Tim Walz left National Guard Battalion 'Hanging"

You might try to post something that is at least rational.

Such as the radical left attempting to portray Walz as the Pro-2A hunter? Is that too complex for a drone like you to grasp?

LOL - you don't have to be stupid as a stump to be a democrat.

Oh wait, yes you do...
They're trying to distract us from their crazy weird VP

candidate who only served four years, and that as a writer rather than as a soldier... and who uses that service for political coin.
He didn't cut and run when he was sent to a WAR ZONE where the enemy wants to kill you if you wear a US uninformed. He didn't tell anyone that he carried a rifle into war when he did not. He didn't get busted down in rank when he abandoned the unit he led and let them go to Iraq without him. He didn't claim to retire at a rank that he did not have.
It's hard to beat a Democrat who is for the people, for unions, for families, etc. who is also a long-serving American veteran.
Who left the military the minute when it asked him to use the training that the American people had invested into him.

I'd say they should be ashamed of themselves, but none of them experience that conscience-cleansing emotion.
What would you know about having shame?

Tim Walz was a Master Sergeant who served 24 years, retired from service at 41. JD Vance served for 3 years as a Journalist. Not discrediting their service.. but JD Vance attacking Walz's service is comical.​

JD Vance went to a war zone where the enemy wants to kill everyone wearing an American uniform where the roads are littered with deadly IEDs. Walz was too afraid to go to Iraq so he quickly quit despite the fact he had promised to serve longer and signed on the bottom line. Walz in effect said screw you to the men that depended on him. So the military busted him back a rank.
The most accurate paper in America.

Vastly more accurate than the New Woke Times, The Amazon.Com Post (formerly WaPo), Tampa Bay Herald, LA Times, et al. You know, the ones who blatantly lied about the Hunter Laptop. The ones that blatantly lied about Russian Collusion to support an attempted coup.

The Post reports accurately - which enrages you Stalinists.
You are hopelessly detached from reality.