Trump is not a racist

If you think you have evidence that proves Trump is a racist, post exactly what this evidence is, and how it proves he is a racist. Make sure to specify which race Trump believes to be inferior, and how your evidence proves it. I would absolutely love to see the evidence after all these years.

Like I already said, I don't think he's racist. I think he pretends to be because his base likes racists.

So far, all I have seen are allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, and claims that evidence has already been posted "somewhere" on this thread.

Post #1654.
Are you implying that evidence that proves Trump is a racist can be found in post 1654? Please explain.

Gonzomin mentioned Trump telling the Squad to "go back to their countries," which is a common trope used against non-white people.
Trump also said that Somalians cause crime, a Mexican judge shouldn't be trusted, he lied about Arabs celebrating 9/11, he used the "snake story" when talking about immigrants, he retweeted the White Power video, and he pretended he didn't know who David Duke was so he wouldn't have to denounce him.
In regard to "send them back", "send her back", or "go back where you came from," being evidence of racism, here is the problem. First, any of the five races accepted by the US Census can be found everywhere. This means that wherever a person is told to return to, it will not be a place where only a certain race comes from. The second problem with using this as evidence of racism is that one would still need to prove that the request for a person to return where they came from was racially motivated and not politically motivated.
Gonzomin mentioned Trump telling the Squad to "go back to their countries," which is a common trope used against non-white people.
Trump also said that Somalians cause crime, a Mexican judge shouldn't be trusted, he lied about Arabs celebrating 9/11, he used the "snake story" when talking about immigrants, he retweeted the White Power video, and he pretended he didn't know who David Duke was so he wouldn't have to denounce him.

Indeed, gonzo is a bigot if he tried to claim that Somalians, Mexicans, Arabs, or immigrants are races. If you think any of the items in the gish gallop list you just posted are evidence of Trump's racism, isolate it and explain how it proves Trump is a racist and which race it proves Trump believes to be inferior.
Still, fighting this losing battle? Trump is a proud racist and a white power advocate. He has added to his library of racist deeds and statements since this thread was started.
Indeed, gonzo is a bigot if he tried to claim that Somalians, Mexicans, Arabs, or immigrants are races. If you think any of the items in the gish gallop list you just posted are evidence of Trump's racism, isolate it and explain how it proves Trump is a racist and which race it proves Trump believes to be inferior.

Race is subjective and "racism" includes ethnic groups. The Nazis were racist against Slavs, even though Slavs and Germans are both white and can be considered the same race. You can say it's not racism, it's ethnicism, but that's just #semantics.

Like I said, Trump isn't actually racist. When he attacked the Squad, he was pretending to dislike non-white people, because it helps him with his base.

Links to propaganda are not evidence of anything. If there is evidence that Trump is a racist in that propaganda, wrap quotes around the words and post them here. If evidence can be isolated from that propaganda and posted here, I'll watch the video and vet it. If you are able to post what the actual evidence is and your link validates it, you will be the first to ever accomplish this. I will gladly acknowledge that he is a racist if you can do this.
Race is subjective and "racism" includes ethnic groups. The Nazis were racist against Slavs, even though Slavs and Germans are both white and can be considered the same race. You can say it's not racism, it's ethnicism, but that's just #semantics.

Like I said, Trump isn't actually racist. When he attacked the Squad, he was pretending to dislike non-white people, because it helps him with his base.

Once lefties successively remove race from racism, any conservative speak will become hate speech or racism. At this point, racism is the belief that one race is inferior to another, and there are still five races recognized by the US Census. White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Option 6 is now available, which is "some other race", and websters has recently succumbed to the mob, so this thread may soon become obsolete. Once race is completely removed from racism, this thread will be history that will inevitably be censored and deleted.
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Once lefties successively remove race from racism, any conservative speak will become hate speech or racism. At this point, racism is the belief that one race is inferior to another, another are still five races recognized by the US Census. White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Option 6 is now available, which is "some other race", and websters has recently succumbed to the mob, so this thread may soon become obsolete. Once race is completely removed from racism, this thread will be history that will inevitably be censored and deleted.

It's not that race is being removed from racism, it's that race has always been subjective. You can say that Arabs aren't considered a race because the US Census doesn't recognize them as one, but that's beside the point if we're talking about hatred of Arabs or the belief that Arabs are inherently inferior.
If you're going by the US Census, then the Nazis weren't racist, because the groups they persecuted weren't races according to the US Census. It's just ridiculous.
It's not that race is being removed from racism, it's that race has always been subjective. You can say that Arabs aren't considered a race because the US Census doesn't recognize them as one, but that's beside the point if we're talking about hatred of Arabs or the belief that Arabs are inherently inferior.
If you're going by the US Census, then the Nazis weren't racist, because the groups they persecuted weren't races according to the US Census. It's just ridiculous.

Jews are not a race. Genocide is not racism.
So you're saying the Nazis weren't racist?

What you're basically doing is redefining racism to defend Trump.

I do not recognize the nazi's concept of race, I recognize the US Census concept of race as it was presented by them at the time I started this thread. Jews are not a race. Genocide and racism are not the same thing.
Oh, PLEASE...............

Lefties deviate from racism being the belief that one of the races recognized by the US Census is superior to another because they want the power of calling their political opponents racists. They want it so badly that they are removing race from racism to make it so. To lefties, racism is not even about race.
Lefties deviate from racism being the belief that one of the races recognized by the US Census is superior to another because they want the power of calling their political opponents racists. They want it so badly that they are removing race from racism to make it so. To lefties, racism is not even about race.
