Trump is not a racist

What legal decision came from these allegations? Please see what the opening post says about lawsuits. Do not post allegations, post the evidence.

You think we need a law suit but we aren't fucking morons like you. Did you say we need a lawsuit because you knew damn well the racist piece of shit denied blacks rentals? And bigots are no better than racists which is why I suppose you said "race" had to be involved so you can argue his disgusting bigotry isn't racist but for all practical purposes it is. I'm sure your fucking stupid claim that you won this argument on other sites was all in your own mind and you have never won fucking anything, you just lost this one.
Lefties have several evasion techniques that they use to evade answering questions or debating things from a losing position. Lefties dodge, deny, invert, divert, redefine, ignore, or otherwise evade, since they are fighting from a losing position. We all know that lawsuits are not evidence of anything, and you are painfully aware of this. I could file a lawsuit against you for anything, and you would just laugh and tell me "see you in court!" When you evade answering what specific legal decision was made in regard to the lawsuit that you reference, it is because you are painfully aware that no legal decision was made. You did in fact read post 27, but you cannot post an objective reply. Your only choice is to evade. You will NEVER post any evidence here that Trump is a racist, and you won't be able to summarize the legal decision that was made against Trump management. You are very skilled at hiding a pea under one of the three walnut shells, but you will never make it disappear.

I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. - Donald Trump

In an interview in 1997, he admitted that the information in the book was "probably true".
This thread is about racism. Race absolutely MUST be involved for there to be racism. If you are rising to the challenge of the opening post and are attempting to present evidence that Trump is a racist, you must clarify which specific race that Trump feels is inferior to his own. Most Latinos are the SAME race as Trump, so the Latino thing won't work here. Mexicans, Christians, and Muslims are not races either, which is why lefties always end up having to go back a half century to the black apartment thing. They never win that one either, since no legal decision was ever made. Even if a legal decision was made, it would have been against "Trump Management", and there would be no way to prove that President Trump was involved in it or had any knowledge of it. That does not matter though, since there was no legal decision made on it in the first place.

I am in a multi racial and multi national family myself, and I can assure you that it is offensive when lefties make bigoted implications that Latinos or Mexicans are a race. Please don't do this in the future. Not all Latinos are offended by Trump either.

The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in U.S. history. The illegal tactics that he was using included "extreme racial profiling and sadistic punishments that involved the torture, humiliation, and degradation of Latino inmates". The DoJ filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct. He ignored their orders and was subsequently convicted of contempt of court for continuing to racially profile Hispanics. Calling him "a great American patriot", President Trump pardoned him soon afterwards.
I don't recall asking if you think he believes anything at all

You asked if I have any evidence that he thinks any race is superior. I said no and elaborated by saying I don't think he believes that.

I really don't know why the Trumpsters here have to turn everything into a fight. I honestly feel sorry for you.
You asked if I have any evidence that he thinks any race is superior. I said no and elaborated by saying I don't think he believes that.

I really don't know why the Trumpsters here have to turn everything into a fight. I honestly feel sorry for you.

Ev has to deny any criticism of his God, Trump.

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Do you have some evidence to post that is not accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda? Pleases post any evidence that fits inside these well established goal posts.
Your goalposts are smoke, designed so you can deny anything and everything.

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More than two years and more than 1600 posts now, and still nobody has presented evidence that Trump is a racist. The goal posts for the evidence are still the same and very simple, where all one has to do is post evidence that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or propaganda.
The funny thing is I actually agreed with him here. But even that isn't enough. He must fight with everyone who isn't a Trumpster.

Lefties are very slippery, and they do like to elaborate with shit that changes the topic. This 1600+ post thread is a prime example of how lefties can't just give a straight reply to an opening post. After seeing 1600 posts of shit that isn't what the opening posts asks for, can you see why I might fight to keep you on topic?
Lefties are very slippery, and they do like to elaborate with shit that changes the topic. This 1600+ post thread is a prime example of how lefties can't just give a straight reply to an opening post. After seeing 1600 posts of shit that isn't what the opening posts asks for, can you see why I might fight to keep you on topic?

I didn't leave the topic. You just got mad that I didn't take your bait.
I can't help but wonder why the Trumpsters here are always so mad. Buyer's remorse?
More than two years and more than 1600 posts now, and still nobody has presented evidence that Trump is a racist. The goal posts for the evidence are still the same and very simple, where all one has to do is post evidence that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or propaganda.
Of course, you continue to ignore and deny, just as you always do.

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Trying to get me to argue that Trump's a racist.

Although this thread is specifically about posting evidence that Trump is a racist, there is another way that people perceive racism and Trump. Many have bought what the MSM has sold them over these last several years, and they have come to a point where they have absolute faith that Trump is a racist. I enjoy sparring with lefties who have this deep faith, since they do not realize that there is big difference between having faith that Trump is a racist and having evidence that he is. It looks to me like you would like to tow the lefty line on this, but also that you have a big advantage over your fellow lefties who cannot differentiate faith from evidence.
Although this thread is specifically about posting evidence that Trump is a racist, there is another way that people perceive racism and Trump. Many have bought what the MSM has sold them over these last several years, and they have come to a point where they have absolute faith that Trump is a racist. I enjoy sparring with lefties who have this deep faith, since they do not realize that there is big difference between having faith that Trump is a racist and having evidence that he is. It looks to me like you would like to tow the lefty line on this, but also that you have a big advantage over your fellow lefties who cannot differentiate faith from evidence.

I wouldn't like to tow the lefty line on this, because I wish Trump actually was pro-white. I think it's too bad that he's a puppet for the anti-white (((establishment))).
That's what people really mean when they say Trump's a racist, they mean that he's pro-white, which is the worst thing you can be. But sadly, he's just another shill.