Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

Said no one ever.

If you ever posted without lying - would the celery stalk that substitutes for a brain in you explode?

Well, the universe will never know.

Calm down, trump asked for 11,780 votes. Better?

Trump asked Raffensperger to "find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won this state."
He didn't - you're just lying - as always.

He didn't - you're just lying - as always.

Standard Disclaimer: You obviously really are so stupid you think the idiocy you post from hate sites is real.

Saying "IF I were dictator for one day I would.." is in no way saying "he will be a dictator on day one." But you're so fucking stupid you really don't grasp it.

Saying "fraud of this level invalidates the election and allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution" is the opposite of saying "he would trash the constitution if it gets in his way". But you're so fucking stupid you really don't grasp it.

The problem is, you ignorant cow, you really are stupid as a stump.

He did not say "if," you moron. He said he'd be a dictator on day one.

Hannity: "I want to go back to this one issue though because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances you're promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?"

"Except for Day 1."

: "Except for?"

: (pointing to Hannity) "Look, he’s going crazy. Except for Day 1."

: "Meaning?"

: "I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill."

: "That’s not retribution."

Trump, referring to Hannity
: "We love this guy. He says, ‘You are not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, no, other than Day 1.’ We are closing the border and we are drilling, drilling, drilling. After that I am not a dictator, OK?"
May I butt in briefly? Unfortunately I've known Toxic TOP for 14 years now as she follows me from forum to forum. She natters about the economy but knows nothing about it. She refuses to tell you what is really meant by her feared "the death of America." She is against SSM and other rights for LGBTQ ppl. She loathes BLM. She is racist to the core. She has yet to meet a victim of sexual assault who was blameless -- it's the woman's fault for drinking, wearing certain clothes, being out at night, etc. She is anti-abortion, anti-sex ed, anti-contraception. She is anti-all religions except Xtianity.

She is on the wrong side of virtually every social issue you can name.

That is what she means by Biden being the "death of America."

I don't have a problem with her personally or her conservative views because that's just the way a lot of people are.

Half the country aamof.

Besides, I've had some good friends who were conservative.

And while I don't fully agree with the positions you attributed to her, I don't fully disagree either.

I don't care about SSM, but some of these trans issues like drag queen reading pro-queer indoctrination books to children and all that forced pronouns stuff is over the top. Same with pushing DEI in public schools. Etc, etc.

I have no love for BLM either.

And as far as sexual assault victims are concerned, I don't "blame" them, but to say none of them have ever put themselves in that situation through their own poor choices is unrealistic too.
If you feel it’s constitutional to order women to give birth to prevent abortions

Then we should also be ordering men not to impregnate without the distinct plan of creating a child

We own your bodies if you claim you Own our bodies

Fair is fair

Snip snip you fucking dips

You are the one who wants people totally controlled and it shows.
Reproductive Freedom? What exactly is being reproduced or produced when these women kill their un-borns? The appropriate words to describe
this so-called reproductive freedom would be to call it unproductive killing of a fetus that will not have the chance to enjoy the freedom of life itself.

Just keep your tiny dick to yourself and let the women have sovereignty over our bodies. Thanks.
He is desperate to get on the other side of this issue.

I am glad to see he agrees with Biden on this part of the issue.

as I recall, state's rights to choose has been the Republican platform since 1972.......Biden is advertising that if he's re-elected he will make Roe v Wade a federal law.....(not sure how he thinks he can do that, but that is what he says)........nobody with a brain agrees with Biden on anything.......
take away a woman's reproductive rights.
why do lib'ruls pretend killing their unborn children is a right to "reproduce"?

Do you agree with Trump about the federal abortion ban?
I agree with all rational people that a state level decision on abortion is the exact opposite if a federal ban........why are you stupid enough to claim otherwise?.......
Nationwide polls for the presidential candidates:

Emerson College poll (April 2-3): Biden 42%, Trump 43%, with Trump leading by +1.
YouGov/The Economist poll (March 30-April 2): Biden and Trump tied at 43%.
Trafalgar Group poll (March 29-31): Biden 40%, Trump 43%, with Trump leading by +3.
Morning Consult poll (March 29-31): Biden 44%, Trump 42%, with Biden leading by +2.
Big Village poll (March 29-31): Biden 42%, Trump 40%, with Biden leading by +2.
Data for Progress poll (March 27-29): Biden 41%, Trump 42%, with Trump leading by +1.
Marist College/NPR/PBS NewsHour poll (March 25-28): Biden 43%, Trump 41%, with Biden leading by +2.
Marquette University Law School poll (March 18-28): Biden and Trump tied at 41%.
Additionally, according to Gallup, 29% of Americans believe that neither former President Donald Trump nor President Joe Biden are good options for the presidency in the upcoming election.

These results suggest a close race, with leads fluctuating slightly across various polls. It's important to consider the methodology and sample size of each poll, as results can vary.

national polls are meaningless.....we don't elect presidents based on a national popular vote......
I'm ok with that, as long as the Magats do not try to block women going out of State from getting abortion care or contraceptives or access to fertility treatments.

But Magats never stop at saying 'we will not allow it in our State' and instantly turn to 'how do we stop you accessing it anywhere else'. And that is because Magats are extremists, more like the Taliban than a democracy.

nobody has suggested that women who want to kill their children can't go someplace like California to do it......I'm sure there will be other states where people lack moral values as well.....just look what Gretch the Wretch did to Michigan in 2020.....we get to kill our children up to the 30th day of the 9th month and we aren't even allowed to make sure abortion clinics get cleaned in between patients or have doctors on hand in case of emergencies.......strides of progress for women's "reproductive" rights, eh?.......
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
There's something wrong with someone who's against people having affordable required life-saving medications, don't you think?

what is your preferred "life saving medication" for killing an unborn child?......
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

We own your bodies if you claim you Own our bodies

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
let the women have sovereignty over our bodies. Thanks.

here's a valid solution then......instead of chopping up the child's body, chop up your own...because you don't own or have sovereignty over the child's body......fucking cope with that reality......
But don't you agree that it's a position Joe Biden should advertise heavily?

"I'm Joe Biden, vote for me and I'll give your children heroin!"

Yep, building takes a long time. Biden came in and burned everything down - that goes quickly.
A LONG TIME... Hopefully rebuilding begins with the beginning of his departure in November...
Wokeness is close to collapse, so the timing is just right...