Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

Trump on Thursday hit back at Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for warning she may postpone the State of the Union address by scrapping her planned trip overseas.

In a letter to Pelosi, Trump told her that a congressional delegation trip she intended to take to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan, which he dismissed as a “public relations event,” is now “postponed.”

“We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the shutdown is over,” Trump wrote.

Trump added, however, if Pelosi wanted to go ahead by flying commercial, “that would certainly be your prerogative.”


Holy LOLLER! Magnificent!

He told Pelosi, up yours.

She’s grounded until the shutdown.

This absolutely made my day! A perfect example of why Trump's base will never abandon him. HE FIGHTS BACK!!! Would any other Republican have punched back like this? Not a chance. It is so satisfying to see the liberals on this board who were dancing with glee just yesterday over Pelosi's childish antics now crying like the little bitches they are!!!
This absolutely made my day! A perfect example of why Trump's base will never abandon him. HE FIGHTS BACK!!! Would any other Republican have punched back like this? Not a chance. It is so satisfying to see the liberals on this board who were dancing with glee just yesterday over Pelosi's childish antics now crying like the little bitches they are!!!

How’s that wall coming for him? I see his popularity is skyrocketing!

What do you think he meant when he said “We are getting crushed.”?
Trump can’t even get a $5,000,000,000 down payment for his $45,000,000,000 wall! ROTFLMAO!
This absolutely made my day! A perfect example of why Trump's base will never abandon him. HE FIGHTS BACK!!! Would any other Republican have punched back like this? Not a chance. It is so satisfying to see the liberals on this board who were dancing with glee just yesterday over Pelosi's childish antics now crying like the little bitches they are!!!
Can you imagine Jeb! punching back? no you can't !
she has been running around the globe since the beginning of this.
Stay home. concentrate your mind on why you are in DC. to run the government