Trump is not a racist

Anyone see Trumps birth certificate? How about his college or high school transcripts? Trump thought Obama should show his, so Donnie should lead the process by letting his out. I am sure Obama would release his by folowing the leader.
We do have statements from one of his professors that he was the worst student he'd ever seen.

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Lefties will probably continue to perpetuate the notion that Trump is a racist, but this thread shows that no lefty can substantiate such a claim.
All this thread shows is your mastery of denial. Which you have already demonstrated more than adequately in other threads.

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Rjhenn, I can't see what you post unless somebody quotes you. If you posted an actual quote or evidence that Trump is a racist that is not allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, have somebody quote it for you. If you successfully posted what the opening post asks for, I will unblock you immediately. I doubt that you did this though....
We know that you will simply continue to deny reality. Which is also clearly why you have me on ignore. Too much reality for you. Thank you for proving how poorly you deal with reality.

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Rjhenn, I can't see what you post unless somebody quotes you. If you posted an actual quote or evidence that Trump is a racist that is not allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, have somebody quote it for you. If you successfully posted what the opening post asks for, I will unblock you immediately. I doubt that you did this though....
When righties do this, ask them for a quote or evidence. Then maybe you can have a thread like this one, where no lefty has been able to produce the quote or evidence that Trump is a racist.

I used to ask them for evidence, but they always say something stupid about "the plantation."

Since "racist" doesn't mean anything anymore, aren't we all racists?
Trump was white,Omarosa is black ,Trump fired her!
Doesn't get any more black and white as that!

This sounds correct, but this thread is not about black and white. It is about posting evidence of racism. The notion that a black person's employment is secure because he is black is something worth starting a thread about, but it is not evidence that trump is a racist.
the taco bowl picture alone is bald face racism asshole

This was two years ago, post #14, but it has always been one of my favorite submissions as evidence of Trump's racism. The notion that eating a certain food is evidence of racism is even funnier than the fact that the dish is traditionally Mexican, which is not even a race. The taco bowl thing is hall of fame material.
This sounds correct, but this thread is not about black and white. It is about posting evidence of racism. The notion that a black person's employment is secure because he is black is something worth starting a thread about, but it is not evidence that trump is a racist.

Oh!You mean like when Trump was sued,for not renting to Blacks!
Oh!You mean like when Trump was sued,for not renting to Blacks!

This thread is not about allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda. "Sued" refers to allegations. Pleases post your evidence that proves Trump is a racist.
Rjhenn, I can't see what you post unless somebody quotes you. If you posted an actual quote or evidence that Trump is a racist that is not allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, have somebody quote it for you. If you successfully posted what the opening post asks for, I will unblock you immediately. I doubt that you did this though....
Clearly, you have me on ignore because I point out your pitiful denial of the facts.

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