Trump is not a racist

Maybe I should update the list of non evidence that I post so often. Normally I remind lefties that they have either posted, or are about to post "allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda." I am thinking of adding on something about how lefties want to take the race out of racism in order to engineer racism, and I think I need to put something about how lefties claim to have already posted the evidence "somewhere" but they have some reason why it can't be posted again. Anybody have a nice way to incorporate and articulate the addition info into my usual list? I keep reposting that list because lefties forget very quickly...
Maybe I should update the list of non evidence that I post so often. Normally I remind lefties that they have either posted, or are about to post "allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda." I am thinking of adding on something about how lefties want to take the race out of racism in order to engineer racism, and I think I need to put something about how lefties claim to have already posted the evidence "somewhere" but they have some reason why it can't be posted again. Anybody have a nice way to incorporate and articulate the addition info into my usual list? I keep reposting that list because lefties forget very quickly...
No, we just don’t have the same perception and we don’t IGNORE evidence the way that you do.
1832 posts in 3 years, but no evidence that proves Trump is a racist. This is pretty interesting, considering how dems are trying to exploit racism so much.
Endless posts of absolute racism on Trump and rights can still lie about it. Evmerto is just another one who denies the truth. he is a racist and hires racists . 3 years and you can still lie. Amazing.

Pure gish gallop. Gish gallop is not evidence of anything. If you want to post evidence that proves Trump is a racist, isolate it from that gish gallop list that you linked and post it here. Exclude non evidence items such as allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, propaganda, or claims that evidence was already posted "somewhere". These are not evidence that proves.

Here is the meaning of gish gallop: gallop is a,or strength of the arguments.

Don't make yourself look stupid by posting gish gallop.
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Lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics in decades ......

Obama brought unemployment rates for Blacks and Hispanics to record lows. trump at first brought it a little lower still, as he continued the Obama economy... BUT NOW IT IS GOING TO RECORD HIGHS!!!
Obama brought unemployment rates for Blacks and Hispanics to record lows. trump at first brought it a little lower still, as he continued the Obama economy... BUT NOW IT IS GOING TO RECORD HIGHS!!!

Trump 2020!

Obama brought unemployment rates for Blacks and Hispanics to record lows. trump at first brought it a little lower still, as he continued the Obama economy... BUT NOW IT IS GOING TO RECORD HIGHS!!!

I take it that you dont have any evidence that proves Trump is a racist?