Theology Question

I wonder what those who work at Shriners hospital and watch children die every day from cancer think about how powerful God is?

That's an ignorant atheist argument, dude: "Oh, look at all those who die! Proof there is no God!!!"

They are literally ignorant of the fact that those who believe in God believe in an afterlife. This life is irrelevant in comparison. Even some forms of Buddhism believe in the afterlife. Only the "When you're dead, you're dead" atheists fear death.

Matthew 16:26
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Obviously atheists like Trump don't give a fuck about their soul because they don't believe they have one.
I've got plenty.

YOU are the one saying there is nothing to discuss. Obviously YOU are the one who has got nothing.

So now you are reduced to just mouthing off...and pretending you are making a point. least you continue to provide laughs.


Unbelief isn't a point,it's lack of knowledge, so you replace with assumptions
Only the "When you're dead, you're dead" atheists fear death.
No Terry, everybody fears death except for some of those who are aware that they are very close to it and have accepted it.

The world is full of people who believe in an afterlife who nonetheless do everything possible to avoid getting themselves killed.


Death, Be Not Proud - John Donne

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
When personal attacks start it's because you have nothing to Debate! And it's not debate,it's you don't have certain knowledge.


There is lots to discuss...and debate. All you have to do is have the guts do it.

Lemme know if that develops with you.
You're wrong. Atheism is lack of beliefs in gods. Communism is a socioeconomic concept.

shut up, itn.

your tactics are retarded.

communism is explicitly atheist and against the nuclear families.

that's political and religious also.

you're just being a reductivist imbecile.
You're wrong. Atheism is lack of beliefs in gods.

Oh, if only it were that easy. But it isn't. (SOME dictionaries define it that way; some do not.)

Atheists seem to spend most of their posting time...explaining what they mean when they use the "atheist" descriptor.

If it were as clear as you suppose, why would all that explaining be needed?

As I see it, an atheist is...


That is really what an atheist is...just someone using the descriptor.

EVERY atheist lacks a "belief" that a god exists. But not every person who lacks a "belief" that a god an atheist. I lack a belief that a god exists, but I am NOT an atheist. I also lack a belief that there are no gods...and I am not a theist either.

Some atheists actually assert (as a fact) that no gods exist. Obviously, that is merely a belief. There is no way to ascertain it is a "belief"...essentially a blind guess.

Some atheists assert (as a fact) that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one. I defy any who do to present a syllogism showing a P1 and P2 that logically results in a C of "Therefore it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one."

Can't be done. Give it a try if you think it can. The assertion is a belief...essentially a blind guess.

Atheist, albeit contrived to be "non-believer", is the result of belief.

I hope you will discuss this with me.
Oh, if only it were that easy. But it isn't. (SOME dictionaries define it that way; some do not.)

Atheists seem to spend most of their posting time...explaining what they mean when they use the "atheist" descriptor.

If it were as clear as you suppose, why would all that explaining be needed?

As I see it, an atheist is...


That is really what an atheist is...just someone using the descriptor.

EVERY atheist lacks a "belief" that a god exists. But not every person who lacks a "belief" that a god an atheist. I lack a belief that a god exists, but I am NOT an atheist. I also lack a belief that there are no gods...and I am not a theist either.

Some atheists actually assert (as a fact) that no gods exist. Obviously, that is merely a belief. There is no way to ascertain it is a "belief"...essentially a blind guess.

Some atheists assert (as a fact) that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one. I defy any who do to present a syllogism showing a P1 and P2 that logically results in a C of "Therefore it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one."

Can't be done. Give it a try if you think it can. The assertion is a belief...essentially a blind guess.

Atheist, albeit contrived to be "non-believer", is the result of belief.

I hope you will discuss this with me.

The term "atheist" is mostly used by Christians to describe anyone not buying into their religion.
The term "atheist" is mostly used by Christians to describe anyone not buying into their religion.

Could be a lot of that. But I know a HUGE number of people who use the word as a self-descriptor...and love it. They get no help from Christians to use it. I suspect there are more people using it to describe themselves...than there are Christians using it to describe non-Christians.
The term "atheist" is mostly used by Christians to describe anyone not buying into their religion.

Scroll up, Miss BP, and look at other religious threads in this form. There’s lots of self-labeled atheists. Trying to blame it on the Christians is bullshit.
You're wrong. Atheism is lack of beliefs in gods. Communism is a socioeconomic concept.

Soviet and Chinese communism were based on the scientific materialism of Marx, which in practice included the promotion of scientific atheism and the repression of religion.