Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

Just keep your tiny dick to yourself and let the women have sovereignty over our bodies. Thanks.

I heard those spotted owls out west practically made them extinct by those hunters, and climate change etc. But look here, we still see a
spotted owl woman who just can't stand the idea of giving all of GOD's children the right to life, but has more of her leftist concern over
the spotted owl's life. BTW, you couldn't answer the question as to what exactly is your Nazi reasoning, or your leftist answer as to what
exactly are these fanatic abortion women producing or reproducing when it comes to the anti freedom of the fetus?
this is
A bottom feeding sewer rat.
This is just not normal...
"Originally Posted by evince View Post
Go put your seed in another man’s ass

Then take him to court for not giving it back to you

See how the court reacts

Tell the court he must keep that sperm up his ass for nine months and then go the the hospital and have it removed surgically at a danger to his asshole ever working correctly again

See how the court sees your claim

Then see if you can have him imprisoned because that sperm isn’t viable anymore"
I heard those spotted owls out west practically made them extinct by those hunters, and climate change etc. But look here, we still see a
spotted owl woman who just can't stand the idea of giving all of GOD's children the right to life, but has more of her leftist concern over
the spotted owl's life. BTW, you couldn't answer the question as to what exactly is your Nazi reasoning, or your leftist answer as to what
exactly are these fanatic abortion women producing or reproducing when it comes to the anti freedom of the fetus?

How the fuck were you brought up in the metropolitan Boston area, Libby?

Your values come straight from the depths of demented crackerland, not civilization.

Did your poor mom drop you on your head a lot?
How the fuck were you brought up in the metropolitan Boston area, Libby?

Your values come straight from the depths of demented crackerland, not civilization.

Did your poor mom drop you on your head a lot?

Look here, you're still alive, but not as of yet up to realizing the radical anti American landscape that we're all unfortunately living
under this miserable and destructive administration. So what's your answer to my question as to what exactly is this reproductive
or productive freedom of having a fetus killed? Did the fetus receive any freedom under this leftist saying?
Look here, you're still alive, but not as of yet up to realizing the radical anti American landscape that we're all unfortunately living
under this miserable and destructive administration. So what's your answer to my question as to what exactly is this reproductive
or productive freedom of having a fetus killed? Did the fetus receive any freedom under this leftist saying?

Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother.

Can I say it any more plainly than that?

This world is ass fucking deep in babies.

The earth's human population is close to twice what it can support adequately.

All you mutant pachys can do it try to force poor kids into coming into this world unwanted

when terminating them is the only humane thing we can be doing.

You have no consciences at all.
You're diseased with religious superstitions that make you dysfunctional.
Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother.

Can I say it any more plainly than that?

This world is ass fucking deep in babies.

The earth's human population is close to twice what it can support adequately.

All you mutant pachys can do it try to force poor kids into coming into this world unwanted

when terminating them is the only humane thing we can be doing.

You have no consciences at all.
You're diseased with religious superstitions that make you dysfunctional.

OMG, good to see that you worship Satan and are all in for the elimination of our future generations. You know,
we need to get on the train ride against population control. Of course, at your miserable age and life, you could
care less if anyone gets to live life from the birthing moment.
Watching the misogynists pretend that they're entitled to so much as an opinion, never mind a say,
on the subject of women's sovereignty over their own bodies,
doesn't make me laugh at all.

It seriously pisses me off.

hold a mirror up shit stain

the majority of women in many states are also very opposed to abortion on demand. they don't need you men protecting them from having a say in how their government operates.

the sheer hubris of you to come in and declare someone is a misogynist for not seeing it your way is hysterical. you are a retard though, so I am sure this point will go right over your pointy head.
hold a mirror up shit stain

the majority of women in many states are also very opposed to abortion on demand. they don't need you men protecting them from having a say in how their government operates.

the sheer hubris of you to come in and declare someone is a misogynist for not seeing it your way is hysterical. you are a retard though, so I am sure this point will go right over your pointy head.

Most intelligent people here will believe me when I speak of your mental and moral inadequacies, Z.
You don't have to keep proving my point with your stupid posts.
So you're in complete agreement that men should have a say about the unborn child that they helped create?

I'm not in agreement at all.
We don't have to go through the horrid misery of carrying and bearing the child.
Had I been born a woman, I'd have born as many children as I have as a man.
The Gestapo wanted kids, so I dutifully cooperated.
The Gestapo could be a persuasive broad.
What's your suggestion to make it fair? I haven't
Seen anyone ordering someone to get pregnant... And I know of no woman who became pregnant without a man involved.... So if you make one Then there has to be a chance for both people to have a decision to decide what should happen to that baby... Do you not agree? We're not talking about Criminal creation Or medical emergencies...

You used to occasionally make sense. WTF is this?

The only time the male participant should have any say over a pregnancy is if the woman decides to go to term. Then he can help her with medical bills and any pregnancy-related living expenses. After the birth, if the woman decides to adopt the child out, he should get a chance to petition the court to adopt the child. If she decides to keep and raise the child, then he can pay child support and petition the court for visitation rights. That's it. That's it. No other say.