Trump is not a racist

We already covered that. You couldn't defend Trump, so you just pretended it wasn't racism because of the US Census.

Lefties repeatedly claim to have posted evidence that proves Trump is not a racist "somewhere" on this thread, but they can NEVER repost it. This is because they know that whatever it was that was supposedly posted "somewhere" on the thread was actually only allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.
Lefties repeatedly claim to have posted evidence that proves Trump is not a racist "somewhere" on this thread, but they can NEVER repost it. This is because they know that whatever it was that was supposedly posted "somewhere" on the thread was actually only allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

I gave you a list. Your argument was nothing on the list counted because the groups Trump insulted aren't actual races as defined by the US Census. I then said that by your logic, the Nazis weren't racist, so you stopped replying. :laugh:
Typical Trump supporter defend all Trump 's bullshit

This thread is not about defending Trump, in fact it is quite the opposite. I am requesting evidence that proves Trump is GUILTY of being a racist. YOU are defending Trump by not posting the evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Please stop defending Trump, post the evidence that proves he is a racist.
I gave you a list. Your argument was nothing on the list counted because the groups Trump insulted aren't actual races as defined by the US Census. I then said that by your logic, the Nazis weren't racist, so you stopped replying. :laugh:

Did your list also include the evidence that proves Trump's insults toward these non race based groups were racially motivated? Are you claiming that Trump can be proven a racist if we just remove race from racism?
Did your list also include the evidence that proves Trump's insults toward these non race based groups were racially motivated? Are you claiming that Trump can be proven a racist if we just remove race from racism?

Nice try, but we covered this too. I said that I don't think his insults were racially motivated. I said that he says racist things because his base is racist and they like hearing that stuff. When he said that Somalians cause more crime and dismissed a judge for being Mexican, he was pretending to have those beliefs for his Alt-Right fans.
We also covered that race is subjective. This is why any hatred or discrimination against an ethnic group is considered racist. When Trump says racist things about Arabs, that's racism. Your only defense is that the US Census doesn't consider Arabs to be a race. Again, by your own logic, the Nazis weren't racist because the US Census doesn't consider Jews to be a race. The Young Turks weren't racist because the US Census doesn't consider Armenians to be a race.
Nice try, but we covered this too. I said that I don't think his insults were racially motivated. I said that he says racist things because his base is racist and they like hearing that stuff. When he said that Somalians cause more crime and dismissed a judge for being Mexican, he was pretending to have those beliefs for his Alt-Right fans.
We also covered that race is subjective. This is why any hatred or discrimination against an ethnic group is considered racist. When Trump says racist things about Arabs, that's racism. Your only defense is that the US Census doesn't consider Arabs to be a race. Again, by your own logic, the Nazis weren't racist because the US Census doesn't consider Jews to be a race. The Young Turks weren't racist because the US Census doesn't consider Armenians to be a race.

Why do you think you can hear the word "race" when you say "racism"?
Why do you think you can hear the word "race" when you say "racism"?

Because it's about race. However, what constitutes a "race" is subjective. You're saying that Trump's hate speech against Arabs, Somalians, and Mexicans isn't racism because some people don't consider those groups to be races. Fine, by that logic, Dylan Roof isn't racist because I don't consider Blacks to be a race. ;)
Because it's about race. However, what constitutes a "race" is subjective. You're saying that Trump's hate speech against Arabs, Somalians, and Mexicans isn't racism because some people don't consider those groups to be races. Fine, by that logic, Dylan Roof isn't racist because I don't consider Blacks to be a race. ;)

why don't you love trump, since you're both racists?
He told the Squad to "go back to their countries."
He said a judge couldn't be trusted because "he's a Mexican judge."
He said Somalis cause crime.
He lied about Arabs celebrating 9/11
He pretended to not know who David Duke was in order to not condemn his support.
He retweeted the White Power video.

Now you're going to say none of that is racist because those groups don't qualify as races by the US Census. Which would mean, by your logic, the Nazis and the Young Turks weren't racist.
The truth is, you just don't want to admit that Trump acts racist.

I know you feel uncomfortable reposting your list of alleged racism, but it still seems relevant. If the items on the list are to be considered racist if you remove race from the equation, there is still the burden of proving that Trump did or said these things to target their races, right? Or are you claiming that we need to remove race from the list of potential motivations to?
I know you feel uncomfortable reposting your list of alleged racism, but it still seems relevant. If the items on the list are to be considered racist if you remove race from the equation, there is still the burden of proving that Trump did or said these things to target their races, right? Or are you claiming that we need to remove race from the list of potential motivations to?

It's not that I feel uncomfortable. I just don't care to give you the same evidence over and over if you're just going to ignore it. Your argument here is that nothing Trump says or does is racist because race is subjective. Trump said a man couldn't do his job because he's a "Mexican judge" but somehow that doesn't count because you, or the census, or whatever, doesn't legally recognize the Mexicans as a race.

And no, there is no burden of proof because the proof is right there. When you say a person can't do his job because of his race, that's racism.

What's really going on here is that you like Trump, but you don't want to admit that you don't care about his strategy of using racism to get votes. You find it easier to just pretend it's the "Leftists" lying about him.
Because it's about race. However, what constitutes a "race" is subjective. You're saying that Trump's hate speech against Arabs, Somalians, and Mexicans isn't racism because some people don't consider those groups to be races. Fine, by that logic, Dylan Roof isn't racist because I don't consider Blacks to be a race. ;)

The US Census should be an acceptable standard to both sides of the aisle. Here is what the Census says:

The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question:

White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Lefties repeatedly claim to have posted evidence that proves Trump is not a racist "somewhere" on this thread, but they can NEVER repost it. This is because they know that whatever it was that was supposedly posted "somewhere" on the thread was actually only allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

Exactly, Ev, exactly. And a Happy Fourth of July to you and your loved ones.
The US Census should be an acceptable standard to both sides of the aisle. Here is what the Census says:

That's nice, but racism is defined as: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group."
So for example, when Italians were lynched in America for being Italian, that was racism. It doesn't matter that Italians aren't on the list, it doesn't matter that Italians are white and were lynched by white people. It was racism because they were targeted for being Italian.
It's not that I feel uncomfortable. I just don't care to give you the same evidence over and over if you're just going to ignore it. Your argument here is that nothing Trump says or does is racist because race is subjective. Trump said a man couldn't do his job because he's a "Mexican judge" but somehow that doesn't count because you, or the census, or whatever, doesn't legally recognize the Mexicans as a race.

And no, there is no burden of proof because the proof is right there. When you say a person can't do his job because of his race, that's racism.

What's really going on here is that you like Trump, but you don't want to admit that you don't care about his strategy of using racism to get votes. You find it easier to just pretend it's the "Leftists" lying about him.

So we need to remove race from the equation when evaluating what race an alleged victim is, but then we then need to put race back into the equation when looking at what was said?