Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

"working in her Office?" How about picking up the phone and negotiating an end to the shutdown?
My bad. only Hawaii..poor chil'e never has any fun

You got time now that you aren't globetrotting again

Trump still lied, she was not in PR

Your memory is fading, she several times with Trump, the Donald melted down both times, one on tape and the other when he stormed out of the office.

And the Democrats have put forward several offers, even have passed legislation to that effect, it is Trump who has stonewalled, he views it as his way or nothing, now he is responsible for it
pissface and her damnedascrap condemned co conspirators are all domestic enemies. they will never fly another air force jet until they are flown to Guantanamo for their sentencing [unless they are put on a slowboat for a week]. the people will not pay deepstate enemy combatants anymore. damned are they all.

Thanks Sean
pelosi was working. Do you idiots think she was headed to Afghanistan for golf. She was headed to a war zone while Daffy draft dodger was watching TV.
No, her trip is canceled. So no, she is not in danger. I am personally tired of both parties sending reps all over the world. They are not the State Department. They can get briefings from ambassadors overseas. They can get briefings from the military here. They don't need to be wasting tax payers money to take these trips. Again... both parties need to stop this crap.
