Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

Trump on Thursday hit back at Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for warning she may postpone the State of the Union address by scrapping her planned trip overseas.

In a letter to Pelosi, Trump told her that a congressional delegation trip she intended to take to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan, which he dismissed as a “public relations event,” is now “postponed.”

“We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the shutdown is over,” Trump wrote.

Trump added, however, if Pelosi wanted to go ahead by flying commercial, “that would certainly be your prerogative.”


Holy LOLLER! Magnificent!

He told Pelosi, up yours.

She’s grounded until the shutdown.

Yeah, the idiot suggested the 2nd in line to the Presidency fly commercial into a war zone. What a fool.
”Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed,” Trump wrote. “We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over.”

That is hilarious.

Just another step in damaging our standing in NATO and with our allies.
If she is gone for a week how can she negotiate?

Admit it. Trump fucked her good. I read that the cunt was in the tarmac when she was told

Think she will file a lawsuit?

Trump wont negotiate, that why his approval numbers are taking such a beating. For him and you, its lose lose.
She shouldn't GO AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her job is here in congress, lawmakers have no reason to go there

One of her jobs is to minimize the damage Trump has done abroad.

Somebody with policy knowledge has to maintain stability. That excludes Orangetweet.
Goooooooo Trump! :hand:

Pelousy was ready to be AWOL overseas while a 2nd pay period passed next Tuesday. Stay put Nancy. Come out of hiding from the Angel Moms and stop shirking your responsibilities. Go to work, negotiate for the border and fed employees. What a ugly piece of work this broad is.

Nobody's as ugly as that orange abomination infesting the WH. :barf:
She can show them all the bills they have passed in the House that Mitch won’t let the Senate vote on. Mitch is hiding somewhere, AOC has been trying to find him, it’s like where’s Waldo.

LOL, I heard about that! She trudged all over the Russell Senate Office Building, and Mitch's office is in the capitol building!!:rofl2: And are you referring to all the house bills with no wall funding in them? Are you still wondering why he won't vote on it?

Right!!!! To review the troops and gather facts for her majority to help make decisions. It’s not a photo op like Littlefingers.

She is not on any committee in Congress that would have a reason to be there for one. Two, there is no need for Pelosi to be reviewing any troops. Just saying.