Trump is not a racist

This thread is about racism, not bigotry. When you try to make the thread about bigotry, it shows that you know there is no evidence of racism.

It is dishonest to say "lots" when you cannot wrap quotes around the smoking gun, post it here, and describe what makes it actual evidence. You should just stick to trying to make the thread about general bigotry.

The smoking gun has been ignited and delianated for you. You just cover your eyes and repeat your first post, nothing will convcince you. You are not going to accept anything about Trump, even if he admitted it . He said essentially he could shoot Hillary and the Pope on 5th avenue and not lose votrs. You are among that group. A lifetime racist and a conman owns you.
The smoking gun has been ignited and delianated for you. You just cover your eyes and repeat your first post, nothing will convcince you.

There is one thing that could convince me, and that would be actual evidence that is not assertions, allegations, dismissed cases, or propaganda.

You are not going to accept anything about Trump, even if he admitted it . He said essentially he could shoot Hillary and the Pope on 5th avenue and not lose votrs.

This has nothing to do with racism.

You are among that group. A lifetime racist and a conman owns you.

This is an assertion that is being used in place of the evidence that you cannot post. Assertions are worthless, no matter how many of them are made, or how much emotion you put into it.
There is one thing that could convince me, and that would be actual evidence that is not assertions, allegations, dismissed cases, or propaganda.

This has nothing to do with racism.

This is an assertion that is being used in place of the evidence that you cannot post. Assertions are worthless, no matter how many of them are made, or how much emotion you put into it.

No it would not. You would reject any and all evidence. Truth is you have from the first post. Trumps racism is clear as his fathers. Trump just does not wear his dad's pointy hat.
No it would not. You would reject any and all evidence.

How would you know if you you have never seen my reaction to real evidence? Keep in mind, I have not seen any evidence that Trump is not a racist either. I have not seen any evidence that he is one, nor have I seen evidence that he is not. I suspect and assert that he is not a racist, but this is based upon the lack of evidence that says he is one. If you and I each assert our positions based upon actual evidence, the deck is stacked in my favor. If you can present any actual evidence to back up your position, then you will win this one. You will never win by presenting a case that was in fact dismissed, but you really can win this thing if you can present some actual evidence.

Truth is you have from the first post. Trumps racism is clear as his fathers. Trump just does not wear his dad's pointy hat.

I have seen you and several others present plausible paths that suggest that Trump is a racist, but a plausible path does not represent clarity or lock down evidence. I respect that a plausible path is pretty tasty if the outcome validates your political ideology, but a plausible path is nothing like actual evidence. If the best you have to offer is a plausible path, you will never win this. Ugly rhetoric will not mask defeat either.
How would you know if you you have never seen my reaction to real evidence? Keep in mind, I have not seen any evidence that Trump is not a racist either. I have not seen any evidence that he is one, nor have I seen evidence that he is not. I suspect and assert that he is not a racist, but this is based upon the lack of evidence that says he is one. If you and I each assert our positions based upon actual evidence, the deck is stacked in my favor. If you can present any actual evidence to back up your position, then you will win this one. You will never win by presenting a case that was in fact dismissed, but you really can win this thing if you can present some actual evidence.

I have seen you and several others present plausible paths that suggest that Trump is a racist, but a plausible path does not represent clarity or lock down evidence. I respect that a plausible path is pretty tasty if the outcome validates your political ideology, but a plausible path is nothing like actual evidence. If the best you have to offer is a plausible path, you will never win this. Ugly rhetoric will not mask defeat either.

You set the thread up to prove your Trumpy belief. You wanted to say you had it all figured out that Trump just looks like a racist for repeatedly getting in scrapes for racism. Who gets in scrapes like that over and over? Non racists never get charges like that nor does it happen over and over to them. Must be tough to get accused of that in court and in public for absolutely no reason.
You set the thread up to prove your Trumpy belief. You wanted to say you had it all figured out that Trump just looks like a racist for repeatedly getting in scrapes for racism.

Actually, it was because the MSM and the left keep calling calling him a racist as a political tactic. I am calling you guys on this, so show me the evidence.

Who gets in scrapes like that over and over? Non racists never get charges like that nor does it happen over and over to them. Must be tough to get accused of that in court and in public for absolutely no reason.

If the number of allegations means so much to you, then why are you not talking about the number of times he was not found guilty? Isn't there something significant about how many times people have failed to make these charges stick?
You set the thread up to prove your Trumpy belief. You wanted to say you had it all figured out that Trump just looks like a racist for repeatedly getting in scrapes for racism. Who gets in scrapes like that over and over? Non racists never get charges like that nor does it happen over and over to them. Must be tough to get accused of that in court and in public for absolutely no reason.

Oh look, here's another example.

Defense contractor detained migrant kids in vacant Phoenix office building

Thanks to a whistle blower citizen or this would have slipped under the radar, your corporate state media isn't interested.

A major U.S. defense contractor quietly detained dozens of immigrant children inside a vacant Phoenix office building with dark windows, no kitchen and only a few toilets during three weeks of the Trump administration’s family separation effort, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has learned.

Videos shot by an alarmed neighbor show children dressed in sweatsuits being led – one so young she was carried – into the 3,200-square-foot building in early June. The building is not licensed by Arizona to hold children, and the contractor, MVM Inc., has claimed publicly that it does not operate “shelters or any other type of housing” for children.

Defending the administration’s policy to separate families at the border in a May interview with NPR, White House chief of staff John Kelly promised: “The children will be taken care of – put into foster care or whatever.”

Whether or not these children were taken from their parents, that “whatever” for them was the vacant building tucked away in a midtown Phoenix neighborhood. It is not listed among shelters operating through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement or on the state child care licensing website.

The building was leased in March by MVM, a Virginia-based defense contractor that has received contracts worth up to $248 million to transport immigrant children since 2014, records show. The company, which once provided guards for CIA facilities in Iraq, was founded by three former Secret Service agents. One of its vice presidents is a former CIA special agent and former acting director of the U.S. Marshals Service.

For profit black sites for children in america.

How exceptional.
You and I both know that Trump was discriminating in hios housing. First time was the 1973 accusation of his violating the Fair Housing Act. In 1975 taken to court. He agreed to meet housing standards without admitting wrong doing. Why did he have to change his poilicies, if they were not discriminatory. You and I both know that corporations do not have top admit wrong doing if they will simply accept the fines and promise not to do what they were doing. In 1978 the Justice Department accused the Trumps of continuing the practices.l In 1983 They showed Trumpos apartments were over 95 percent white. I suppose Trumps 5 year affair with Obma birterism was not bigotry. trump even said the students at Columbia college never saw him.. that of course says he did not actually attend college. Politifact gave it Pants on Fire. Of course Cental Park 5 as a big blazing fire of bigotry and hatred. Trump is consistent. he attacks and cheats minorities, and expecially blacks. How many bigots flat out announce theitr bigotry?

A stinking stew of supposition and overt opinionating is all you can cook up, apparently, old man.
Oh look, here's another example. Defense contractor detained migrant kids in vacant Phoenix office building[

Where was the feigned concern of liberals when Obama was detaining asylees, caging kids, and separating families during his Reign of Error?

You attempt to play to emotion is noted, and rejected as the sophistry it is.
Where was the feigned concern of liberals when Obama was detaining asylees, caging kids, and separating families during his Reign of Error?

You attempt to play to emotion is noted, and rejected as the sophistry it is.

Ask them. Assuming you were then, why have you stopped?
Oh look, here's another example.

Defense contractor detained migrant kids in vacant Phoenix office building

Thanks to a whistle blower citizen or this would have slipped under the radar, your corporate state media isn't interested.

For profit black sites for children in america.

How exceptional.

This thread is about evidence that Trump is a racist, not for evidence that some defense contractor is a racist. Even if this thread was in fact about some defense contractor, I would still need you to clarify which specific race was the victim of racism. You must include race for there to be racism. The article you linked has a huge error in it that discredits the entire article, where it specifies that legal immigrants were the victims. Even if it had properly referenced the victims as illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants are still not a race.

Do you have any evidence that Trump is a racist, as the opening post asks for?
Ask them. Assuming you were then, why have you stopped?

I didn't complain then, nor am I complaining now. I have repeatedly asked JPP liberals where their feigned concern was when Obama was detaining asylees, caging kids, and separating families during his Reign of Error.
What exactly is a racist?

Lol, this is why lefties keep trying to make Muslims, immigrants, illegal immigrants, and Mexicans into races. They label political opponents as racists, but they don't even know what racism is.

A racist is somebody who believes his race is superior to another.