Theology Question

fuck off. Sick of your stupidity. I see one more shit post like this and you are banned from my threads.

You are free to shut me out of your threads and ignore my existence, but that doesn't change the fact I exist.

Same goes in reverse; people can ignore you all they like but they are fools if they think that changes your existence.
I do not care if you think it is not real.
It isn't real. It's your imagination or a trick.

There's no such thing as magic, magick, ESP, ghosts or anything else beyond the physical laws of the Universe. It's fine for you to believe so, but I await proof before believing myself.
It isn't real. It's your imagination or a trick.

There's no such thing as magic, magick, ESP, ghosts or anything else beyond the physical laws of the Universe. It's fine for you to believe so, but I await proof before believing myself.

Telepathic communication sounds as implausible to me as Jesus walking on water.
Telepathic communication sounds as implausible to me as Jesus walking on water.

Agreed. There's no such thing.

Back in the late 70s when I was studying psychology, there were "Four Forces"; psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic and "Fourth Force" which included oddball things like biofeedback and ESP. Biofeedback eventually slid over to behaviorism since it's legitimate science, but the ESP stuff died out for lack of evidence.

During the Cold War both the US and the Soviets invested a lot of time and money in the area, then dropped it by the late 80s because there were zero results.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

do the clintons?
Agreed. There's no such thing.

Back in the late 70s when I was studying psychology, there were "Four Forces"; psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic and "Fourth Force" which included oddball things like biofeedback and ESP. Biofeedback eventually slid over to behaviorism since it's legitimate science, but the ESP stuff died out for lack of evidence.

During the Cold War both the US and the Soviets invested a lot of time and money in the area, then dropped it by the late 80s because there were zero results.

It's weird that anyone would mock the superstition of religion, but then talk about their ability to have telepathic conversations.
yourself, you said you wouldn't believe yourself without evidence.

It's easy to see why you're such a good patsy for your WSE militia. You can't see context.

It isn't real. It's your imagination or a trick.

There's no such thing as magic, magick, ESP, ghosts or anything else beyond the physical laws of the Universe. It's fine for you to believe so, but I await proof before believing myself.
It's weird that anyone would mock the superstition of religion, but then talk about their ability to have telepathic conversations.

Agreed. OTOH, my operating theory is that BP is a single, white female under 35 and probably under 30 with little to no college. She's still working things out for herself.
Maybe it's an educational process. Should a First Grade teacher give her students all the answers to tests on the first day of class then cut them loose for the rest of the year? Why? Why not?

Also consider that too many HS students think HS is the entire world. Some even kill themselves over it. Are they correct? No, they are not. HS is just the beginning. Those who believe in an immortal soul are effectively looking at their post-HS future. Those who think life is like HS will not be looking forward and may end up killing themselves when their HS life doesn't work out the way they'd like.
Self-Harm and Suicide Among Virginia
Youth Aged 9-18 Years, 2015-2021

I don't see theodicy as some massively huge metaphysical problem.

Humans have free will to choose righteousness or depravity

Most bad things that happen are a consequence free will. The only reason earthquakes are deadly is because humans have chosen to overpopulate and live in crowded cities. Most cancers are a result of us choosing to introduce synthetic chemicals and toxins into the environment. Death by flood is a consequence of choosing to live in flood plains.

A deity forcing us to be happy and secure requires taking away free will. And I am not sure if forced happiness is really something that even counts as happiness. Happiness is a state of euphoria, it doesn't say anything especially significant about the meaning and purpose of existence. Humans, almost uniquely among animals, seemed designed with a faculty for perfectibility, the desire and ability to improve one's condition