There Is No Such Thing As Gay PRIDE

Righties sure are preoccupied with gay sex for some reason, aren't they?

Yeah....some reason.....

May 25, 2011 - "Today’s NY Times has a chart that outlines the “key communications” in the House of Representatives about Mark Foley’s inappropriate contact with pages. More than one of the names in the chart, which includes Kirk Fordham, are rumored to be closeted gay Republicans who have been working at the highest levels of the Republican leadership. They have been looking at their names in print for the last couple of days and no doubt fearing for their futures in a Party that is in political free-fall.

Are ambitious closeted gay Republican officials, the most reliable people Speaker Hastert could have delegated the Foley problem to last year? Obviously not. Heat on a closeted gay Republican in the House is heat on all closeted gay Republicans in the House."


Haggard's Law
I wonder how many JPP conservatives' logins and emails are exposed?

Nearly 800,000 emails, passwords and usernames attributed to accounts on the Brazzers porn site forum have been leaked.

The hack contained over 900,000 individual records. Aside from inactive or duplicate accounts, that meant some 790,724 unique email addresses, usernames and plaintext passwords are now out in the ether.

Though the data came from the site's separate forum, other users of the site were reporting their data had been included in the breach as accounts were shared between the two sites for convenience.

Brazzers did not immediately respond to request for comment.
What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Ya' know.....there IS a clinical-explanation, for your activism....and, recognizing you've got a problem is half-the-battle, er......half-your-battle!!!

Projection is the psychological phenomenon where someone denies some aspect of their behavior or attitudes and assumes instead that others are doing or thinking so.
2400 years ago in the Symposium, the Gayist aristocratic philosopher Plato preached that heterosexuality was a low activity practiced by born losers. In his own self-serving doctrine, the special, glorious, and high-class love was homosexuality. So Gayists do have a pride that makes them feel superior about their obsessive and addictive delusion.

It is telling to me that you think gayness is addictive.... Do you fear if you tried it you might get "addicted"?