Trump confesses on the stand.

There are many photos of those documents in a bathroom.

But you had to lie and claim that it was a PUBLIC restroom. Because you are a Stalinist and Trump is the enemy of your Reich. See, you lie about everything. You just think it's okay because this is an enemy - any lie in service of the Reich is good.
But you had to lie and claim that it was a PUBLIC restroom. Because you are a Stalinist and Trump is the enemy of your Reich. See, you lie about everything. You just think it's okay because this is an enemy - any lie in service of the Reich is good.

It wasn't a public bathroom? So prove it to us.........
The judge was never going to rule in Trump's favor. The trial is for nothing but show. That's been clear from the start of it, like it or not.
WHich s normal in fraud committed in such open and obvious ways.

This is spot on. The decisions were made a long time ago.
Yes. When Trump completed the frauds.

Are you two Trump slurpers shocked when a bank robber is caught on video and the trial is basically over before it starts because no judge is going to rule in his favor?

First off, the only thing EnGöring made a summary judgement on was the valuation of Mar-A-Lago, which he did in order to tamper with the proceedings. After all, a legitimate appraisal of Trump's assets makes the case by EnGöring and James collapse. In an actual summary judgement, there is no trial, not even the farce of a bench trial by this corrupt pile of shit.

You have beclowned yourself beyond redemption.

Trump has not been found liable of anything, yet. But we know EnGöring is utterly corrupt so he will rule in favor of the party. He will also be eviscerated on appeal.

So badly wrong, you are really uninformed.
Why should he? trump is guilty of fraud. Not only in this particular case, but in EVERY business venture he ever participated in.

He stole money from his casinos, leaving investors to take the beating after bankruptcy.

trump U, trump's myriad bogus charities, etc. were all fraudulent.

trump fucked up when he accidentally won the election in '16. All of his skeletons came flying out of the closet, and now he will pay.

Yup and lets not forget SDNY (Bragg) just recently secured Fraud verdicts against Trump org, to add to that list.

Lettisha is just completing the work he started by showing the 'ongoing pattern of fraud' needed to shutter all of Trump Org.
She forced him to testify, then got upset when he was Trump. I wish I were a fly on the wall.

Who got upset?

The DA? I think she was pretty happy with his confessions. Every single legal expert I have seen says Trump sealed the deal on the remaining counts by admitting to the things they need him to admit to.

She already won the biggest part of her case before it even started, now I'm fairly certain she won the rest, and any appeal.
I noticed. Basically they just gave Trump all the rope he wanted and he confessed to almost everything.
He feels most comfortable when he's bashing people. So they let him rant, and he let down his defenses.

He did have to be careful about perjuring himself, but he's too stupid to have been aware of the pitfalls.
Nope. Only not quite like a VP and previous senator did with classified documents (which he wasn't even allowed possession), leaving them in plain site in an open garage.

except neither Pence nor Biden kept the documents and obstructed after they were found and asked for back which is the crime.

you know, the actual CRIME Trump is charged with.

Was it better that Trump left his classified documents in a public bathroom? Or that he showed them to his friends, who later discussed them with others?

it's about the same.

no actual effect on anything.

There was a funny Sean Hannity video and reply posted to that question.

Sean Hannity was suggesting that 'At least a Bathroom has a lock' as a way to suggest it was more secure than Biden's garage.

The person who replied pointed out the lock, for bathrooms only works from the INSIDE, meaning it only protects the person inside with the documents from being interrupted and having anyone see what they are doing with the doc's.

So Sean was correct that the bathroom is more secure, but it is more secure for a thief copying what is in the documents.
I always thought the maximum penalty was a foregone conclusion. The suit is for $250 million. Can the judge rule higher?

No. the smart money is betting the final judgement amount Trump org will have to pay or be liquidated to get will be north of $500MM but under $1B.

Any way you slice it Trump Org is done, as Trump has always bragged how highly leveraged it is (meaning very little cash) unless he gets a friendly bailout from some friendly Saudi's or Russians.
Your fake media has you brainwashed. Public bathroom? Showed them to friends? Discussed with others? I say you are brainwashed crazy with TDS.

And once again you show how stupid people get fooled by right derp media reports.

Many members of Mar a lago have commented that Bathroom is open to anyone at Mar a logo who is in the pool or ballroom area. Any member of guest.

We have both a tape of Trump showing someone the 'Iran attack documents' while we hear Trump brag about and saying it 'exonerates him' and the Australian Billionaire who has given detailed depositions of all the classified info Trump shared with him that he shared with 3rd parties. Things he could not know, had Trump not shared them with him.
He has a long history. Further, that he denied constitutionally guaranteed civil rights to someone in his court - even an enemy of the Reich - makes him a bad judge.

He swore to uphold the Constitution, an oath he has obviously broken. I get it, the only real oath he is bound by is to serve the party. But as for a judge under our Constitutional Republic - he is corrupt - tainted - a fraud.

Still waiting for your answer. I guess you just make this crap up!
But you had to lie and claim that it was a PUBLIC restroom. Because you are a Stalinist and Trump is the enemy of your Reich. See, you lie about everything. You just think it's okay because this is an enemy - any lie in service of the Reich is good.

Still waiting for a reply. You post Ione lie after another.
Who got upset?

The DA? I think she was pretty happy with his confessions. Every single legal expert I have seen says Trump sealed the deal on the remaining counts by admitting to the things they need him to admit to.

She already won the biggest part of her case before it even started, now I'm fairly certain she won the rest, and any appeal.

Reports were that the Judge beseeched his attorneys to control him "if you can"... He apparently didn't answer the questions and just kept talking about what he wanted to regardless of what was asked.
Reports were that the Judge beseeched his attorneys to control him "if you can"... He apparently didn't answer the questions and just kept talking about what he wanted to regardless of what was asked.

What kind of fucking moron deliberately seeks to antagonize the Judge in a bench trial?
What kind of fucking moron deliberately seeks to antagonize the Judge in a bench trial?

Apparently Trump. As I said in the past... I truly hope they are taking audio records, once this is over I am going to FOIA the transcript and any audio record.
Apparently Trump. As I said in the past... I truly hope they are taking audio records, once this is over I am going to FOIA the transcript and any audio record.

It'll all be in the inevitable appeal. Trump is more notorious for throwing money at litigation than he is in stiffing his own lawyers. It's the billionaire's form of a SLAPP suit.

It's also one reason why Trump wants to control the DOJ; he can bury enemies in charges and watch them go broke defending themselves without spending a dime of his own money. You know how much Trump looooves his money, right? LOL
What kind of fucking moron deliberately seeks to antagonize the Judge in a bench trial?

He wasn't talking to the judge. He was speaking to his Trumplestilskins and firing them up. He already lost this decision. It is now about determining what Donnie will pay. He is supposed to want 123 people in his defense. That is just a way to drag it out.
I can’t see how the judge could rule in Trump’s favor now. Trump basically confessed to everything he’s charged with on the stand today in new York.
He thinks his answers are so clever, he thinks he won and that they have grounds to appeal.

He’s comedy gold.
What kind of fucking moron deliberately seeks to antagonize the Judge in a bench trial?

The Goat.