Trump is not a racist

So we need to remove race from the equation when evaluating what race an alleged victim is, but then we then need to put race back into the equation when looking at what was said?

I never said we need to remove race from the equation. I said that race is subjective. If you don't want to admit lynching Italians for being Italian is racist, you can just say Italians aren't a race. That's why racism includes ethnicity. The definition, once again, is: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group."
It's not that I feel uncomfortable. I just don't care to give you the same evidence over and over if you're just going to ignore it. Your argument here is that nothing Trump says or does is racist because race is subjective. Trump said a man couldn't do his job because he's a "Mexican judge" but somehow that doesn't count because you, or the census, or whatever, doesn't legally recognize the Mexicans as a race.

And no, there is no burden of proof because the proof is right there. When you say a person can't do his job because of his race, that's racism.

What's really going on here is that you like Trump, but you don't want to admit that you don't care about his strategy of using racism to get votes. You find it easier to just pretend it's the "Leftists" lying about him.

its a nationality, dum dum.
That's nice, but racism is defined as: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group."
So for example, when Italians were lynched in America for being Italian, that was racism. It doesn't matter that Italians aren't on the list, it doesn't matter that Italians are white and were lynched by white people. It was racism because they were targeted for being Italian.
The same source also says "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." Even if you include ethnicity in the definition, ethnicity is still not race. Ethnic slurs are still about ethnicity, racial slurs are still about race. Even if every dictionary and encyclopedia completely eliminates race from racism, race and ethnicity will always have unique definitions. Race is associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. Ethnicity is linked with cultural expression and identification. The only way Trump could ever be framed as a racist is if you remove race from the equation. What's the point of framing somebody as a racist if you have to remove race in order to do it?
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

Anyone who HATES THE NFL because Donald Trump told them to- I totally ignore!

I think you are an idiot for that.

Talk about a suckup!
The same source also says "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." Even if you include ethnicity in the definition, ethnicity is still not race. Ethnic slurs are still about ethnicity, racial slurs are still about race. Even if every dictionary and encyclopedia completely eliminates race from racism, race and ethnicity will always have unique definitions. Race is associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. Ethnicity is linked with cultural expression and identification. The only way Trump could ever be framed as a racist is if you remove race from the equation. What's the point of framing somebody as a racist if you have to remove race in order to do it?


I don't believe you're being honest at all. Your whole argument is based on wordplay.

We could just say that when Trump insults people for their ethnicity, he's not being racist, he's being bigoted. But I'm sure you'll find a way out of that too. :laugh:
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

Why do you suppose David Duke and the klan endorse Trump? Of course Trump is a racist there's no question

I don't believe you're being honest at all. Your whole argument is based on wordplay.

We could just say that when Trump insults people for their ethnicity, he's not being racist, he's being bigoted. But I'm sure you'll find a way out of that too. :laugh:

Removing race from racism will be a can of worms for you, because you would then have the burden of proving that Trumps comments about the Mexican judge were because of resentment of the judges ethnicity. We would then have to get the meaning of racism to exclude race, but add in nationality. Then you would need to prove that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality. Then we would have a sister thread to this one where I ask for evidence that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality.
The same source also says "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." Even if you include ethnicity in the definition, ethnicity is still not race. Ethnic slurs are still about ethnicity, racial slurs are still about race. Even if every dictionary and encyclopedia completely eliminates race from racism, race and ethnicity will always have unique definitions. Race is associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. Ethnicity is linked with cultural expression and identification. The only way Trump could ever be framed as a racist is if you remove race from the equation. What's the point of framing somebody as a racist if you have to remove race in order to do it?

Removing race from racism will be a can of worms for you, because you would then have the burden of proving that Trumps comments about the Mexican judge were because of resentment of the judges ethnicity. We would then have to get the meaning of racism to exclude race, but add in nationality. Then you would need to prove that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality. Then we would have a sister thread to this one where I ask for evidence that Trump has something against the Mexican nationality.


I've never seen so much #semantics in one post.

So look, Trump wasn't being racist, he was being bigoted. Happy? :)

I've never seen so much #semantics in one post.

So look, Trump wasn't being racist, he was being bigoted. Happy? :)

Racism is a type of bigotry, but bigotry is not racism. Bigotry is intolerance, and I can only hope that Trump has less tolerance of the radical lefties, blm, and antifa than I do.

Btw, the Mexicans thread already exists here, but it is tailored to his comments about mexicans being rapists. As you can probably guess, every lefty on this forum failed to provide a quote of Trump calling Mexicans rapists.