you have a chihuahua, not a dog.

You people are not nearly as clever as you want everyone to think.

This is pretty lazy shit here.

I never said anything was democratic. You are hallucinating again.

A democracy has no representatives.
Induced by you spreading lies about a stolen election for two months on JPP...which you did.

But then when the time came to actually do something about it, you hid out here on JPP.

Why? Obviously it wasn't organized by Democrats since you were one of the people on JPP spreading Trump's lies about a stolen election.

Repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA.
Now you're just making up fallacies because you opened your big mouth again and said something dumb.
They are YOUR fallacies, dumbass.
No, an oligarchy is an economic system
An oligarchy is not an economic system. It is a form of government.
where capos and cartels control certain sectors of the economy.
Redefinition fallacy.
Who taught you economics? No one, it seems.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
You should read it because the government of this Republic is organized vis-a-vis a majority democratic vote.

As in, a majority vote for representatives.

A Republic and a democracy are the same thing and you just proved it with your erratic posts.

A republic is not a democracy.
So your argument has no point.
Well, you're the one who doesn't seem to remember what you say from post to post.
Organize your thoughts better and you won't find yourself in this awkward position of having to stall and panic so often.
But I thought you said that was one of your policies...doing away with institutions. So, you haven't done that then. No Conservative has because that's not a policy.
Once again, we end up right back at square one...with no Conservative merits to speak of anywhere.
You're right, you're a sophist. A pretty sad one.

Inversion fallacy.
And this is the heart of it.
Conservatives have completely given up on any policy ideas because every time they have tried to come up with one in the past, it's failed.
So their new policy seems to be "no policy" because every time they get in there and do their ideas, they break something.
I get why the crux of your policy is nothing; you have no good ideas.
Repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA
Capitalism has needed three bailouts in the last 33 years. Each time when a Conservative was President.
Capitalism doesn't need bailouts. Communism is not capitalism. Redefinition fallacy.
Capitalism can only be managed because without it, we get what happened when you were last in charge; an economic collapse. The reason is because Conservatives just don't have any good ideas.
Capitalism does not need to be managed. Fascism is not capitalism. Redefinition fallacy.
MANTRA ALERT! So your habit is to just do all the things you accuse others of doing because you have no good ideas.
Inversion fallacy.
Oh, then show me your source for manufacturing growth in 2019.
Not one success at all. You can't even point to "capitalism" because you fuck that up...S&L bailouts at the end of Reagan, a recession at the end of Bush the Elder, TWO recessions during Bush the Dumber, and a Trump recession that started the month before COVID lockdowns.

I can totally get why you won't defend your policy; it fails every time it's tried.

Capitalism is not a 'fuck up'. Capitalism needs no bailouts. Capitalism is not communism. Redefinition fallacy.
Wait - it's given by force to people? You're not making any sense. You're flaming out because you ran out of ways to defend yourself.
Contextomy fallacy.
Then what is Medicare reimbursing providers for?
Not sure how you got that from my question so I'll ask it again since you're deflecting and dodging: Do you know what pay-go means, because I don't believe you do.
But how does it undermine itself? Do you know what "undermine" means? Or are you just repeating that word like a mantra because I used it effectively against you, so you thought you could copy me?
LMAO! So now that you're caught your strategy is now to parse out a game of semantics rather than just admitting you're wrong.
Inversion fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA.
Yes they do, it's in the Constitution. The part where the executive signs and executes all laws.
It is not in the Constitution.
Otherwise, show me where in the Constitution it says a bill can be enacted into law without a President's signature or an overriding of their veto?
You just answered your own question.
And no, you can't use RQAA because you've never explained it before...for obvious reasons.
You've never read the Constitution because if you had, you'd know how a bill becomes a law.

NO! Congress writes laws, the EXECUTIVE BRANCH executes them.

The Omnibus Budget is a bill that has to be voted on and then executed by the President in order to become law.

You are now lying about this because you are too lazy to learn anything about it.

Inversion fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution. RAAA.
I know it's not a policy, which is what I've been saying this entire time.

The problem is that Conservatives can't think of any policies because you're not smart enough to have any good ideas.

Contextomy fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). RAAA.
China put tariffs in place on the US soybean exports in retaliation and that's why we had to spend $30B to bail out those farmers.

China to this day has not paid ONE SINGLE CENT in tariffs because China doesn't pay tariffs, importers do. And those importers are almost all domestic. And they pass the cost of those tariffs onto us.

Trump does not place tariffs in China.