Theology Question

Over attachment to rage, hostility, grievance is a type of slavery, and that is exactly the type of thing The Buddha, Laozi, Confucius, Jesus were teaching people to free themselves of.

Agreed as a matter of Free Will. Some people need a boost to cut the shackles.
If God is all powerful then why is this not a perfect world?

I don't know how often you get outside, but this is an achingly beautiful planet, maybe the most beautiful and hospitable one in the galaxy. Finely tuned in terms of atmosphere, magnetosphere, orbital dynamics, hydrosphere to be able to support a lush cornucopia of life.

From what we've seen in the solar system and what we can infer in exoplanets, sterility or inhospitality is the rule rather than the exception on other worlds.

Since we were gifted with free will and reason, we can choose to overpopulate and pollute this planet, or we could have chosen not to.
Here is my position again (an agnostic position)..
This is the atheist position.

I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist…that the existence of a GOD or gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that at least one GOD must exist...that the existence of at least one GOD is needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or I don't.
So you have no theism. You are an atheist.

It matters not that you don't know one thing or another. What matters here is that you don't believe anything in particular. You have no theism.
From what we've seen in the solar system and what we can infer in exoplanets, sterility or inhospitality is the rule rather than the exception on other worlds.
Within the visible universe, less than 0.0000000000000000000000001% is habitable by humans. Humans have been banished to an infintesimal speck to fight like dogs for extremely limited resources, in which people starve to death every day.

I can think of hundreds of much better designs for the universe.

Since we were gifted with free will and reason, we can choose to overpopulate and pollute this planet, or we could have chosen not to.
So, humanity is threatened with certain extinction, and further threatened with a quicker demise if we choose to enjoy existence to the fullest. Our only option is to live in collective misery accumulating pain as we attempt to stave off our inevitable doom for as long as we can.

Who wants to join me in singing "Always look on the bright side of life!"
Since we were gifted with free will and reason, we can choose to overpopulate and pollute this planet, or we could have chosen not to.

So, humanity is threatened with certain extinction, and further threatened with a quicker demise if we choose to enjoy existence to the fullest. Our only option is to live in collective misery accumulating pain as we attempt to stave off our inevitable doom for as long as we can.

Who wants to join me in singing "Always look on the bright side of life!"
It's always interesting to see you make these leaps of logic. Very telling about the inner workings of your mind, Sybil.

An alternative is to leave the planet leaving all the dumbasses behind just like immigrants abandoned the monarchies of Europe for the New World.
An alternative is to leave the planet
How many people are doing so? It seems like the easy alternative, right? Perhaps the most pragmatic. I'm guessing that at least a third of earth's population must be taking this alternative, right?

Where do you imagine they're going? Is there a website at which someone can coordinate his travel plans to leave earth? Do you have the URL?
How many people are doing so? It seems like the easy alternative, right? Perhaps the most pragmatic. I'm guessing that at least a third of earth's population must be taking this alternative, right?

Where do you imagine they're going? Is there a website at which someone can coordinate his travel plans to leave earth? Do you have the URL?
No many. How many years was it between the Vikings and Christopher Columbus and the Pilgrims? The American Revolution? The Moon? It took over 950 years to go from the Vikings to the Moon. I expect mankind will be colonizing the Moon, Lagrange Points and Mars in a hundred years. IMO, that's real progress.

1012 AD
1492 AD
1620 AD
1775 AD
1969 AD
Vikings had a settlement in North America exactly one thousand years ago, centuries before Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas, a study says.

Scientists say a new dating technique analysing tree rings has provided evidence that Vikings occupied a site in Newfoundland, Canada, in 1021AD.

It has long been known that Europeans reached the Americas before Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492.
395 Years Ago Today, Pilgrims Landed in Plymouth
Posted on December 21, 2015
On December 21, 1620, the Pilgrims came ashore at Plymouth.
After 66 days at sea and several weeks docked in Provincetown Harbor while the passengers explored Cape Cod, Mayflower finally docked in Plymouth on December 18th. On December 21st, the first expedition took the shallop ashore.
I expect mankind will be colonizing the Moon, Lagrange Points and Mars in a hundred years.
Why do you believe this? Do you believe there is some sort of rush to escape CO2 that will result in people flocking to where there is no atmosphere? Do you believe that enough people will fear some totally fictitious "warming" on earth that they will rush to where the daytime temperatures will instantly boil water? Do you believe that enough people will want to escape the fictitious Global Warming that they will seek the D-E-E-P freeze of the moon's nighttime temperatures? Do you think there will be enough panic over the erroneous perception of some sea level rise that humanity will clamor for the refuge of an oceanless dustball?

That's a retty bold prediction. I totally disagree, of course. I don't foresee any government or commercial organization working out the logistics to get the necessary work crews to the moon (or to Mars) with all the supplies and tools and oxygen to build the communities that no one wants to inhabit. There aren't going to be a whole lot of people who want to raise their children on the lunar surface, and olt timers aren't going to want to retire there.

I think we will be colonizing the ocean first.
Why do you believe this?

Because that's where the money is. Why do you think monied interests took an interest in the Americas and Africa? Sure the immigrants populated the frontier but it was the monied interests that pushed it. Same for space.
Because that's where the money is. Why do you think monied interests took an interest in the Americas and Africa? Sure the immigrants populated the frontier but it was the monied interests that pushed it. Same for space.

Please explain the monetary interest. I don't think anyone, given the choice, will want to leave earth to live on the moon. I admit to the possibility of building escape-proof prisons and penal colonies on the moon, but governments are going to have to drive that.
Please explain the monetary interest. I don't think anyone, given the choice, will want to leave earth to live on the moon. I admit to the possibility of building escape-proof prisons and penal colonies on the moon, but governments are going to have to drive that.
Here's one example: Asteroid mining -

Several examples from short term to very long term:

I'm certain the old fogies in Europe were asking the same questions you have about the Americas. "Why go there? It's wild and full of pissed off natives". Of course, in space, there's no pissed off natives to worry about. LOL
The only Krispy Kreme shop I know of around here is the one in the entrance promenade of Penn Station. It is adjacent to a pizza place that has some excellent pizza considering the location. The Krispy Kreme fillers are much better than the Dunkin Donuts fillers.

Agreed, but locally, Dunkin beat them with their coffee which, over the years, became more important than the donuts for some reason. Breakfast sandwiches, too.
In the Boston area, Dunkin Donuts coffee is much mote popular than Starbucks. Perhaps we have an East Coast bias, but I think it's just the coffee which isn't even similar.

Funny, but even though I like the train better than the air shuttle for coming to New York, as a former boxer and a lifelong boxing fan, I think of that building as Madison Square Garden.
I suppose Penn Station is the more important entity in the overall scheme of things.
Within the visible universe, less than 0.0000000000000000000000001% is habitable by humans. Humans have been banished to an infintesimal speck to fight like dogs for extremely limited resources, in which people starve to death every day.

I can think of hundreds of much better designs for the universe.

So, humanity is threatened with certain extinction, and further threatened with a quicker demise if we choose to enjoy existence to the fullest. Our only option is to live in collective misery accumulating pain as we attempt to stave off our inevitable doom for as long as we can.

Who wants to join me in singing "Always look on the bright side of life!"

The question he asked was not about "the universe", it was about this "world".

You couldn't design a better universe, because you don't know anything more than rudimentary physics, and the world's best cosmologists don't understand dark energy, dark matter, or whether or not there is a grand unified theory of forces, or why the Big Bang even happened.

The more we learn about the solar system and exoplanets, the more it seems Earth is unusual and finely tuned for a lush cornucopia of life. That doesn't require a belief in gods, that only requires a sober look at the known facts.

I doubt most world religions have ever said some deity is going to swoop in every time we screw something up to save us. We are infused with the free will and the rationality to choose to do the right thing
In the Boston area, Dunkin Donuts coffee is much mote popular than Starbucks. Perhaps we have an East Coast bias, but I think it's just the coffee which isn't even similar.
At Dunkin-D, you can get the same coffee that you can get at Star-B for half the price, and Dunkin-D has better food.

If you ever make it to the Pentagon food court, you'll notice a Star-B and a Dunkin-D almost side by side, and the line at Dunkin-D might as well be for a popular ride at Universal, i.e. very, very long. Star-B, not so much.

Trivia: The Pentagon food court has the busiest Subway franchise.
The question he asked was not about "the universe", it was about this "world".
It would appear that you are another poster of extremely limited reading comprehension. Ask yourself "What does IBDaMann's comment about the incomprehensible vastness of the totally hostile-to-life universe say about the absurd and utterly cruel inadequacy of the infinitesimally small world to which we have been relegated.


You couldn't design a better universe, because you don't know anything more than rudimentary physics,
It amazes me how you believe you get to declare what I can and cannot design. Too funny. YOU might very well have an extremely limited imagination but I have already explained (i.e. in the present perfect) dozens of much better designs for the universe. It's very easy to do. I feel sorry for you being unable to do what even children can.

and the world's best cosmologists don't understand dark energy, dark matter,
They don't understand it because it doesn't exist. None of it. It's the nectar of research grants and is tossed around as a buzzword in casual conversations by scientifically illiterates who are desperate to impress the gullible.

or whether or not there is a grand unified theory of forces,
There isn't, at least not yet.

or why the Big Bang even happened.
Nobody knows why the Big Bang happened, or if it happened at all. The Big Bang is currently the most popular speculation because it remains consistent with all of our exceedingly limited observations which have been made from our solitary vantage point.

There are other theories that differ and they are just as valid in their speculations insofar as they align with observations.

The more we learn about the solar system and exoplanets, the more it seems Earth is unusual and finely tuned for a lush cornucopia of life.
Nope. This is not what we find.

We find what I have already stated, that ALL of Earth's life has been relegated to an infinitesimally small speck, to fight like dogs in a pit for extremely limited resources in which humans die of starvation every day, as well as of all other species.

This is a rather grim situation. ALL terrestrial life is trapped on this speck. Nobody can just decide to fly away from this earth to another earth. There doesn't seem to be any terrestrial life-supporting planet within range of our grand sum of resources. Although we have used powerful telescopes to plot countless specks off in distant space, the cruel irony is that everything is located so far away that we can't even get probes to any of them to even eliminate them from consideration for potential colonization. There is nowhere for us to go. We are trapped.

What are the three Ls of real estate? Location, Location and Location. If there is an intelligent designer of the universe, he doesn't appear to have been too savvy in this regard.

However, there is another way to look at it. If you were to ask gfm7175, he'll remind you that without pain, we wouldn't understand and appreciate pleasure. Without suffering, we wouldn't really enjoy anything. I think most Christians believe that everything is part of God's plan, and that our time on earth isn't even a flash second compared to eternity, so perhaps this life of relegation to an infinitesimally small dog pit is to give us an eternity of fully appreciated bliss in heaven when we get there...

When I say "we", of course I'm using the Marxist "we" to imply that we atheists are naturally included, right? gfm7175, there's a large extra cheese meatlover pizza in it for you if it turns out that you're right and you put in a good word for me, or you leave the service entrance door slightly ajar.