Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

There are 3 EQUAL branches to our government, Executive, Judicial and Legislative. I wouldn't expect a Russian asset like you to understand how American government operates

We are constantly told and taught that our government has three "co-equal" branches. But our historical documents prove that this is not what the framers of the State Constitutions and the Constitution for the United States of America intended.
You dont get elected twice and by huge margins, if the majority of Americans aren't with you.

If the majority of Americans were with Obama, why did they disembowel him and hand the House and the Senate with massive margins to the Republicans? He lost far worse than Trump did snowflake! :laugh:

So you believed that the majority of Americans were with Bush?
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Sorry, Trump as usual had no idea what he was talking about. Egypt was merely a refueling stop. Since she and the other members of congress had to stop there, they arranged some meetings.

Who cares? She isn't going on a military flight. No one is stopping her; she just aint going by Air Force jet. :laugh:
I am far more excited that the WH piece of manure will not get his evening of adulation from your kind. Its gotta affect his insecurity.

Awwwww...snowflake gonna cry again?
