Trump confesses on the stand.

The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.

What do you base that on? Trump got his day in court and provided paperwork that asked for a bench trial. He got it. Quit using Infowars. Rich people get every break that exists in the system. You would not be allowed to act like Trump did today. You would be looking out through bars.
This is not a trial. It is a determination of how much he should pay.
Yes, because the evidence is clear.

I just enjoy that Trump admitted it today. Yes, he approved the evaluations. Yes, he was in charge. Yes, he understood the evaluations.

This is about how much Trump should be punished and if he himself should be punished. Today, Trump admitted his part in the deal. The ruling will be harsh on Trump, and today sealed that deal.

There will be no successful appeal on this issue.

You still going with the "guilt before the trial is held" angle?


You know absolutely zilch about how American jurisprudence works.
He's also beating the shit out of Biden in the polls. What's that say about Biden...?

It means conservatives adore criminals and lying sleazebags. I think Trump would crush Ronald Reagan in a GOP primary.

Regarding biden, the only poll that counts is the one on election day.
They do not care about case, just that Trump must be innocent because they LOVE him.

Nor do you care about facts or evidence. You hate Trump as a good drone, because the Borg Collective programmed you to.

The absurdity of this thread fit with the absurdity of all you post. It bears no resemblance to reality, but no doubt some idiot on MSNBCCP was masturbating and cumming to the mantra of "WE GOT EMANUAL GOLDSTEIN THIS TIME" - probably that mindless fuckwad Scarburough with his Jew hating wife.
It means conservatives adore criminals and lying sleazebags. I think Trump would crush Ronald Reagan in a GOP primary.

Regarding biden, the only poll that counts is the one on election day.

The G-O-P is D-E-A-D. Trump killed what was left of it in 2018 after it had been bleeding from the thousand cuts started by Newt Gingrich.

Agreed, but notice the polls are within the margin of error. IMO, it's not a matter of asking all Americans or just Democrats and Republicans. It's a matter of how the Independents feel about both Biden and Trump.

I'm guessing most Independents will vote Democrat in 2024 if Trump is the nominee since they are beholding to America, not a political party.
Why should trump be guilty of anything? It's always someone else's fault, my dear. ALWAYS!

Herr Comrade EnGöring lied about the value of Mar-A-Lago. Judicial misconduct of the most profound level. EnGöring will go down as the most corrupt man since Boss Tweed.

His meltdown this morning was epic. The filthy old Stalinist isn't able to control himself.
He has already been found guilty in summary judgement.
As the pundits suggested since last week, trump was in a pickle today.

I believe his rare words of truth were solely because his legal team spent two weeks telling him all about perjury

He had no choice.
Nor do you care about facts or evidence. You hate Trump as a good drone, because the Borg Collective programmed you to.

The absurdity of this thread fit with the absurdity of all you post. It bears no resemblance to reality, but no doubt some idiot on MSNBCCP was masturbating and cumming to the mantra of "WE GOT EMANUAL GOLDSTEIN THIS TIME" - probably that mindless fuckwad Scarburough with his Jew hating wife.

I care about the facts and evidence, that is how I can see Trump is guilty.

I am convinced in the classified documents case and the Georgia RICO case, not convinced in the Washington D.C. and NYC cases, but I have not seen much evidence in those cases.
I care about the facts and evidence, that is how I can see Trump is guilty.

I am convinced in the classified documents case and the Georgia RICO case, not convinced in the Washington D.C. and NYC cases, but I have not seen much evidence in those cases.
trump is too ignorant to even realize that he played right into the D.A's trap yesterday.

It even took the judge the entire morning to figure out the ploy.

Well played, NYC. Well played.
trump is too ignorant to even realize that he played right into the D.A's trap yesterday.

It even took the judge the entire morning to figure out the ploy.

Well played, NYC. Well played.

I noticed. Basically they just gave Trump all the rope he wanted and he confessed to almost everything.
Trump is an indicted criminal, a fraud, and an amoral sleazebag who just also happens to be conservative's most popular and beloved Republican politician of the 21st century.

you've been saying that for six had to go so far as to pass a new law to create a crime you could charge him with.......even that case has been handled so badly it will likely be remanded if the judge decides against just also happens that makes him more popular with folks who think you're dickheads......