Trump is not a racist

Nobody on this thread has posted anything more than allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda, so nobody has any idea what I would do if somebody posted actual evidence that proves guilt.

Neither you or anybody else who hates Trump has ever seen, heard, or read anything from Trump that proves he is a racist. The political notion that Trump is a racist is purely faith based and can only be supported by non evidence such as allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

Many have , many times. you just assume the authority do decide they are wrong. They are not. You are laughingly denying facts in your blind and wrong love of Trump. Trump is by incident and fact a racist. You are a racist enabler. The case that Trump is a racist is so overt and backed up that you ought to be embarrassed.
Many have , many times. you just assume the authority do decide they are wrong. They are not. You are laughingly denying facts in your blind and wrong love of Trump. Trump is by incident and fact a racist. You are a racist enabler. The case that Trump is a racist is so overt and backed up that you ought to be embarrassed.

Oh yes, that evidence was posted "somewhere", but you will NEVER be able to post it here now for the world to see. The most you will ever post here is allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, or more claims to have already posted the evidence " somewhere."
Oh yes, that evidence was posted "somewhere", but you will NEVER be able to post it here now for the world to see. The most you will ever post here is allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, or more claims to have already posted the evidence " somewhere."

Nope. Absolute fact. The accumulated evidence of racism is undeniable. Each incident is true, but in total are absolutely undeniable proof that Trump is a racist. There is no argument. You just jump in and say no. You are lying. You are trying to protect a terrible man, a bigot and a hater. You are not fooling people who pay attention. Trump is not fooling the people either. Evidence is the court case he lost. That is legal paperwork. The rest is damning as hell too.
Nope. Absolute fact. The accumulated evidence of racism is undeniable. Each incident is true, but in total are absolutely undeniable proof that Trump is a racist. There is no argument. You just jump in and say no. You are lying. You are trying to protect a terrible man, a bigot and a hater. You are not fooling people who pay attention. Trump is not fooling the people either. Evidence is the court case he lost. That is legal paperwork. The rest is damning as hell too.

Oh yes, that evidence was posted "somewhere", but you will NEVER be able to post it here now for the world to see. The most you will ever post here is allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, or more claims to have already posted the evidence "somewhere."
Trump is a racist and you don't care- because you are too!

That is why you voted for him!

This thread was created specifically to address allegations like yours, thank you for demonstrating why this thread is needed. When I started this thread years ago, I saw allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, and propaganda that were meant to paint Trump as a racist, but i had never seen any actual evidence. Here we are years later, and nobody has posted anything but allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

If I asked you to post evidence that proves Trump is a racist, would you post it, or would you protect Trump by posting something other than the evidence?
This thread was created specifically to address allegations like yours, thank you for demonstrating why this thread is needed. When I started this thread years ago, I saw allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, and propaganda that were meant to paint Trump as a racist, but i had never seen any actual evidence. Here we are years later, and nobody has posted anything but allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

If I asked you to post evidence that proves Trump is a racist, would you post it, or would you protect Trump by posting something other than the evidence?

We went through all that already and you played dead, deaf, dumb, and blind!

There really is no intelligent conversations possible with you! You don't listen and you are in total denial about so much!

Just your anti-NFL theme is hilarious- but it explains a lot about how deep in the Trumptardism you can go!
We went through all that already and you played dead, deaf, dumb, and blind!

There really is no intelligent conversations possible with you! You don't listen and you are in total denial about so much!

Just your anti-NFL theme is hilarious- but it explains a lot about how deep in the Trumptardism you can go!

Thats fine if you want to protect Trump. Nordberg is very protective of Trump too. Most lefties have a secret love for Trump, so they would NEVER betray him by posting actual evidence here.
This thread was created specifically to address allegations like yours, thank you for demonstrating why this thread is needed. When I started this thread years ago, I saw allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, and propaganda that were meant to paint Trump as a racist, but i had never seen any actual evidence. Here we are years later, and nobody has posted anything but allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.

If I asked you to post evidence that proves Trump is a racist, would you post it, or would you protect Trump by posting something other than the evidence?

No it was not. You started it with the express purpose of pretending Trump is not a racist. You were planning on and did deny every single example showing he is one. Each example shows he is a racist. In accumulation, it shows a lifetime of blatant racism. There is no dispute. He is a racist and that is why he leans toward White power and defends Nazis.
It has been posted many times. Quiy cheating. You are not the authority. You are simply the denier, with no intention of being honest.
No it was not. You started it with the express purpose of pretending Trump is not a racist. You were planning on and did deny every single example showing he is one. Each example shows he is a racist. In accumulation, it shows a lifetime of blatant racism. There is no dispute. He is a racist and that is why he leans toward White power and defends Nazis.
It has been posted many times. Quiy cheating. You are not the authority. You are simply the denier, with no intention of being honest.

I'm pretty sure I said right there in the opening post that I was not looking for allegations or propaganda, and that I was only interested in actual evidence. No matter how many allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda you post, that kind of non-evidence is not evidence that proves Trump is a racist.

Why are you protecting Trump like this? Just post the evidence. Surely you have SOMETHING stronger than allegations, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, dismissed cases, propaganda, or claims to have already posted it "somewhere", right? Post it here and stop trying to protect Trump.
I'm pretty sure I said right there in the opening post that I was not looking for allegations or propaganda, and that I was only interested in actual evidence. No matter how many allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda you post, that kind of non-evidence is not evidence that proves Trump is a racist.

Why are you protecting Trump like this? Just post the evidence. Surely you have SOMETHING stronger than allegations, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, dismissed cases, propaganda, or claims to have already posted it "somewhere", right? Post it here and stop trying to protect Trump.

I am pretty sure we did not have to accept your preliminary prohibitions which you planned on as precluding all the evidence. It does not. The info shown is true. It is corroborated even in court. You lost.
I am pretty sure we did not have to accept your preliminary prohibitions which you planned on as precluding all the evidence. It does not. The info shown is true. It is corroborated even in court. You lost.

No info is shown here. Claims that evidence has been posted "somewhere" are not evidence and are as worthless as allegations, dismissed cases, secondhand quotes, gish gallop, or propaganda. STOP protecting Trump, post the evidence here for the world to see.
No claims. The evidence has been presented. Trump is a racist. Read the posts. It is all there.

Claims that evidence has been posted "somewhere" are not evidence and are as worthless as allegations, dismissed cases, secondhand quotes, gish gallop, or propaganda. STOP protecting Trump, post the evidence here for the world to see.
Every lefty on this thread is devoted and loyal to Trump. They absolutely refuse to post even a shred of actual evidence that proves their hero Trump is a racist. Lefties will post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, propaganda, and any non evidence they can find, but this is only so they can look like they are towing the lefty line. They secretly LOVE Trump though, so they will NEVER betray him by posting actual evidence that proves he is a racist.
Trump's racism has been listed and it is inarguable. You are just fucking around. You lost the thread long ago.

Claims that evidence has been posted "somewhere" are not evidence and are as worthless as allegations, dismissed cases, secondhand quotes, gish gallop, or propaganda. STOP protecting Trump, post the evidence here for the world to see.
Trump is a racist and you have lied for 126 pages. here is another article listing trump's racism so you can lie about this too.

Gish gallop links are not evidence of anything. Isolate something from that gish gallop list and post it here. Once again, allegations, dismissed cases, secondhand quotes, gish gallop, propaganda, or claims to have already posted the evidence "somewhere" are not evidence.

Have you noticed that I do repeat the same list of non evidence items every time I request the evidence? Why would you post a gish gallop list when gish gallop is not evidence? Gish gallop has already been discussed in this thread, so you are aware that gish gallop is not evidence in itself. Are you really this fucking stupid? You thought you could sneak in a gish gallop list and nobody would notice that you tried this cheap shit?