Theology Question

It would appear that you are another poster of extremely limited reading comprehension. Ask yourself "What does IBDaMann's comment about the incomprehensible vastness of the totally hostile-to-life universe say about the absurd and utterly cruel inadequacy of the infinitesimally small world to which we have been relegated.


It amazes me how you believe you get to declare what I can and cannot design. Too funny. YOU might very well have an extremely limited imagination but I have already explained (i.e. in the present perfect) dozens of much better designs for the universe. It's very easy to do. I feel sorry for you being unable to do what even children can.

They don't understand it because it doesn't exist. None of it. It's the nectar of research grants and is tossed around as a buzzword in casual conversations by scientifically illiterates who are desperate to impress the gullible.

There isn't, at least not yet.

Nobody knows why the Big Bang happened, or if it happened at all. The Big Bang is currently the most popular speculation because it remains consistent with all of our exceedingly limited observations which have been made from our solitary vantage point.

There are other theories that differ and they are just as valid in their speculations insofar as they align with observations.

Nope. This is not what we find.

We find what I have already stated, that ALL of Earth's life has been relegated to an infinitesimally small speck, to fight like dogs in a pit for extremely limited resources in which humans die of starvation every day, as well as of all other species.

This is a rather grim situation. ALL terrestrial life is trapped on this speck. Nobody can just decide to fly away from this earth to another earth. There doesn't seem to be any terrestrial life-supporting planet within range of our grand sum of resources. Although we have used powerful telescopes to plot countless specks off in distant space, the cruel irony is that everything is located so far away that we can't even get probes to any of them to even eliminate them from consideration for potential colonization. There is nowhere for us to go. We are trapped.

What are the three Ls of real estate? Location, Location and Location. If there is an intelligent designer of the universe, he doesn't appear to have been too savvy in this regard.

However, there is another way to look at it. If you were to ask gfm7175, he'll remind you that without pain, we wouldn't understand and appreciate pleasure. Without suffering, we wouldn't really enjoy anything. I think most Christians believe that everything is part of God's plan, and that our time on earth isn't even a flash second compared to eternity, so perhaps this life of relegation to an infinitesimally small dog pit is to give us an eternity of fully appreciated bliss in heaven when we get there...

When I say "we", of course I'm using the Marxist "we" to imply that we atheists are naturally included, right? gfm7175, there's a large extra cheese meatlover pizza in it for you if it turns out that you're right and you put in a good word for me, or you leave the service entrance door slightly ajar.

Too long to invest time reading. It also gives off a whiff of mental illness.
Theology Question
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia? If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful. If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty. Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy. Even God has limits to power.
By the way, this is not a theology question. This is a philosophy question.

If you should decide to believe one way or another, you'll then have your individual theology on the matter.
If God is all powerful, why can God not make everyone happy? If God created the entire universe, why not create a utopia?

If God cannot make everyone happy, God is not all powerful.
If God can make everyone happy and does not, God is cruel and petty.

Solution, God is not all powerful and cannot make everyone happy.

Even God has limits to power.

What would be gained from a utopia?