Tire gauge-gate

"But I suppose team Obama and the idiots on the left haven't exaggerated in any of their ads or depictions of McCain... right?"


I knew it would come down to "they do it too!" You ask for lies, we give 'em to you, and you can't even be a good sport & acknowledge you've been embarassed. Instead, it's 'everyone lies...we all know that!'

Why do I do so much work for you? All effort, no reward.....
LMAO... this is so hypocritical for you and gumby to be tossing out your faux outrage on some political spin like this. Because how many times just today has Gumby stated what "my positions" are on different topics that are not my positions? How many times did you flip out on global warming because I would not agree with you 100% and then you pretend that somehow made me a global warming denialist.

How many times does your little circle jerk team come at me with the whole... you are a Bush apologist bullshit, even after I state how bad he has been both economically and with the management of the war.

But I suppose team Obama and the idiots on the left haven't exaggerated in any of their ads or depictions of McCain... right?

And you just did exactly what you accused Obama of doing. You're trying to shift focus away from you and your wrongness.
And you just did exactly what you accused Obama of doing. You're trying to shift focus away from you and your wrongness.

Ok... I point out where Loraxs "lies" aren't lies. Then I ask if you are going to call every piece of political spin a "lie". If you call every piece of spin from the left or right a "lie" then yes McCain lied, Obama lied, Clinton lied, lorax lied, gumby lied, and the list goes on and on.... everyones a liar.

McCain was correct in saying Obama ducked out on a visit to the troops. Obama could have gone but chose not to.

McCain was correct in that Obama stated the surge wouldn't work and that it might even increase the violence.
"But I suppose team Obama and the idiots on the left haven't exaggerated in any of their ads or depictions of McCain... right?"


I knew it would come down to "they do it too!" You ask for lies, we give 'em to you, and you can't even be a good sport & acknowledge you've been embarassed. Instead, it's 'everyone lies...we all know that!'

Why do I do so much work for you? All effort, no reward.....

Again... I pointed to where your "lies" were not lies. Yet you fail to address those. I did not say... look Obama lies too. I asked if you were going to say that every bit of political spin from either side was a lie? Because if you have that broad of a definition then yes, they are all liars.
Again... I pointed to where your "lies" were not lies. Yet you fail to address those. I did not say... look Obama lies too. I asked if you were going to say that every bit of political spin from either side was a lie? Because if you have that broad of a definition then yes, they are all liars.

You could save a lot of breath & space if you just said "I'm a hopeless partisan hack" about 20 posts ago. You could have saved me a bunch of time, as well. I'll try not to be bitter about that.
No, yes, I don't catch bullets.

Increasing supply when supply already outstrips demand isn't going to change a damn thing. If oil had a REAL scarcity problem and prices were due to demand, as you claim, then we'd see demand being greater than the supply. But we do not. We did (just barely!) two years ago. But not these days.

the speculation market is based on supply and demand as well. The more people wanting to make some easy money on oil, the higher the future value goes. It's really econ101 here.

Increasing supply may lower prices unless speculation continues to spiral. Can you blame people for wanting to make money? If so, you're an idiot
You could save a lot of breath & space if you just said "I'm a hopeless partisan hack" about 20 posts ago. You could have saved me a bunch of time, as well. I'll try not to be bitter about that.

LMAO... coming from a complete partisan hack... that just really hurts me so much. So again, is every bit of political spin a "lie" in your opinion?
"your hackery knows no bounds."

MY hackery? You somehow make the other thread about Bush, and you turn this one into "show me the lies; okay, don't, because when you do, I'll trivialize them as I usually do," and I am the hack?

You're a train wreck, Superfreak. You're a one-way, unhinged locomotive with no breaks careening toward Hackolopolous. I realize again & again that you're not even aware of how you sound on these threads, of how you have to constantly switch topics & focus (which must get exhausting, btw) so you don't have to confront your own insane hackery.
And, btw, no one believes that you're really laughing your ass off all the time, as your responses on this board would seem to indicate....
You addressed two mistruths and claimed they aren't lies. How about the others we posted, supertard? McCain and MLK Day? Thats as outright a lie as you can get.
The "lie" about the troops? So Obama didn't cancel his visit? No, that part is true. Was the ad fucking retarded... yes, but it wasn't a friggin lie. He canceled because he was told that someone on his staff couldn't go? He should have gone. Unless of course he is such a weak leader that he can't go on a simple visit to the troops without his hand being held.

As for the surge... Obama did indeed state that he thought the surge would not make things better AND that he thought it could actually make things worse. I posted that the last time you whined about this supposed "lie".

You spout off ignorant crap about not knowing a lie.... well could that be because you see lies in damn near everything a Rep says without giving a shit whether a lie actually exists or not. You behave like a good little lemming and scream "he lies" whenever the left wing nutjobs tell you to.

Good little lemming.

Obama continues to toss out the "oh look the Reps are about to go all racist on me" and not a peep from you morons to condemn it. Then you have your little leg humper who reads some leftwing nutjobs article and then proclaims it as his opinion and that he sees racism "subliminally" in the most recent pathetic ad from McCain. Which translates to... I will find a way to proclaim every ad from McCain and the Reps has "subliminal" racism. Because we love to play that race card. It is our only line of defense.

Good to see you are all such good little sheeple. Baaaaa...

Wow, you are one bizarre dude. So emotional, so partisan, so geeky and lame. This weird rant could have easily passed for one of Dixie's flatulence-riddled rants.
Wow, you are one bizarre dude. So emotional, so partisan, so geeky and lame. This weird rant could have easily passed for one of Dixie's flatulence-riddled rants.

Coming from the dixie of the left that really has a lot of punch. Hell even dixie isn't as much of a complete hack as you. Why don't you quit humping legs and do try to come up with your own responses.
"your hackery knows no bounds."

MY hackery? You somehow make the other thread about Bush, and you turn this one into "show me the lies; okay, don't, because when you do, I'll trivialize them as I usually do," and I am the hack?

You're a train wreck, Superfreak. You're a one-way, unhinged locomotive with no breaks careening toward Hackolopolous. I realize again & again that you're not even aware of how you sound on these threads, of how you have to constantly switch topics & focus (which must get exhausting, btw) so you don't have to confront your own insane hackery.

Give me a fucking break. YOU are the one that posted the article that used Bush's estimates as some sort of justification for Barack and his car maintence comments. It was from the very article you posted, so how exactly is it that I brought Bush into the thread????

This is why you are such a hack. I question the validity of what you post and somehow you turn that into a complete bullshit attack.
Give me a fucking break. YOU are the one that posted the article that used Bush's estimates as some sort of justification for Barack and his car maintence comments. It was from the very article you posted, so how exactly is it that I brought Bush into the thread????

This is why you are such a hack. I question the validity of what you post and somehow you turn that into a complete bullshit attack.

You deserve no break. You're being dishonest AGAIN, in a very McCain-esqe way. Are all of you on the right like this? Is there some sort of school where they teach it?

I didn't say you "brought Bush into the thread." I said you took that piece of the article & chose to make it the focus of your replies, and tried to make the thread about something else entirely (the left is using Bush stats! LMAO!), instead of addressing the main point of the thread, which is that Obama's suggestion (not solution, as you also dishonestly implied) is a valid, sensible suggestion, and not worthy of the ridicule & distortion that your masters have given it.
You deserve no break. You're being dishonest AGAIN, in a very McCain-esqe way. Are all of you on the right like this? Is there some sort of school where they teach it?

I didn't say you "brought Bush into the thread." I said you took that piece of the article & chose to make it the focus of your replies, and tried to make the thread about something else entirely (the left is using Bush stats! LMAO!), instead of addressing the main point of the thread, which is that Obama's suggestion (not solution, as you also dishonestly implied) is a valid, sensible suggestion, and not worthy of the ridicule & distortion that your masters have given it.

1) I did not state that I thought it was his entire solution. If you want to play semantics have at it. But the point was this PORTION of his solution (does that make you feel better).... is assuming that the majority of the country doesn't already do so. Otherwise the impact is not as YOU implied. It also assumes that vehicles are using all of the oil. Because that is exactly what it does when you try to compare the percentages of the the offshore drilling impact with the car maintenance

2) Again, how is that comparison of the two not the main point of the article? The comparison is the basis for the argument that the portion of Obamas solution is somehow more impacting than offshore drilliing. But I know... it isn't what YOU wanted to focus on.
"Again, how is that comparison of the two not the main point of the article? The comparison is the basis for the argument that the portion of Obamas solution is somehow more impacting than offshore drilliing. But I know... it isn't what YOU wanted to focus on."

The point was that the GOP it touting offshore drilling & ridiculing Obama's suggestion, but that neither makes a huge impact, and both can be part of a more comprehensive approach. You honed in on the one part of it and ran with that; the whole idea is that it's stupid for McCain to be ridiculing the tire suggestion, because the difference between that & the impact of offshore drilling is negligible. Yes, the article uses the Bush admin stats & based on those, speculates that the impact of checking tires would be more, but the MAIN point of the article - that it's stupid to make fun of Obama's suggestion - doesn't change if you use other stats, and drilling is closer to checking tires, or would even have more of an impact than checking tires.

You're just too stupid to see that. I'm consistently amazed by the depth of your stupidity. Go ahead now - give me your best "LMAO" and call me a good little lemming as you attempt to distract even further in defense of your Messiah.