The West is racing towards WW3

NATO is so weak that they just begged off war with Iran.

And they are going to do war with Russia/China?

Buckle Up....this is going to hurt!
PEPE ESCOBAR....Putin and Xi, each in their own way, have already warned the collectively imbecilized West: if you want confrontation, you’re gonna get confrontation. In spades. And at your own peril.

The impeding Mother of All Tests, coming this summer, is how far NATO will go when it comes to directly attacking the Russian Federation. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warns that “Europe is preparing to start a war with Russia”.
Uncultured, uneducated political-military Eurotrash “elites” of course are completely incapable of understanding reality outside of their bubble. Moreover, they interpret Russian patience and legalistic approach as weakness. Well: intel sources in Moscow are now making it very clear – off the record; the response, if they try anything stupid, will be devastating.
Alexander Mercouris in todays brief says that Russia has just issued their most stern warning yet about the West escalating attacks on Russia, and that the West seems to be backing down.....for now.
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It's important to understand that just because Ukraine has been shoved out of the spotlight doesn't mean brinkmanship with Russia is getting any less dangerous. As Ukraine loses more and more territory and runs out of soldiers, we're actually seeing a dramatic rise in reckless escalations from NATO powers. France is preparing to put boots on the ground in an official open deployment to train troops in Ukraine, and high-level empire managers like NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US House Speaker Mike Johnson and UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron are aggressively pushing for NATO-supplied weapons to be used on Russian territory.All of these escalations push us closer to hot warfare between NATO and Russia. They're playing games with the lives of every organism on this planet over an unwinnable proxy war that they themselves provoked.The western empire must end.

Masterful takedown by Dominique de Villepin, former French Prime Minister, of Macron's utterly irresponsible rhetoric on sending NATO ground troops to Ukraine (Villepin himself calls it irresponsible).

I translated it in full, because I think it's so important people are aware of the extreme danger behind Macron's (and some other NATO leaders) attempt to escalate the conflict:

"For this debate [over sending ground troops] to have been useful, it would have first been necessary for us to be able to answer 5 questions. Five risks associated with this escalation, this step we would be taking if we were to send ground troops, send fighters. Five risks.

The first is the expansion of the conflict. If we send ground troops, do we know if on the Russian side others will send, on the other side, ground troops? Will we face African fighters, will we face Asian fighters, will we face Middle Eastern fighters in this global south that also wants to take on the West? First risk.

[Host comments: This does not seem to me a favored scenario...]

If Westerners, Europeans, French send troops there, don't you think that solidarity will also play on the Russian side? I think we still need to ask ourselves that question. In any case, our diplomacy has not done what it should have to isolate Russia. If Russia were isolated, we would know it... I think, by the way, that we are more isolated, unfortunately, than Russia.

Second major question: new front. Risk of a new front. I warned, I was among the few voices to say 'be careful, Ukraine is a dangerous situation but what happens if another front opens?'. The front in Gaza and the Middle East has opened. But there are other fronts that can open: in Korea, in Africa... And so, are we going to wage war like this on all 5 continents? This reality must be taken into account: the world is not limited to the drama and tragedy of Ukraine. It turns out that America is a global power and that we claim to be a global power too, so we are concerned by the major balances and the order of the world, and unfortunately our diplomacy does not sufficiently take into account these disorders which concern the Congolese, the Sudanese, etc.

Third risk which is important: the terrorist risk. I am not thinking of terrorism that would come from our opponents in Ukraine, I am thinking of opportunistic terrorism. When there are situations of this type of disorder, terrorism strikes. And I remind you: we have planned here in France not a year of war, but a year of celebrations. In a few months, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and delegations will come from all over the world. We are going to spend several months celebrating the Olympics. If we need to mobilize, let's mobilize, but maybe it should have been done a bit more: I don't see a war economy, the preparation of minds in terms of civil defense and hybrid warfare, I see nothing... You don't just pull the idea of going to war in Ukraine out of a hat without having prepared a little...

Fourth risk: we are on the eve of an American election that will determine the new world order. It's a safe bet that we are heading for a new era of isolationism and protectionism like the world has never seen. We are seeing a split in this new world order between Trump and a China that has just celebrated the reunion of its parliament and is becoming more introverted, more focused on its security than ever. This is a general global context that must be taken into account.

And then there's one last element that may be one of the most important, which is the nuclear risk. I know the good experts, the great experts who speak on this subject and I respect them immensely. But sending ground troops, fighters, places us in a situation in terms of deterrence that we have never known. Forty years of Cold War: the forces of the Warsaw Pact and NATO forces never clashed. And it's not by chance: it's because of a reality that relates to the grammar of nuclear.

The rule of deterrence is based on the principle of mutual assured destruction. That is, if one uses the bomb and the other responds, we're all dead. [...] I think the nuclear grammar means that today the risk of NATO ground troops in Ukraine presents a risk and that this risk, for responsible powers, is unacceptable. I travel enough around the world to have observed something for 15 years: the use of nuclear weapons is based on political cultures, societal cultures, and civilizations. The world is changing and what seemed unthinkable 10 or 15 years ago appears today differently: the rhetoric of the enemy, the hatred of the other, has developed to a point where we live in an international community that may want to settle scores with the other. [...] Today, and I'm not just thinking of the Russians, let's not forget nuclear proliferation with countries like Pakistan and many others that now have nuclear weapons.

And it is in this that the principle of responsibility is essential, and there is a rule that must be drawn from all this: the logic of force, when not controlled, leads to an escalation that can be deadly. This is what makes the situation in Ukraine a real danger and it's also what makes - because this principle of the logic of uncontrolled force I would gladly apply to the situation in Gaza - it's what makes the Israeli policy applied today to Gaza a real danger. Because there is no control over the use of force. And when you look [...] all fronts are linked, all crises are linked."
WW3 began when the WEF started using the lame stream media and useful idiots to force the sick and filthy lgbt agenda upon the public in western civilizations around the world simultaneously. As their assault continues (since they got away with the redundant formula with the lgbt) all they do when it comes to their woke groups or so called ideologies is ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief and try to force such rubbish upon everyone else while threatening sites with lawsuits for not banning people excposing their sick and filthy lies and deceptions when it comes to the foundation of their every issue to divide and conquer several countries simultanously with their pathetic conspiring bullshit. They can't handle a level playing field because all they primarily do is lie and deceive Hawkeye.

WW3 began when the WEF started using the lame stream media and useful idiots to force the sick and filthy lgbt agenda upon the public in western civilizations around the world simultaneously. As their assault continues (since they got away with the redundant formula with the lgbt) all they do when it comes to their woke groups or so called ideologies is ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief and try to force such rubbish upon everyone else while threatening sites with lawsuits for not banning people excposing their sick and filthy lies and deceptions when it comes to the foundation of their every issue to divide and conquer several countries simultanously with their pathetic conspiring bullshit. They can't handle a level playing field because all they primarily do is lie and deceive Hawkeye.

View attachment 26607
WEF/CCP Michael Yon says.....Vivek who has studied the matter deeply says that the CCP is at least partly the driver of WOKE, but he cant tell how much.

Masterful takedown by Dominique de Villepin, former French Prime Minister, of Macron's utterly irresponsible rhetoric on sending NATO ground troops to Ukraine (Villepin himself calls it irresponsible).

I translated it in full, because I think it's so important people are aware of the extreme danger behind Macron's (and some other NATO leaders) attempt to escalate the conflict:

"For this debate [over sending ground troops] to have been useful, it would have first been necessary for us to be able to answer 5 questions. Five risks associated with this escalation, this step we would be taking if we were to send ground troops, send fighters. Five risks.

The first is the expansion of the conflict. If we send ground troops, do we know if on the Russian side others will send, on the other side, ground troops? Will we face African fighters, will we face Asian fighters, will we face Middle Eastern fighters in this global south that also wants to take on the West? First risk.

[Host comments: This does not seem to me a favored scenario...]

If Westerners, Europeans, French send troops there, don't you think that solidarity will also play on the Russian side? I think we still need to ask ourselves that question. In any case, our diplomacy has not done what it should have to isolate Russia. If Russia were isolated, we would know it... I think, by the way, that we are more isolated, unfortunately, than Russia.

Second major question: new front. Risk of a new front. I warned, I was among the few voices to say 'be careful, Ukraine is a dangerous situation but what happens if another front opens?'. The front in Gaza and the Middle East has opened. But there are other fronts that can open: in Korea, in Africa... And so, are we going to wage war like this on all 5 continents? This reality must be taken into account: the world is not limited to the drama and tragedy of Ukraine. It turns out that America is a global power and that we claim to be a global power too, so we are concerned by the major balances and the order of the world, and unfortunately our diplomacy does not sufficiently take into account these disorders which concern the Congolese, the Sudanese, etc.

Third risk which is important: the terrorist risk. I am not thinking of terrorism that would come from our opponents in Ukraine, I am thinking of opportunistic terrorism. When there are situations of this type of disorder, terrorism strikes. And I remind you: we have planned here in France not a year of war, but a year of celebrations. In a few months, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and delegations will come from all over the world. We are going to spend several months celebrating the Olympics. If we need to mobilize, let's mobilize, but maybe it should have been done a bit more: I don't see a war economy, the preparation of minds in terms of civil defense and hybrid warfare, I see nothing... You don't just pull the idea of going to war in Ukraine out of a hat without having prepared a little...

Fourth risk: we are on the eve of an American election that will determine the new world order. It's a safe bet that we are heading for a new era of isolationism and protectionism like the world has never seen. We are seeing a split in this new world order between Trump and a China that has just celebrated the reunion of its parliament and is becoming more introverted, more focused on its security than ever. This is a general global context that must be taken into account.

And then there's one last element that may be one of the most important, which is the nuclear risk. I know the good experts, the great experts who speak on this subject and I respect them immensely. But sending ground troops, fighters, places us in a situation in terms of deterrence that we have never known. Forty years of Cold War: the forces of the Warsaw Pact and NATO forces never clashed. And it's not by chance: it's because of a reality that relates to the grammar of nuclear.

The rule of deterrence is based on the principle of mutual assured destruction. That is, if one uses the bomb and the other responds, we're all dead. [...] I think the nuclear grammar means that today the risk of NATO ground troops in Ukraine presents a risk and that this risk, for responsible powers, is unacceptable. I travel enough around the world to have observed something for 15 years: the use of nuclear weapons is based on political cultures, societal cultures, and civilizations. The world is changing and what seemed unthinkable 10 or 15 years ago appears today differently: the rhetoric of the enemy, the hatred of the other, has developed to a point where we live in an international community that may want to settle scores with the other. [...] Today, and I'm not just thinking of the Russians, let's not forget nuclear proliferation with countries like Pakistan and many others that now have nuclear weapons.

And it is in this that the principle of responsibility is essential, and there is a rule that must be drawn from all this: the logic of force, when not controlled, leads to an escalation that can be deadly. This is what makes the situation in Ukraine a real danger and it's also what makes - because this principle of the logic of uncontrolled force I would gladly apply to the situation in Gaza - it's what makes the Israeli policy applied today to Gaza a real danger. Because there is no control over the use of force. And when you look [...] all fronts are linked, all crises are linked."
You are racing towards a Straight Jacket and Rubber Room- Oh Well- pass the peanuts!
I am seeing reports that NATO has decided to massively upgrade its attacks on Russia, after constant warnings from Russia that they will hit back if this is done.

The Russians dont bluff.
Distant family member stationed in POLAND right now. Quite close to Ukraine border. NOT billeted in barracks but instead out in the field. Can visibly SEE Russian troop movement and heavy equipment. Pay attention! Wouldnt want to be in N.Y these days,... could very easily end up the site of the worlds biggest weenie roast. STILL think I was wrong when I said this INSANE war should have been peacefully negotiated BEFORE the blood started spilling? If so, are one insane POS.
Distant family member stationed in POLAND right now. Quite close to Ukraine border. NOT billeted in barracks but instead out in the field. Can visibly SEE Russian troop movement and heavy equipment. Pay attention! Wouldnt want to be in N.Y these days,... could very easily end up the site of the worlds biggest weenie roast. STILL think I was wrong when I said this INSANE war should have been peacefully negotiated BEFORE the blood started spilling? If so, are one insane POS.
The parts of Poland close to the Ukrainian border are about 500 miles away from Russian troops. There is no way to see Russian troop movements from that distance. In northern Poland (hundreds of miles from Ukraine) there is a border with Kaliningrad(Russia), but not a lot of Russian troops there.

Once the Russians are striking NYC, they will also be trying to knock out our nuclear weapons to keep us from counter striking. There is no way we let a nuclear strike on NYC go. That means that Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Missouri all get hit before NYC.

The Chinese army is ready, together with the Russian army, to defend justice in the world. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China Wu Qian.The Chinese armed forces are ready to work together with the Russian army to fully implement the important consensus reached by the heads of the two states.PLA military personnel are ready, together with their Russian counterparts, to “defend international justice and impartiality” and make every effort to ensure international and regional security, Wu Qian added.


The West is the abuser of the World.

The West will be dealt with.

Buckle Up.
The parts of Poland close to the Ukrainian border are about 500 miles away from Russian troops. There is no way to see Russian troop movements from that distance. In northern Poland (hundreds of miles from Ukraine) there is a border with Kaliningrad(Russia), but not a lot of Russian troops there.

Once the Russians are striking NYC, they will also be trying to knock out our nuclear weapons to keep us from counter striking. There is no way we let a nuclear strike on NYC go. That means that Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Missouri all get hit before NYC.
you still think de-escalation was a bad idea?

why can't you answer a simple fucking question?
you still think de-escalation was a bad idea?
We have given Putin huge numbers of off ramps. Putin has not taken them. We are trying our best to force Putin to take the off ramps, but there is only so much we can do.

Supporting genocide is not "de-escalation." It is supporting genocide.
We have given Putin huge numbers of off ramps. Putin has not taken them. We are trying our best to force Putin to take the off ramps, but there is only so much we can do.

Supporting genocide is not "de-escalation." It is supporting genocide.

Boris Johnson Pressured Zelenskyy to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia ... › news › 2022 › 05 › 06 › boris-johnson-pressured-zelenskyy-ditch-peace-talks-russia-ukrainian-paper
The Ukrainian news outlet Ukrayinska Pravda reported Thursday that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used his surprise visit to Kyiv last month to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut off peace negotiations with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have made tenuous progress ...