trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Howdy. I'm new here. There is a possibility I am the vanguard of a liberal invasion. I am scouting for neo-paleo-conservative prey. Possible also that lonely and abused Deplorables will follow, later.

I don't think trump is a very good president.
Hillary would've been a lot worse. You can take comfort in that. ;)
77,000 votes in 3 states is a statistical fluke.......the difference between " brilliant" and "bomb"......

more then that.
Trump trounced her in Florida ( wasn't supposed to happen because of all the Puerto Ricans that just moved here)
and NC, and of course Ohio,and PA.

So he won all the battleground states as well as breaching the "blue wall"
more then that.
Trump trounced her in Florida ( wasn't supposed to happen because of all the Puerto Ricans that just moved here)
and NC, and of course Ohio,and PA.

So he won all the battleground states as well as breaching the "blue wall"

He won by 1.2% in Florida.
He won by 1.2% in Florida.
decent sized win for Florida.
He won because of turnout. The desire for someone different outside the establishment ( kina like Bernie)
and because Hillary was such a loathsome character.

You have to wonder just how viable the Obama coalition is going forward
I've been laughing since November 8th.

Losing suits you people. :)

An emotionally incontinent president tweeting his way to impeachment. Ha ha ha.

More people believe trump should be impeached than approve of the job he's doing. Very funny.

trump's greatest accomplishment was needing the nuclear option and the VP to fill a SC seat they stole. Less amusing.

Regressives still committing slow-motion suicide on health care. Hilarious.

Lickspittle Regressives bending over for one trump lie after another, accepting trump contempt for their independence of thought. Sad.

Grooming vast herds of scapegoats, while believing a septuagenarian brat could protect them from imaginary dangers. Pathetic.

It seems the Deplorable herd is easily amused.
An emotionally incontinent president tweeting his way to impeachment. Ha ha ha.

More people believe trump should be impeached than approve of the job he's doing. Very funny.

trump's greatest accomplishment was needing the nuclear option and the VP to fill a SC seat they stole. Less amusing.

Regressives still committing slow-motion suicide on health care. Hilarious.

Lickspittle Regressives bending over for one trump lie after another, accepting trump contempt for their independence of thought. Sad.

Grooming vast herds of scapegoats, while believing a septuagenarian brat could protect them from imaginary dangers. Pathetic.

It seems the Deplorable herd is easily amused.

You have done your very best to keep us entertained. Keep up the good work.

POTUS Trump. Has a nice ring to it.
I think my favorite manifestation of Deplorable gullibility is their absurd belief that a man who inherited a fortune for a living, who managed to bankrupt a casino, whom Forbes argued would have made more money if he had put his inheritance in average stocks, whose best business deals scream "money laundering" with Russian oligarchs, whose fraudulent practices include ripping off people trying to get ahead with trump U, who is notorious for stiffing small businesses and ripping off banks to the point he can't borrow from them anymore, and now uses the White House as a bribe collection center ... is some kind of business genius. Okay, getting taxpayers to pay millions to protect our soft-core porn model of a first lady from having to service the flabby old toad and to pay millions for weekly golfing expeditions is good business. And, he also did successful money laundering with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

I mean, there's gullible lackey and there's GULLIBLE LACKEY.
It’s not clear how carefully Trump vetted his Bayrock partners. But his lack of concern about their backgrounds – and the potential risk to his own reputation from dealing with them - was part of a pattern. In Atlantic City, he had partnered with men with organized crime ties. Later, he and his children struck deals in Brazil and Azerbaijan with partners who had murky backgrounds or unusual legal entanglements.

Sater said in court filings that he disclosed his securities fraud conviction to members of the Trump Organization. He assumed they had told Trump, but he wasn't sure.

"It's not very hard to get connected to Donald if you make it known that you have a lot of money and you want to do deals and you want to put his name on it," Abe Wallach, who was the future president's right-hand man at the Trump Organization from 1990 to about 2002, told me in an interview. "Donald doesn't do due diligence. He relies on his gut and whether he thinks you have good genes."
In short, an intellectually indolent cretin.....