Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

This is what's happening dumbshit.

The Magats position is that the reality your headline details does not matter if they are told to FEEL bad. That only feelings matter and not fact.

Damocles goes farther saying 'those of us left of Magats are gullible and being lied to by the media because, in fact the economy is weak and bad but we just eat up the propoganda'.

This despite the message of a strong economy being reported even on Fox Business even if the Fox Opinion side, the only side Damo listens too, continues to tell them, it is bad. That they are not to believe FACTS and are only to believe what they and Trump repeat. Remember to them people they called criminals attacking the Capital are now hostages simply because Trump keeps repeating it.
He isn't afraid of the issue. Trump is the only one saying the country is falling apart. Every economist out there says we are doing great.

The U.S. economy is navigating through a period of deceleration, with J.P. Morgan predicting a modest real GDP growth of 0.7% in 2024, a slowdown from a better-than-expected 2.8% growth in 2023. Consumer spending is anticipated to grow. The Federal Reserve's projection of easing the Fed Funds target range to 4.00%-4.25% by the end of 2024, suggests a soft landing for our economy​ (JPMorgan)​. In other words, we're fine and growing.
I see it more as a badge of stupidity. If you agree with a post you can compliment it with a like and nothing more needs to be said. But a groan suggests you disagree, and in that case you owe it to the poster and also to the forum to say why you disagree, that you have an opinion on the topic different from that of the poster you groaned. A groan is a kind of confession you're not smart enough to say why.
Well, thanks for stating I’m not smart, I disagree of course, but you are entitled to your opinion. I groan because sometimes posts just are too stupid to comment on them or Im blocked.
That is stupid. You think the abortion issue is over since Trump says it's up to the states? No one with sense believes that asshole.

Some people self-soothe with lies like that. In reality, the MAGATs are terrified that the abortion issue is once again going to be responsible for a large (D) turnout and (D) victories across the country, including a second term for Biden. Did you catch the irony of someone who is constantly lying about how terrible the economy is, being upset that low-income ppl and seniors can get affordable life-preserving medications, thanks to Biden?
Good idea. So the right is finally saying that if the people vote for it that abortion should be allowed. The majority in the country think it should be and every state even the rightwing Ohio and Kentucky said allow it. I guess it just takes the rightwing fuhrer to say let the states decide for all those rightwingers to say let the voters decide because that's what he says.

Yesterday I posted a graphic that showed which states have already put the abortion issue on November's ballot, and those that are working on it. Most of them are red states, of course. And in those states, like Missouri which currently has a total ban, the Reichwingers in the legislatures are doing every thing they can to keep it off the ballot. They KNOW what the people want -- reproductive freedom, and they want to deny it to them. So much for "letting the states decide," eh?

Here's that map again. It will be interesting to compare it after the election with results for the (R)s.

Well, thanks for stating I’m not smart, I disagree of course, but you are entitled to your opinion. I groan because sometimes posts just are too stupid to comment on them or Im blocked.

Sorry. I was thinking of my experience as a groan recipient. I try to post something useful and when the comeback is just a groan I write it off as dumb and ignore it. As for stupid comments I disagree with, I ignore them as well which seems preferable to me to acknowledging them with a groan.
He doesn't agree with Biden and is a liar. He is saying it's up to the states in order to hopefully not lose the election however Biden is right when he says "don't kid yourself, he will sign a ban just as soon as it's placed on the desk in front of him".

He can't possibly be pro-life if he's fine with states allowing abortion or fine with states enacting a 6 week ban. He doesn't give a shit either way and just wants to win the election and hopefully stay out of prison.

So Trump would allow States to promote abortion up until birth if they chose? WOW!
The Magats position is that the reality your headline details does not matter if they are told to FEEL bad. That only feelings matter and not fact.

Damocles goes farther saying 'those of us left of Magats are gullible and being lied to by the media because, in fact the economy is weak and bad but we just eat up the propoganda'.

This despite the message of a strong economy being reported even on Fox Business even if the Fox Opinion side, the only side Damo listens too, continues to tell them, it is bad. That they are not to believe FACTS and are only to believe what they and Trump repeat. Remember to them people they called criminals attacking the Capital are now hostages simply because Trump keeps repeating it.

Isn't it funny how quickly the Reichwing media dropped the focus on the border, after #TRE45ON commanded the (R)s to scuttle the border security bill? Now the focus is on what a wreck the economy supposedly is in. The less-bright among the Cult insist that it's true even in the face of actual data showing otherwise. So they've apparently lost the border as a fear-mongering chip, and abortion as well.

I love the smell of MAGAT fear sweat in the morning. Smells like victory. lol
Isn't it funny how quickly the Reichwing media dropped the focus on the border, after #TRE45ON commanded the (R)s to scuttle the border security bill? Now the focus is on what a wreck the economy supposedly is in. The less-bright among the Cult insist that it's true even in the face of actual data showing otherwise. So they've apparently lost the border as a fear-mongering chip, and abortion as well.

I love the smell of MAGAT fear sweat in the morning. Smells like victory. lol

They are scrambling to find an issue, but they have a lot of time to make one up.
Hahahaha! Good point. I see some of our duller RW friends here still believe that (D)s support abortion up to the moment of birth.

I know, I enjoy pointing out how stupid their claims are.... Notice they mostly ignore facing their stupid rhetoric.
I know, I enjoy pointing out how stupid their claims are.... Notice they mostly ignore facing their stupid rhetoric.

Evidently a requirement for being an (R) voter today is the ability to reject reality, facts, truth and stick loyally to whatever the Gropingfuehrer and RW media tell them to believe.
Evidently a requirement for being an (R) voter today is the ability to reject reality, facts, truth and stick loyally to whatever the Gropingfuehrer and RW media tell them to believe.

Well, yes. That is necessary for an intellectually honest person to support the current "conservatism" that has developed in this land.
Biden's new abortion campaign ad will help America understand what a horrible person he is... Never let a true tragedy go to waste... The poor mom had a miscarriage... She lost a baby.... And they're playing it for everything it's worth...smh...
Well, yes. That is necessary for an intellectually honest person to support the current "conservatism" that has developed in this land.

I'm not sure that I would call anyone "intellectually honest" who believes the false stuff that #TRE45ON and RW media spew though.