‘Trayvon Martin’ gun range targets sold out in two days

The targets are appalling. I'm ashamed that someone even thought of making them ... whether Zimmerman is found innocent or not.

As to the other case, I wasn't there to witness the trial and will have to trust the jury on this one...until someone shows some more information.
so says her defense, which 12 jury members only took 12 minutes to realize was bullshit.

Florida's law says "a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat" if "he or she reasonably believes" it is necessary to prevent "imminent death or great bodily harm" or "the imminent commission of a forcible felony." In 1999, furthermore, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a woman attacked by her husband in the home they share has no duty to flee.


Rational moms don't fire guns into a room where their children are.

Is a woman being abused in fear of her life "rational"? I guess you missed the fact that the shot reportedly was aimed into a wall.

She could have easily escaped the situation.
George Zimmerman certainly could have. But you think selling targets of his unarmed victim is "awesome", don't you?
\\\(())///;998944[B said:
Florida's law says "a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat" if "he or she reasonably believes" it is necessary to prevent "imminent death or great bodily harm" [/B]or "the imminent commission of a forcible felony." In 1999, furthermore, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a woman attacked by her husband in the home they share has no duty to flee.


and yet you are all over zimmerman . . .

Is a woman being abused in fear of her life "rational"? I guess you missed the fact that the shot reportedly was aimed into a wall.

So says the defense.

George Zimmerman certainly could have. But you think selling targets of his unarmed victim is "awesome", don't you?

I was trolling on that front, I do think they are in bad taste. But I really like that it's ruffling your jimmies
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20 years for shooting a wall in warning to an abusive husband...While Zimmerman killed a kid and walked...'Just Us' in Amerika...yes it's infuriating Bijou.

Not that I agree with the prosecution; but the one difference here, is her own testimoney.
She was in the garage - No Problem
She retreived her handgun - No Problem
She returned to the house - No Problem (yet)
She shot at him - Problem

Now, who wants to tell me why it went from No Problem to Problem?
You usually don't have to feign ignorance. No wonder you suck at it.

Marissa Alexander is an African-American who fired a warning shot in self-defense and got 20 years....as opposed to a George Zimmerman, a man who shot and killed an unarmed African-American teen and didn't get charged with anything for 45 days and is free on bail...and is proclaimed "innocent" by rightwingers who say Trayvon Martin targets are "awesome".



"SELF DEFENSE" from who and what was she defending herself from.?
I'm not defending the prosecution; but instead am trying to get the bleeding hearts to start using logic, instead of feelings.
Sure I would. Especially if I knew my kids were still in the house with the guy. It would be worth it to chance getting my hands on the gun I knew was inside the house, 'standing my ground' in my own home, and blowing his shit away. Damn right I would.

And then, you would go to jail; for a very loooooooooong time.
the jury found her guilty because they are being misled about what their job as a juror is. they found her guilty according to the letter of the law, instead of being allowed to judge the use of the law. judges and prosecutors hate jury nullification.

Anyone who goes to Court seeking "justice" is a fool.
We have Courts of Law.
and yet you are all over zimmerman . . .

I am?

So says the defense.

So says Rico Gray.

‘I got five baby mammas, and I put my hands on every last one of them except for one,” Rico Gray confessed during a November 2010 deposition. “The way I was with women . . . they had to walk on eggshells around me.” He recalled punching women in the face, shoving them, choking them and tossing them out the door.

Gray has been arrested twice for domestic battery, including an assault that sent Alexander to the hospital. In September 2009, Alexander obtained a protective order against Gray that was still in effect on Aug. 1, 2010, when he flew into a jealous rage after discovering, while poking through her cellphone, that she had sent pictures of their newborn daughter to her first husband.
Alexander was in the master bathroom at the time, and Gray tried to force his way in. When she came out, he screamed and cursed at her while preventing her from leaving the bedroom. “I was like forcing her back with my body,” said Gray, who is seven inches taller than Alexander and outweighs her by 100 pounds.

When Alexander managed to get by, she ran through the kitchen to the garage, where she says she realized she did not have the keys to her car, could not call for help because she had left her cellphone behind, and could not escape because the garage door was not working. Instead she grabbed her gun from her car and headed back through the kitchen, where Gray confronted her again.

In his deposition Gray admitted he “had told her if she ever cheated on me I would kill her” and during the fight said, “If I can’t have you, nobody can.”

He conceded he “was going towards her” when Alexander fired a single shot, high and to his right, that went through the kitchen wall and lodged in the living room ceiling. Finally he left, along with his two sons.

“The gun was never pointed at me,” Gray said. “She just didn’t want me to put my hands on her anymore, so she did what she feel like she have to do to make sure she wouldn’t get hurt.”


I was trolling on that front, I do think they are in bad taste. But I really like that it's ruffling your jimmies

So you admit you are the troll here. Good to know.

Are you and Webbway going to produce a Marissa Alexander punching bag to go with your "so awesome" Trayvon Martin targets?
And then, you would go to jail; for a very loooooooooong time.

Nope. Self-defense. 'Stand your ground'. Unless the jury's a bunch of fuckheads, like this one was, as was the one who let Casey Anthony walk....

The system isn't perfect. Justice doesn't always prevail.
"SELF DEFENSE" from who and what was she defending herself from.?
I'm not defending the prosecution; but instead am trying to get the bleeding hearts to start using logic, instead of feelings.

See above.

How about trying to get the suppurating pustules (including yourself) to start using the rule of law, instead of racist/sexist snap judgements?

Florida’s self-defense law says “a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat” if “he or she reasonably believes” it is necessary to prevent “imminent death or great bodily harm” or “the imminent commission of a forcible felony.”

In 1999, furthermore, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a woman attacked by her husband in the home they share has no duty to flee.

Not that I agree with the prosecution; but the one difference here, is her own testimoney.
She was in the garage - No Problem
She retreived her handgun - No Problem
She returned to the house - No Problem (yet)
She shot at him - Problem

Now, who wants to tell me why it went from No Problem to Problem?
Because she didn't kill him.

Had she done so, she could've claimed self defense, and nobody would know any different.
Apparently, the JPP he-men think it's OK to slap, punch, choke and threaten to kill a woman.

But she'd better not stand her ground.
Nope. Self-defense. 'Stand your ground'. Unless the jury's a bunch of fuckheads, like this one was, as was the one who let Casey Anthony walk....

The system isn't perfect. Justice doesn't always prevail.

It's not stand your ground, when you return and place yourself in the situation.
See above.

Florida’s self-defense law says “a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat” if “he or she reasonably believes” it is necessary to prevent “imminent death or great bodily harm” or “the imminent commission of a forcible felony.”

In 1999, furthermore, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a woman attacked by her husband in the home they share has no duty to flee.


You're leaving out that she had already "retreated, it doesn't say you get to return.