Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

It really matters little, other than she won't have to pack to visit a war zone, that's got to really upset her

In the meantime, it gives her another and the Democrats another talking point, Trump got mad cause she wouldn't let him use the House so he barred her from visit troops in a war zone, something he himself has taken criticism for not doing prior to last month

They had three days to come up with something in return for her action and this is the best they could do?
She is not on any committee in Congress that would have a reason to be there for one. Two, there is no need for Pelosi to be reviewing any troops. Just saying.
She’s the Speaker, Sailor, it is a reason. She is the House leader and the House is an equal branch of our government to the Executuve.
Uh, the same one who misspelled 'madam' on his letter?

Both madam and madame are correct in terms of spelling. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the difference between madam and madame??? Either is appropriate in this case. So there was no spelling error. Though I do agree Madam would have been the more appropriate in this case.
She’s the Speaker, Sailor, it is a reason. She is the House leader and the House is an equal branch of our government to the Executuve.

Which is not a reason. At all. She could however maybe stay in the U.S. and actually do what she is supposed to do. You know, get some compromise going, get this over with. She should be sleeping at Congress until this is resolved. And not getting paid of course.
It really matters little, other than she won't have to pack to visit a war zone, that's got to really upset her

In the meantime, it gives her another and the Democrats another talking point, Trump got mad cause she wouldn't let him use the House so he barred her from visit troops in a war zone, something he himself has taken criticism for not doing prior to last month

They had three days to come up with something in return for her action and this is the best they could do?
It doesn’t matter, it’s just another thing that shows you the pettiness of this administration and how they don’t think things through.
Which is not a reason. At all. She could however maybe stay in the U.S. and actually do what she is supposed to do. You know, get some compromise going, get this over with. She should be sleeping at Congress until this is resolved. And not getting paid of course.
Bingo she just back from Hawaii and Puerto Rico..she wants to run and hide rather then problem solve
She is not on any committee in Congress that would have a reason to be there for one. Two, there is no need for Pelosi to be reviewing any troops. Just saying.
what was she going for? fact finding? we used to call 'em "political junkets"
Which is not a reason. At all. She could however maybe stay in the U.S. and actually do what she is supposed to do. You know, get some compromise going, get this over with. She should be sleeping at Congress until this is resolved. And not getting paid of course.
She has done what she suppose to do, there are 9 bills for McConnell to bring to the floor. Speakers visit war zones to be apprised of the situations because Congress control the purse strings. Ryan went to Afghanistan in October, it’s what the leaders do.
Uh, the same one who misspelled 'madam' on his letter?

That letter is an embarrassment. "Madame Speaker", wrongly claims there was a stop planned in Egypt, "Shutdown" capitalized three times, "Strong Border Security" and "Southern Border" capitalized for no known reason, and that silly exclamation point at the end. He writes like middle schoolers write. A semi-literate doofus... SAD!
Not according to the majority of Americans, and THAT is what counts.

It doesn't count at all. But then, dumbasses like you thought the majority of Americans were with Obama...until he LOST the Congress.....and with Hillary, until she LOST the Presidency.
She has done what she suppose to do, there are 9 bills for McConnell to bring to the floor. Speakers visit war zones to be apprised of the situations because Congress control the purse strings. Ryan went to Afghanistan in October, it’s what the leaders do.

She is not doing shit. And for the record, here is what a Speaker of the House's duties are:

The Speaker of the House exercises duties as a Member of Congress, as presiding officer of the House of Representatives, and as leader of the majority political party in the House.

These responsibilities include voting on legislation, administrative duties such as maintaining order within the House chamber, and other tasks such as appointing special committees.

The Speaker of the House’s duties as presiding officer of the House, include administering the oath of office to Members, calling the House to order, preserving order and decorum within the House chamber and galleries, recognizing members to speak on the House floor, and making rulings about House procedures. The Speaker usually delegates some of these administrative duties to other members of the majority party, such as acting as Speaker pro tempore and leading House legislative sessions.

In addition, the Speaker appoints members and chairpersons of regular committees, special or select committees, conference committees, and designates a majority of the Committee on Rules. The Speaker also determines which legislation is assigned to each committee and which legislation reaches the House floor for a vote. Furthermore, the Speaker determines the House legislative agenda, in consultation with party leaders, committee chairpersons, the president, and the Senate.

As a Member of Congress, the Speaker may participate in debate and vote but, by tradition, only does so in exceptional circumstances such as when their vote would be decisive or on matters of great importance such as constitutional amendments or war resolutions. The Speaker presides over all joint sessions with the Senate because these official gatherings are usually held in the House of Representatives.

If you think of it, you might want to send that rather confused individual this. Apparently she has no clue.