What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's hilarious, from you of all ppl. Talk about not wanting freedom of speech!

How is there freedom of speech curtailed; because they have the ability to create their own thread and complain all they want.

Think it being like a movie theater, you can stand up and yell FIRE; but there are consequences for doing so. :D

But then, you're obviously worried that you wouldn't be able to contain yourself and would probably be one of the first ones made to sit in the corner for a week; seeing as how your past behavior is indicative of such a consequence being handed out.

Exactly why I voted to keep them as well. There aren't that many known trolls, but the worst of them are virulent and cause interesting discussions to quickly devolve into sandbox squabbles only with swears.

And again you exhibit so much irony, with a total lack of self-awareness.

I seldom read your shit so that's probably why I never even saw your plea for someone to look at you. There are enough other needy, desperate damaged attention whores here as it is, and that's why you are almost always thread-banned from my OPs. There are also plenty of quality threads that anything you start isn't needed.

You're welcome, and please have a pleasant evening. :laugh:

Did you really FEEL that I cared that you didn't view it or respond, plus is this reply from you a desperate plea for me to pay attention to it; because you aren't being forced to post anything at all and you could have just STFD and STFU.



How is there freedom of speech curtailed; because they have the ability to create their own thread and complain all they want.

Think it being like a movie theater, you can stand up and yell FIRE; but there are consequences for doing so. :D

But then, you're obviously worried that you wouldn't be able to contain yourself and would probably be one of the first ones made to sit in the corner for a week; seeing as how your past behavior is indicative of such a consequence being handed out.

You put the Mor in Moron, don't you? Yes, banning someone for wandering off topic on a thread is a freedom of speech issue. Not in the Constitutional sense of course, but in the sense that you want to remove their right to say *anything* if someone wanders off topic. Thread bans are a better way -- because you are so terribly insecure -- to make sure that the discussion always goes the way you want it to. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the mods have enough to do babysitting you and your whining cohort without having to convene and decide whether a comment is off-topic or not. Hopefully this post will satisfy your need for my attention. :laugh:
I personally voted to abolish them.

Even with thread bans the nastiness can still be read on another thread.

I personally like to read the trash coming from the racist lets me know exactly where they stand.

As I have been doing for years I can simply scroll pass their post.

This site is full of racists scumbags and a tread ban isn't going to change that.

My apologies, I have never changed my name so I'm not up to how it's done.

Oh and have you started traveling yet?

Physician, heal thyself first and remove the beam from thine own eye.

You put the Mor in Moron, don't you? Yes, banning someone for wandering off topic on a thread is a freedom of speech issue. Not in the Constitutional sense of course, but in the sense that you want to remove their right to say *anything* if someone wanders off topic. Thread bans are a better way -- because you are so terribly insecure -- to make sure that the discussion always goes the way you want it to. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the mods have enough to do babysitting you and your whining cohort without having to convene and decide whether a comment is off-topic or not. Hopefully this post will satisfy your need for my attention. :laugh:

Just when I think you can't be more amusing, you surprise me.

How am I removing their right to say "anything"??

The fact that you keep responding to someone who you say you don't read, is an apparent sign of insecurity and a plea to "LOOK AT ME, PLEEEEEASE".

Would you care to make a bet as to who the MODs have had enough of or are you just blowing smoke out your ass, AGAIN??

The "Amazon" label is just an excuse to be an ignorant prick to anyone who doesn't share his flavor of politics. Notice how he never mentioned Toxic, who is a thread disrupter par excellence. He also didn't mention Grumpy or RB, because they share political POVs.

I'm a "thread disrupter"? Yeah, I call out hypocrites on occasion, but you can't say I'm obsessed with one particular poster.

(It starts at post #9...)
Ftr I voted to keep threadbans. Truth Destroyer... page after effing page of nothing except .gifs and insults. CFM... page after effing page of the N-word. I Hate America... page after page of hate, racism and death wishes. I don't need people like this trashing my threads and don't even want to waste the time scrolling past them. I'm exercising the right not to see their shit just as they're exercising their right to be gross, disgusting assholes.

your threads aren't really worth it cuntswallow
Ftr I voted to keep threadbans. Truth Destroyer... page after effing page of nothing except .gifs and insults. CFM... page after effing page of the N-word. I Hate America... page after page of hate, racism and death wishes. I don't need people like this trashing my threads and don't even want to waste the time scrolling past them. I'm exercising the right not to see their shit just as they're exercising their right to be gross, disgusting assholes.

I don't see you calling out or banning guno (among other leftists). But then, I suppose partisan politics might have something to do with it?
It looks like Keep is going to win in a land slide. All of you little bitchers and whiners can now STFU.

Now I have to expand my ever growing thread ban list
I have taken the liberty of pruning my thread ban list. There were many douche bags that are no longer here. But, like my cock, it is long and distinguished
Yep, we are from those old boards where there were no added extras. You either made it on your own, sink or swim. lol

I would change my vote if it was getting close. Although I will survive either way. No, I'm not traveling, are you? Have you heard anything from your old friend?

Life it short, you need to get out and will change your perspective on life.

Now that I'm retired I travel at least twice a year to a place I've never been before. Headed to Africa next spring and I can't wait. There are still states I haven't been too here in the US. Hope to complete that list within the next 5 years.

Which old friend?
Life it short, you need to get out and will change your perspective on life.

Now that I'm retired I travel at least twice a year to a place I've never been before. Headed to Africa next spring and I can't wait. There are still states I haven't been too here in the US. Hope to complete that list within the next 5 years.

Apologies for butting in -- but how wonderful! What countries will you be seeing?
Apologies for butting in -- but how wonderful! What countries will you be seeing?

No worries about butting in. Back story. Minty has said years ago that she doesn't travel, barely been out of florida……'s why she has no grasp of life and other cultures. Racist don't travel much. They see life in their own little bigoted bubble. But one thing I can say about Minty, she is true to who she his. She doesn't make you read between the lines or spin shit so much it makes you dizzy. She says what she means, and she means what the says. She's a proud racist and I can respect that.

We'll be traveling to Johannesburg

Soweto and Apartheid Museum tour
Liliesleaf Farm
Maboneng Precinct
Constitution Hill
The Satyagraha House: Gandhi’s former residence.

Can't wait.
No worries about butting in. Back story. Minty has said years ago that she doesn't travel, barely been out of florida……'s why she has no grasp of life and other cultures. Racist don't travel much. They see life in their own little bigoted bubble. But one thing I can say about Minty, she is true to who she his. She doesn't make you read between the lines or spin shit so much it makes you dizzy. She says what she means, and she means what the says. She's a proud racist and I can respect that.

We'll be traveling to Johannesburg

Soweto and Apartheid Museum tour
Liliesleaf Farm
Maboneng Precinct
Constitution Hill
The Satyagraha House: Gandhi’s former residence.

Can't wait.
What a load of shit. I thought you were being nice but screw you and your perpetual hate-fest. I'm not a racist and you labeling me as one doesn't make it true.

I've been out of Florida lots of times. I said I don't care anything about traveling all over the country and world and I don't. There is one for certain, you see everything based on race and your endless hatred. I am sorry someone raised you to hate like this.