Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

This is just not normal...
"Originally Posted by evince View Post
Go put your seed in another man’s ass

Then take him to court for not giving it back to you

See how the court reacts

Tell the court he must keep that sperm up his ass for nine months and then go the the hospital and have it removed surgically at a danger to his asshole ever working correctly again

See how the court sees your claim

Then see if you can have him imprisoned because that sperm isn’t viable anymore"

Wow, you like it so much you REPEATED it -- twice! Maybe you can use it for your bedtime prayer? Your "Dear Heavenly Father, please smite all those people on that forum who don't like me" is getting threadbare. :rofl2:
You used to occasionally make sense. WTF is this?

The only time the male participant should have any say over a pregnancy is if the woman decides to go to term. Then he can help her with medical bills and any pregnancy-related living expenses. After the birth, if the woman decides to adopt the child out, he should get a chance to petition the court to adopt the child. If she decides to keep and raise the child, then he can pay child support and petition the court for visitation rights. That's it. That's it. No other say.

Every argument you witches use to kill babies can be used by men to not pay child support. You want the baby and he doesnt then you support the baby. You gold digging whores are self absorbed asshole. Go fuck yourselves
blood tests show gender at 6 weeks

nobody has a right to gender preference as the reason to abort.

Roe. v Wade was standing in the way of any state implementing reasonable legislation to prevent such an atrocity.
Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother.

Can I say it any more plainly than that?

This world is ass fucking deep in babies.

The earth's human population is close to twice what it can support adequately.

All you mutant pachys can do it try to force poor kids into coming into this world unwanted

when terminating them is the only humane thing we can be doing.

You have no consciences at all.
You're diseased with religious superstitions that make you dysfunctional.

:hand: :hand: :hand:

You always tell it like it is, even though it's harsh.

"Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother."
OMG, good to see that you worship Satan and are all in for the elimination of our future generations. You know,
we need to get on the train ride against population control. Of course, at your miserable age and life, you could
care less if anyone gets to live life from the birthing moment.

I bet you like to think of yourself as a "Christian," don't you?

Too bad nobody else, including Jesus, thinks that you are.
I bet you like to think of yourself as a "Christian," don't you?

Too bad nobody else, including Jesus, thinks that you are.

You anti Christians on the left have no idea what it means to be a Christian and what it means to have morality
and a desired need to believe in a higher power (that of Christ), and not like yourself who believes any higher
power comes from a totalitarian/authoritarian/Communist/Progressive/Socialist/Fascist/Democrat administration
like we currently have now. And you having 5 kids or not doesn't take away from the possibility that you are
full on board with today's democratic agenda of turning people into trannies who support wokeness.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

You always tell it like it is, even though it's harsh.

"Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother."

it is sophomoric

men fill out selective service cards - they don't sit and cry about how it is their body and you can't make them
You anti Christians on the left have no idea what it means to be a Christian and what it means to have morality
and a desired need to believe in a higher power (that of Christ), and not like yourself who believes any higher
power comes from a totalitarian/authoritarian/Communist/Progressive/Socialist/Fascist/Democrat administration
like we currently have now. And you having 5 kids or not doesn't take away from the possibility that you are
full on board with today's democratic agenda of turning people into trannies who support wokeness.

Okay, Sparky. Put the crack pipe down and go get you a nice Bud Light. Drink up! lol
Until the umbilical cord is cut, it's part of its mother,
and the only party with any say as to its disposition
is the mother.

Can I say it any more plainly than that?

This world is ass fucking deep in babies.

The earth's human population is close to twice what it can support adequately.

All you mutant pachys can do it try to force poor kids into coming into this world unwanted

when terminating them is the only humane thing we can be doing.

You have no consciences at all.
You're diseased with religious superstitions that make you dysfunctional.

Quick question... So is a miscarriage the loss of a baby? (I'm going to have to disagree that termination.It's the only "humane" thing to do to a healthy developing baby... Perhaps the humane thing to do would be to take more care not to create children that are unwanted... It's fairly simple..;))
what do you say?

you should be happy your Satan state can keep the bloodbath flowing.

It's none of your fucking business. You cannot infringe upon and take the rights that belong to a woman away for the unborn. Do everything you can to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies with education and birth control but you can't take the woman's rights away from her.
This is the correct decision on trumps part.

conservatives trying to change the consitution on abortion even in the case of rape is the usual dumb republican strategy they use to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

but trump isn't really a republican now is he?

this is #winning.

cue the full term baby killers to come call me a hypocrite....

Nobody gets an abortion in the last few months of pregnancy unless there is something seriously wrong with the baby or the life of the woman is at stake. Your "full term baby killers" statement is utter bullshit, it doesn't happen.
It's none of your fucking business. You cannot infringe upon and take the rights that belong to a woman away for the unborn. Do everything you can to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies with education and birth control but you can't take the woman's rights away from her.

so are you still for abortions up until full term then?

im actually pro choice in the first trimester,

but I will side with the evangelos if you cannot find some limit prior to full term.

this used to be settled.