Trump declares love for Milwaukee at rally days after calling it a ‘horrible city’

I like to know the truth about political candidates, Derp…. Derp…. Derp!

I'm sure that is why you are very concerned with Trumps views on the city of Milwaukee. nothing to do with votes or anything


you are a really shitty liar dude.
The only way that a MAGA candidate can lose Wisconsin is election fraud. Wisconsin is MAGA country. I would know; I live here and I talk to people here.

Yes, there are many people in Dane County who enjoy getting reamed over furniture by their Demonkkkrat programmers, and there are many people in Milwaukee County who vote Demonkkkrat because of memories of the "civil rights days" and the belief that Republicans are the "party of the rich". But outside of those two counties, and a handful of college towns, and an Indian reservation, Wisconsin is generally a sea of red.

What sucks for Demonkkkrats this time around is that young blacks (who weren't alive during the "civil rights" era) are leaving the Demonkkkrat Party in droves and are embracing the MAGA movement. Same with younger people in general (e.g. Millennials, Gen Z). They can't afford to buy homes anymore, and are quickly being priced out of newer vehicles. They are becoming increasingly aware of the Uniparty corruption and are embracing the MAGA movement because they wish to be able to afford to survive.

I have a feeling that Milwaukee will shift their voting towards MAGA this time around (Madison won't though). I'm not saying that it will definitely show up in the "final results" due to the shenanigans of poll workers recruited/trained by Clyburn's corrupt AME Church network, but younger blacks ARE embracing MAGA, and Milwaukee DOES have a plurality of black people for a population, so it would only make sense for MAGA to see at least some gains in Milwaukee. Plus, Trump just held a rally in Racine (which is just south of Milwaukee).


He never denigrated Milwaukee as a "horrible city". This is yet ANOTHER Demonkkkrat hoax.

There is no "problem" nor anything to "explain". It's yet ANOTHER a Demonkkkrat hoax.

Well, there you go. Right from Trump's own mouth. Now, what's your source that Trump supposedly called Milwaukee a "horrible city"? Some hearsay from "a source familiar with the matter"?? :rofl2:
Bingo, there it is, “the only way that a MAGA candidate can lose Wisconsin is election fraud,” and as applied to Trump, “the only way (Trump) can lose an election is election fraud,” Trump, or any Trump backed candidate, can not lose an election this November

Appears the cult doesn’t understand the purpose of an election in democracy, or republic to avoid the deflecting semantical argument. If one enters an election and from the jump won’t recognize they can lose that election it isn’t a real election in their view. The next question then is why the cult even thinks we need elections
Biden ~ "they told me I am not allowed to take any questions"

shit stain liars ~ " I really care about transparency - lets focus on what Trump might of said about Milwaukee and not how Biden just admitted he is a puppet and not actually in charge"
So one day he says he hates Milwaukee and the next day, after getting reaction to hating Milwaukee, he claims he loves Milwaukee , and the cult is actually buying that bullshit?
I'm sure he loathes that fucking stink hole. If I can choose between Chicago and Milwaukee, it really isn't a choice, now is it?

we can focus on that private discussion after we focus on the many crazy things Biden said publically - like how he admitted to being a puppet not allowed to take questions
So one day he says he hates Milwaukee
This was never said.
and the next day, after getting reaction to hating Milwaukee,
He never said this.
he claims he loves Milwaukee ,
This he actually said.
and the cult is actually buying that bullshit?
I'll take Trump's own word (verifiable by video evidence) over a made-up hoax that can't be verified by video evidence and can only be asserted via the hearsay of some unknown source who is "familiar with the matter".
So one day he says he hates Milwaukee and the next day, after getting reaction to hating Milwaukee, he claims he loves Milwaukee , and the cult is actually buying that bullshit?
lol of course they are!
If they don't fall in line you know what trump will do..


I'm sure that is why you are very concerned with Trumps views on the city of Milwaukee. nothing to do with votes or anything


you are a really shitty liar dude.
If he hates one of the Midwest’s largest cities, yes.
Trump will say anything to get elected, anything.
Unlike brandon who suddenly is now going to give citizenship and voting rights to tens of thousands of DACA
$25,000 to select first time home buyers
Billions of dollars in student loan forgiveness that we working taxpayers have to cover