The West is racing towards WW3

Both the Chinese and the Russians have told you over and over that their brotherhood has no limits.

You might attempt to listen.

Of course, it has limits. The Chinese are staying out of Russian attack on Ukraine. That must be heartbreaking for you.
So what have we decided about WW III?
Good idea or bad?

I'm seeing it as inevitable.
The last world war ended almost eighty years ago.
The warrior class has been slacking off.
So what have we decided about WW III?
Good idea or bad?

I'm seeing it as inevitable.
The last world war ended almost eighty years ago.
The warrior class has been slacking off.

You have completely given up on humans, obviously.

Will this project to completely remake us suitable for UTOPIA be successful?
Thanks for finally admitting you are an uneducated idiot just running your misinformed mouth while spreading propaganda!

Your words speak for themselves!

Here again, you should question your resources for misinformation.

And here again sucker, you have been ear-fucked by your non-credit-worthy resources, in this case a TABLOID! If you cannot accept the fact that Tabloids are nothing more than sensationalism, it demonstrates your ability to live in a reality.

And you jump on it like a fly on shit every time!
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their brotherhood has no bounds both the Russians and the Chinese have been saying for several years now....we are never going to be fighting just one...we will be fighting both.

Not what they are saying. The Russians have asked for a statement of "brotherhood without limits", but have gotten "friendship without limits." What is the difference?

Friendship without limits means that China will buy oil from Russia at reduced costs, and sell some industrial products to Russia at increased cost. They will not go to war for Russia, or even supply non-dual use military goods. They certainly will supply nothing for free.

How many Chinese soldiers have we seen in Ukraine?
Thanks for finally admitting you are an uneducated idiot just running your misinformed mouth while spreading propaganda!

Your words speak for themselves!

Here again, you should question your resources for misinformation.

And here again sucker, you have been ear-fucked by your non-credit-worthy resources, in this case a TABLOID! If you cannot accept the fact that Tabloids are nothing more than sensationalism, it demonstrates your ability to live in a reality.

And you jump on it like a fly on shit every time!
Hey Geeko, get ready for the US to lose another war.

Pretty astonishing — and terrifying — speech by Gen. Christopher Cavoli, NATO supreme allied commander and head of U.S. European Command.

Here are the main takeaways:

- The US and Russia have virtually no active nuclear hotline — which was one of the staples of Cold War nuclear policy. And this in the middle of a proxy hot war. Cavoli urged the United States to revive the lines of communication with Moscow that helped both countries avoid nuclear conflict during the Cold War. “[Back then] we could read each other’s signals. We knew how to send signals to each other… almost all of that is gone now”, Cavoli said.

- Improvements in NATO’s combat readiness haven’t been matched at the strategic level when it comes to ensuring that the nuclear powers don’t misread each other’s intentions. Hence the risk that they misread each other’s intentions is high.

- Such lines of communication are hard to reinstate because, well, Russia is at war — not just with Ukraine but with the US and NATO (although Cavoli omits this). “Efforts are underway at NATO to update some of the old practices. But there are complications, because we’re trying to reestablish [them] during a hot war”.

- The main tools of nuclear deterrence have been lost. During the Cold War, Cavoli said there was a “very fine and mutually understood vocabulary” between the West and the Soviet Union. “We knew how to communicate verbally and nonverbally about our intentions in a way that gave predictability to the other side, comprehension to the other side. And this was one of the principal things that we used to manage escalation and to achieve deterrence without significant risk”.

- One of the main reasons for the current unprecedented nuclear risk is the abandonment of various nuclear treaties (initiated unilaterally by the US, though Cavoli omits this). “Other factors from the past that were effective included various nuclear treaties, agreements and onsite inspections that helped keep communication lines open. We fell out of the habit of using these mechanisms to signal and… we collectively have walked away from many of the arrangements and the treaties that previously gave us the ability to do this”, Cavoli said.

- NATO’s aggressive anti-Russia posturing is the main obstacle to the reopening of nuclear communication lines. Any push to improve how the United States and NATO communicate with Moscow could be challenged by the alliance’s ongoing efforts to bolster its eastern flank with Russia. The Kremlin in recent years has ramped up its criticisms of NATO and the increasing number of alliance forces positioned in places such as the Baltic states and Poland, which it has characterised as a threat.

- Regardless of what NATO’s actual intentions may be, there is a real risk of accidentally triggering a nuclear conflict. “How do we go ahead doing all of this and reestablishing our collective defense capability without being threatening and accidentally having the effect we don’t want?” Cavoli asked.

Terrifying stuff. If you’re not worried, you’re either not paying attention or you’re burying your head in the sand...
Russia is charging into WW3. Not America. Russia wants to make political and economic decisions for all neighboring countries. Once the achieve that, there will be new neighbors to rule. That is who Russia is and has always been.
The US is bankrupt, so can any of you war pigs tell me who will lend us the money to bomb our way out of defaulting on our debt? Walt? any of you finance hacks?

America is a shithole country when compared to Scandinavia, Moscow, and Beijing. Our cities are filled with street after street of homeless who piss and shit on our sidewalks while the fed is trying to figure out how to bailout the upcoming global theft of Wall Street.

I can't help but point out that Americans are too busy arguing about Taylor Swift than being concerned with nuclear war. Americans are the most propagandized people in the world. Wake up you stupid fucks, your grandkids will be drafted to fight WW3.
America is a shithole country when compared to Scandinavia, Moscow, and Beijing.

None of those are countries: Scandinavia is a collection of countries, that are all very nice. You do have a point there.

Moscow is a city. It has worse homelessness than any city in the USA. Given how cold it is, that means a lot of death. It is so much worse than anywhere in the USA.

Beijing is also a city. It is a victim of bad central planning, so is a very unlivable city. And it is far better than a lot of the other cities.

Americans are the most propagandized people in the world. Wake up you stupid fucks, your grandkids will be drafted to fight WW3.

It is important to remember that for there to be a nuclear war, there must be someone starting it. The US has no reason to launch nuclear weapons. Russia's reason for launching nuclear weapons would be its imminent complete collapse. You claim they are winning, so why launch nuclear weapons?
None of those are countries: Scandinavia is a collection of countries, that are all very nice. You do have a point there.

Moscow is a city. It has worse homelessness than any city in the USA. Given how cold it is, that means a lot of death. It is so much worse than anywhere in the USA.

Beijing is also a city. It is a victim of bad central planning, so is a very unlivable city. And it is far better than a lot of the other cities.

It is important to remember that for there to be a nuclear war, there must be someone starting it. The US has no reason to launch nuclear weapons. Russia's reason for launching nuclear weapons would be its imminent complete collapse. You claim they are winning, so why launch nuclear weapons?
Social democrat countries are clean and thriving, so tell us why the US empire has piss and shit on our city sidewalks. Walt bullshit is here to justify the corruption of bank bailouts and pentagon thieves. Tell JPP workers what the unemployment rate is again you government tool.
Social democrat countries are clean and thriving, so tell us why the US empire has piss and shit on our city sidewalks.

Europeans observed when Clinton left power that he was the most right wing leader in the Western World. Democrats are very right wing by international standards. And Republicans are outside the mainstream by international standards. So the reason our country is a mess is that we are so right wing.

It is also a reason we are so well off. Places like California take our conservative government and produce amazing output.

Tell JPP workers what the unemployment rate is again you government tool.

If the unemployment rate was a lie before trump, and after trump, but not a lie during trump, you would expect a sudden jump when trump started telling the truth. There was a smooth transition to and from trump.

If it is all a lie, including trump, then the main claim that trump is great is gone. It turns out to all be a lie.

There is no way to win with your argument.
Europeans observed when Clinton left power that he was the most right wing leader in the Western World. Democrats are very right wing by international standards. And Republicans are outside the mainstream by international standards. So the reason our country is a mess is that we are so right wing.

It is also a reason we are so well off. Places like California take our conservative government and produce amazing output.

If the unemployment rate was a lie before trump, and after trump, but not a lie during trump, you would expect a sudden jump when trump started telling the truth. There was a smooth transition to and from trump.

If it is all a lie, including trump, then the main claim that trump is great is gone. It turns out to all be a lie.

There is no way to win with your argument.
What is the unemployment rate in the US?