Theology Question

One of them. Is that a problem for you, Jank? Why? Why not?

You spend a LOT of time posting on here. Especially when you couple it with all the posts from your various socks like Perry and Cypress. It has got to be hard keeping them all straight. You don't seem to have much going on.
Seems that the person who primarily gives a "thumbs up" for Doc Dutch posts is Cypress and vice versa.


And they are the two loudest screaching about who is a sock of whom.

Sounds like projection to me. Or a very ham-fisted attempt at diversion.
You spend a LOT of time posting on here. Especially when you couple it with all the posts from your various socks like Perry and Cypress. It has got to be hard keeping them all straight. You don't seem to have much going on.
Why do you care how I spend my time, Jank? You're the one who is unhappy. If I was unhappy like you, I'd try to do things differently while hoping for a happier outcome. As it is, I see no reason to change much about what I'm doing.

Here's one of the things I did today. Care to guess what it is?

If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

Barack Obama is your god - ask him, fucktard.
Why do you care how I spend my time, Jank? You're the one who is unhappy. If I was unhappy like you, I'd try to do things differently while hoping for a happier outcome. As it is, I see no reason to change much about what I'm doing.

Here's one of the things I did today. Care to guess what it is?


Looks like a gun stock. Stands to reason. Looks like from your sig file you used to be a Trumper then you became a Desantis man and now you are Nikki Haley all the way.

You are cycling through all the MAGATS you can find. It stands to reason you are probably a gun enthusiast as well.
Seems that the person who primarily gives a "thumbs up" for Doc Dutch posts is Cypress and vice versa.


And they are the two loudest screaching about who is a sock of whom.

Sounds like projection to me. Or a very ham-fisted attempt at diversion.

1) Why do you care, Jank?

2) You troll just like Perry, the pussified PhD.

3) Are you jealous? Emotionally upset that you aren't loved for being a ham-fisted dumbass?
Looks like a gun stock. Stands to reason.

Looks like from your sig file you used to be a Trumper then you became a Desantis man and now you are Nikki Haley all the way.

You are cycling through all the MAGATS you can find.

It stands to reason you are probably a gun enthusiast as well.
Good guess, but incorrect.

Your leaps to conclusions are revealing of your inner mind, Jank. Thanks for the reveal.

Another hobby of mine is to point out how fucked up MAGAts are, but that's really a subsection of simply skewering arrogant dumbasses in general.

Yes, I'm a long time "gun enthusiast".
Good guess, but incorrect.

Good. Don't care.

Your leaps to conclusions are revealing of your inner mind, Jank. Thanks for the reveal.

It is shaped like a gun. If you deny this you are being dishonest in the extreme.

Another hobby of mine is to point out how fucked up MAGAts are, but that's really a subsection of simply skewering arrogant dumbasses in general.

So it's like your attacks on Perry, your sock? You go over the top hating on them while you are the same thing? OK.
Yes, I'm a long time "gun enthusiast".
Because that's literally ALL YOU AND CYPRESS talk about half the time.

I'm sure everyone will see what you do.

Guess I'm jealous of all the empty free time you have.
Wow. Running from the question. Figures.

Like you, some are dumbasses who perceive things that aren't there. Others see the truth more clearly. Mostly simply don't care...unlike you.

That would help explain it.
Good. Don't care.

It is shaped like a gun. If you deny this you are being dishonest in the extreme.
When you lie, you weaken your credibility.

Yes, it is shaped like a gun. It's not a gun stock. Have you ever owned a gun, Jank? Are you allowed to own a gun? Have you ever shot a gun with reasonable proficiency?
Oh look, douche duck thinks Sun Tzu was a famous chemist...

You seriously should have stuck it out through third grade...
LOL No wonder Trump loves you, Underscore. No, Sun Tzu is not a chemist but thanks for revealing you don't understand the quote.

I liked Third Grade. It's when I first started really enjoying reading SF books. It's also when I killed my first rattlesnake. LOL
When you lie, you weaken your credibility.

Why would I care what some friendless MAGA guy with too much free time does with his time?

Yes, it is shaped like a gun. It's not a gun stock.

Good for you.

Have you ever owned a gun, Jank?

I am fascinated by Second Amendment enthusiasts. Gun obsessed individuals like to play coy with their toys and try to leverage them to make themselves feel smarter than those who don't care about their hobby.

Are you allowed to own a gun?

Is that why you are such an advocate for ex-felons to be restored to full rights? Something that has come up for you?

Have you ever shot a gun with reasonable proficiency?

Yeah. Didn't excite me. If that's your thing then blast away. You seem like you might have a bit of an aggression problem so I am hopeful someone in your life keeps an eye on your "armory".
Why would I care what some friendless MAGA guy with too much free time does with his time?
Yet you do, hence the incongruity.

Good for you.

I am fascinated by Second Amendment enthusiasts. Gun obsessed individuals like to play coy with their toys and try to leverage them to make themselves feel smarter than those who don't care about their hobby.

Is that why you are such an advocate for ex-felons to be restored to full rights? Something that has come up for you?

Yeah. Didn't excite me. If that's your thing then blast away. You seem like you might have a bit of an aggression problem so I am hopeful someone in your life keeps an eye on your "armory".
I've never been convicted of more than a traffic ticket for speeding and that was years ago. Back when I learned that being the first one at the scene of an accident wasn't conducive to good health and a fat wallet.
Here is my position again (an agnostic position)...and there is no indecision whatsoever in that position. There is an explanation of why I will not make a blind guess in either direction. Nothing indecisive about that.

I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist…that the existence of a GOD or gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that at least one GOD must exist...that the existence of at least one GOD is needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or I don't.

(When I use the word "GOD or gods" here, I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'...IF SUCH AN ENTITY OR ENTITIES ACTUALLY EXIST.)

You choose to be indecisive.