Trump is not a racist

Racism is a type of bigotry, but bigotry is not racism. Bigotry is intolerance, and I can only hope that Trump has less tolerance of the radical lefties, blm, and antifa than I do.


So Trump pretends to be a bigot against certain ethnicities to please his base.
3 years and 1765 posts. Come on lefties, let's see some evidence that proves Trump is a racist.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.”
Interesting how the Marxist democrats are making racism such a big part of their 2020 campaign, yet there is not a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist.
Interesting how the Marxist democrats are making racism such a big part of their 2020 campaign, yet there is not a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist.

First, Donald Trump’s support in the 2016 campaign was clearly driven by racism, sexism, and xenophobia. While some observers have explained Trump’s success as a result of economic anxiety, the data demonstrate that anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and sexism are much more strongly related to support for Trump. Trump’s much-discussed vote advantage with non-college-educated whites is misleading; when accounting for racism and sexism, the education gap among whites in the 2016 election returns to the typical levels of previous elections since 2000. Trump did not do especially well with non-college-educated whites, compared to other Republicans. He did especially well with white people who express sexist views about women and who deny racism exists.
Instances of bigotry involving Donald Trump span more than four decades. The Atlantic interviewed a range of people with knowledge of several of those episodes. Their recollections have been edited for concision and clarity....
In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel in an interview, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market…if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today. “ In fact, all the serious studies refuted that. However his statement did serve as a kind of shout-out to those who were ignorant about the racial dynamics in the U.S. economy.
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s attacks on a federal judge, citing his Mexican heritage, constituted “the textbook definition of a racist comment” ....

First, Donald Trump’s support in the 2016 campaign was clearly driven by racism, sexism, and xenophobia. While some observers have explained Trump’s success as a result of economic anxiety, the data demonstrate that anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and sexism are much more strongly related to support for Trump. Trump’s much-discussed vote advantage with non-college-educated whites is misleading; when accounting for racism and sexism, the education gap among whites in the 2016 election returns to the typical levels of previous elections since 2000. Trump did not do especially well with non-college-educated whites, compared to other Republicans. He did especially well with white people who express sexist views about women and who deny racism exists.
Instances of bigotry involving Donald Trump span more than four decades. The Atlantic interviewed a range of people with knowledge of several of those episodes. Their recollections have been edited for concision and clarity....
In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel in an interview, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market…if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today. “ In fact, all the serious studies refuted that. However his statement did serve as a kind of shout-out to those who were ignorant about the racial dynamics in the U.S. economy.
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s attacks on a federal judge, citing his Mexican heritage, constituted “the textbook definition of a racist comment” ....

Gish gallop itself is not evidence of anything. If there is a shred of evidence contained within the gish gallop that you just posted, isolate it and post it here. As I have posted hundreds of times now, lefties are only able to post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

I am ready to address the first item that you claim proves Trump is a racist. Please include the item, what race Trump feels is inferior, and why it proves he is a racist.
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Removing race from racism will be a can of worms for you, because you would then have the burden of proving that Trumps comments about the Mexican judge were because of resentment of the judges ethnicity. We would then have to get the meaning of racism to exclude race, but add in nationality. Then you would need to prove that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality. Then we would have a sister thread to this one where I ask for evidence that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality.

Thanks for the fine post, Ev.
First, Donald Trump’s support in the 2016 campaign was clearly driven by racism, sexism, and xenophobia. While some observers have explained Trump’s success as a result of economic anxiety, the data demonstrate that anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and sexism are much more strongly related to support for Trump. Trump’s much-discussed vote advantage with non-college-educated whites is misleading; when accounting for racism and sexism, the education gap among whites in the 2016 election returns to the typical levels of previous elections since 2000. Trump did not do especially well with non-college-educated whites, compared to other Republicans. He did especially well with white people who express sexist views about women and who deny racism exists.
Instances of bigotry involving Donald Trump span more than four decades. The Atlantic interviewed a range of people with knowledge of several of those episodes. Their recollections have been edited for concision and clarity....
In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel in an interview, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market…if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today. “ In fact, all the serious studies refuted that. However his statement did serve as a kind of shout-out to those who were ignorant about the racial dynamics in the U.S. economy.
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s attacks on a federal judge, citing his Mexican heritage, constituted “the textbook definition of a racist comment” ....


Post FAIL, Dutchy, post FAIL.:|
Gish gallop itself is not evidence of anything. ...

True, but that wasn't "Gish gallop" and it's clear you don't know what the term means. Denial of all evidence isn't proof the evidence doesn't exist. That's the same silly logic as those believing the Moon Landing was a hoax.
True, but that wasn't "Gish gallop" and it's clear you don't know what the term means. Denial of all evidence isn't proof the evidence doesn't exist. That's the same silly logic as those believing the Moon Landing was a hoax.

Present your piece of evidence here so we can vet it. Make sure it is not just allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda. Make sure to identify what race Trump believes is inferior and how your evidence proves Trump believes this race is inferior.