Trump is not a racist

Although this thread is specifically about posting evidence that Trump is a racist, there is another way that people perceive racism and Trump. Many have bought what the MSM has sold them over these last several years, and they have come to a point where they have absolute faith that Trump is a racist. I enjoy sparring with lefties who have this deep faith, since they do not realize that there is big difference between having faith that Trump is a racist and having evidence that he is. It looks to me like you would like to tow the lefty line on this, but also that you have a big advantage over your fellow lefties who cannot differentiate faith from evidence.

All available evidence indicates he's a racist, dumbshit, and plenty of such evidence has been provided in this thread.

Please be less stupid.
I wouldn't like to tow the lefty line on this, because I wish Trump actually was pro-white. I think it's too bad that he's a puppet for the anti-white (((establishment))).
That's what people really mean when they say Trump's a racist, they mean that he's pro-white, which is the worst thing you can be. But sadly, he's just another shill.

That's an interesting perspective that you have. I am going to steer back to the topic now and remind all JPP posters that we are well over 1600 posts and two years now, and nobody has presented evidence that Trump is a racist. Let's see if anybody can post the evidence...
That's an interesting perspective that you have. I am going to steer back to the topic now and remind all JPP posters that we are well over 1600 posts and two years now, and nobody has presented evidence that Trump is a racist. Let's see if anybody can post the evidence...
Still nothing but denial.

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I wonder what it might be like to be a lefty who still posts claims that Trump is a racist, even after failing miserably to post a shred of evidence on this thread? My guess is that it feels as lame as posting a claim on this very thread that such evidence has already been posted on this thread and not linking the so called evidence.
5 years of birtherism about our first black president and you guys pulled this out of mothballs again? The Central Park 5 and so much more and you cannot learn?. You guys love this shithole thread.
As demonstrated Trump is a racist against the human race regardless of who one is, and even his for sure racist, gullible and ignorant brainwashed cult followers. Trump is in it for himself and that was his main reason at conspiring with others to lawlessly slither in the White House at using the taxpayer and Treasury as his and his criminal family's cash cow or slush fund at pillaging and plundering the American people's money while symbolically giving America and humanity the finger.
The rightys simply to refuse to be fair about anything Trump does. They are like a 2-year-old who discovered the word "no" Trump is a terrible human being.
The rightys simply to refuse to be fair about anything Trump does. They are like a 2-year-old who discovered the word "no" Trump is a terrible human being.
But the fundies support him. Jesus must have His head in His hands.

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But the fundies support him. Jesus must have His head in His hands.

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Problem is followers think fundamentalism and Christianity are religious businesses. They are money businesses and they teach us all that lesson over and over. We don't watch with open eyes.
5 years of birtherism about our first black president and you guys pulled this out of mothballs again? The Central Park 5 and so much more and you cannot learn?. You guys love this shithole thread.

Wrong thread, this one is not the one about birtherism, it is the one about racism. If you think you have evidence that is not accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, propaganda, or gish gallop, please post it here. If you believe racism can be proven with the Central Park thing, you will need to do much more than just reference it, you will need to outline the exact part of it that proves Trump believes his race is superior to another. The bizzare notion that Trump is a racist because he insisted on seeing Ted Cruz's birth certificate is not going to cut it either, since Cruz is the same race as Trump. Give up on the birtherism thing unless you can outline how exactly it is racism.

Birtherism + Central Park = Gish gallop. Gish gallop is not evidence. Pick which one you are going to sell as your evidence, and then present your case.
Wrong thread, this one is not the one about birtherism, it is the one about racism. If you think you have evidence that is not accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, propaganda, or gish gallop, please post it here. If you believe racism can be proven with the Central Park thing, you will need to do much more than just reference it, you will need to outline the exact part of it that proves Trump believes his race is superior to another. The bizzare notion that Trump is a racist because he insisted on seeing Ted Cruz's birth certificate is not going to cut it either, since Cruz is the same race as Trump. Give up on the birtherism thing unless you can outline how exactly it is racism.

Birtherism + Central Park = Gish gallop. Gish gallop is not evidence. Pick which one you are going to sell as your evidence, and then present your case.

Trump racism was shown with his huge newspaper page asking for 5 teenage black kids to be put to death for a crime they did not commit. Yeah, typical Trump hate for people of color.
Truth is, racism is institutionalized bigotry. It is like Trump's refusing blacks from obtaining apartments in their string of slum buildings. The Central Park 5 is Trump's bigotry in action. Trump is a bigot who has indulged in racism.
Trump racism was shown with his huge newspaper page asking for 5 teenage black kids to be put to death for a crime they did not commit. Yeah, typical Trump hate for people of color.

Please provide the quote from this newspaper article that proves Trump is a racist. Will need the part that proves his actions were specifically about race if you are alleging that this was about race. Posting that there is an article out there that proves racism is not evidence of racism, you need to quote the part of the article that proves what we are looking for.
Truth is, racism is institutionalized bigotry.

No it is not. Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. While racism may be a type of bigotry, it is not the meaning of bigotry. Racism must include race, which is why we here the word "race" when we say racism. Bigotry does not need to be about race at all.

It is like Trump's refusing blacks from obtaining apartments in their string of slum buildings.

If you are going to submit this as evidence of racism, you will need to show that he did in fact block these applicants, and you will have to show that he blocked them because of their race. Keep in mind that a court has already dismissed your claim as allegations, but please do submit the evidence if you have it.

The Central Park 5 is Trump's bigotry in action.

I am not looking for bigotry in action, I am looking for evidence of racism.

Trump is a bigot who has indulged in racism.

Please submit a quote of where he "indulged in racism". Not accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda. No need to tell me where evidence might be, that is useless. Isolate the evidence from whatever gish gallop article you are going to quote, and then paste the evidence here so the world can see it.
tRump is just Putin's and down low GOPer's welfare basket case b!tch on the taxpayer's dime.

Ok then, you do not have evidence of Trump's racism to post here. You are not the first lefty on this thread who has changed the subject after not being able to post evidence of Trumps racism as the opening post asks for.
No it is not. Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. While racism may be a type of bigotry, it is not the meaning of bigotry. Racism must include race, which is why we here the word "race" when we say racism. Bigotry does not need to be about race at all.

If you are going to submit this as evidence of racism, you will need to show that he did in fact block these applicants, and you will have to show that he blocked them because of their race. Keep in mind that a court has already dismissed your claim as allegations, but please do submit the evidence if you have it.

I am not looking for bigotry in action, I am looking for evidence of racism.

Please submit a quote of where he "indulged in racism". Not accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda. No need to tell me where evidence might be, that is useless. Isolate the evidence from whatever gish gallop article you are going to quote, and then paste the evidence here so the world can see it.

Quote? WTF. He ran an ad in the newspapers asking for the death penalty in the Central Park 5. Five innocent kids who were black They were14 to16 years old kids thrown in jail for a crime they did not commit.
He also had to run ads in the paper signifying that from that point on, the Trumps would begin to rent to minorities. He had to do that as part of a court settlement in one of his discrimination cases.
Trump is a bigot and a racist as court cases proved.