Trump declares love for Milwaukee at rally days after calling it a ‘horrible city’

I'm sure he loathes that fucking stink hole. If I can choose between Chicago and Milwaukee, it really isn't a choice, now is it?

we can focus on that private discussion after we focus on the many crazy things Biden said publically - like how he admitted to being a puppet not allowed to take questions
I’d predict it is a deposit bet that you have never ever been to either city and your understanding of both comes from what you have heard from the right wing media
I believe that Biden will say anything to get elected, if he could speak coherently.
Difference is many on the left wouldn’t automatically believe what Biden said while most on the right immediately swallow whole everything Trump utters
Whatever Trump says at any given time in gospel even if it is the opposite of what he said 10 minutes ago. Forget what was said before, it disappears.
“the truth ain’t the truth,” and if you don’t like that, you have the “alternative truth,” all depends on what Trump says next