Theodicy, the problem of evil

Just because you don't have it, son, doesn't mean other people don't. You obviously have mental issues, either genetic or damage, which prevents you from exercising free will. Most people on the backside of the IQ Bell Curve lack the ability. The lower the IQ, the less free will they have.

I bet you would have had a tough time in philosophy class. You seem incapable of understanding the topic.
I don't think free will can be proven scientifically. But the ability to freely make choices seems so self evident to us psychologically it would take unequivocal and iron clad scientific proof that our sensory perception and psychological awareness are deceiving us to believe otherwise.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

...evidence which you simply choose to ignore. CF: the earlier discussion about fMRI findings that our sense of "agency" may be post hoc.

You aren't much of a philosopher of any sort. You simply ignore that which you don't understand and stick with that which someone else told you was the way it is. You should learn how to think for yourself a bit more.
Can we agree that Human Beings are a step above all other animals in terms of reason? That humans can make decisions by reasoning out the consequences whereas animals simply react to their genetics and experience?

Animals can reason such as a pig working at a latch to get at food, but that's as far as they go. They don't think about what Farmer John has planned for them much less plan out their adult life.

While the religious part of Free Will, the independent soul, is unlikely to be proved, there should be no doubt that most normal human beings can plan ahead and make decisions based upon those plans. That, IMO, is free will.

Yes, humans are unique in our cognitive complexity, as evidenced by complex language, art, advanced mathematics, science, philosophy, and an abstract and complex framework of ethics extending way beyond what is simply required for evolutionary survival.
...evidence which you simply choose to ignore. CF: the earlier discussion about fMRI findings that our sense of "agency" may be post hoc.

You aren't much of a philosopher of any sort. You simply ignore that which you don't understand and stick with that which someone else told you was the way it is. You should learn how to think for yourself a bit more.

"May" is not proof.

Irrespective of how many times you holler that I am mediocre and subpar, the reality is you relentlessly seek out my posts to read, and you confess to using the search function to find threads I authored before you were even here.

If you were a chick, I would take that as some kind of unhealthy fetish and fascination you bear for me.
Yes, humans are unique in our cognitive complexity, as evidenced by complex language, art, advanced mathematics, science, philosophy, and an abstract and complex framework of ethics extending way beyond what is simply required for evolutionary survival.

Agreed. It's those abilities that, IMO, not only separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, but is the basis for a physical definition of free will. Freedom to choose.
Apparently you have no problems with being a complete moron.

Perry has cognitive issues which may include autism, mental retardation or a personality disorder. He's made some outlandish claims such as earning a PhD, created a sock then quickly busted himself using it and, as this thread proves, he has anger issues.
Perry has cognitive issues which may include autism, mental retardation or a personality disorder. He's made some outlandish claims such as earning a PhD, created a sock then quickly busted himself using it and, as this thread proves, he has anger issues.

There's plenty of them out there.
That's what I suspect.

Yes, he has an odd penchant for changing his names frequently and becomes enraged if he's called "retarded". If you mention you have a college degree or any other personal accomplishment, he has an obsessive compulsion to prove he's better than you.
