trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

An emotionally incontinent president tweeting his way to impeachment. Ha ha ha.

More people believe trump should be impeached than approve of the job he's doing. Very funny.

trump's greatest accomplishment was needing the nuclear option and the VP to fill a SC seat they stole. Less amusing.

Regressives still committing slow-motion suicide on health care. Hilarious.

Lickspittle Regressives bending over for one trump lie after another, accepting trump contempt for their independence of thought. Sad.

Grooming vast herds of scapegoats, while believing a septuagenarian brat could protect them from imaginary dangers. Pathetic.

It seems the Deplorable herd is easily amused.
You do like to spout verbal diarrhoea, I'll give you that. I am slightly curious as to why you've called yourself RickyTavy when the mongoose character in Jungle Book is called Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.


Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
You do like to spout verbal diarrhoea, I'll give you that. I am slightly curious as to why you've called yourself RickyTavy when the mongoose character in Jungle Book is called Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.

While I wonder why Deplorables evolved their pointy heads, if so much flies right over them without snagging.
When the POTUS bailed on the Paris Accords.

34 years ago. Quite a play.

Being so old and alone must be almost as difficult as losing every election that comes your way.

"When the POTUS bailed on the Paris Accords."

But the slogan precedes that bit of Pandering to Stupid....when you first began bleating it, to what were you yearning to return?
When the POTUS bailed on the Paris Accords.

34 years ago. Quite a play.

Being so old and alone must be almost as difficult as losing every election that comes your way.

Two of the last three national elections Regressives "won" were with a minority of votes. I can see why you chose to rely on a spouse-host for survival. I'm sure the dogs and the cat are just like children to you.
Two of the last three national elections Regressives "won" were with a minority of votes. I can see why you chose to rely on a spouse-host for survival. I'm sure the dogs and the cat are just like children to you.

You should move to a Democracy rather than live in a Republic.

PS read the rules before losing. It will prevent these subsequent tears.
I was thinking about how to define the trump presidency in a word or two.* It became obvious immediately that it would be difficult to contain so much … trumpiness so succinctly.
Of course, “incompetence” came immediately to mind.* From his Muslim travel ban to his health care bill to illiterate tweets to appointing people like Rick Perry or Betsy DeVos specifically for their ineptitude, this administration reeks of incompetence like no presidency I can think of.* bush was a moron, but he looked for competence in his administration, perhaps in compensation for his cretinism.
“Dishonesty” is certainly prominent under trump.* trump was labeled by every legitimate factchecker as far and away the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates.* He has not let up.** His political career was built on the birther lie.* He lied about always opposing the Iraq war and continued to lie in spite of a video showing he supported the invasion.* He lied about watching Muslims celebrate on 9/11 and stuck by the lie just as he has about being “bugged” by Obama.** Incompetence rises again in terms of how blatant and awkward are his lies.* He knows now his fluffer groupies would believe him if he told them it was noon at midnight.* They not only do not care that trump is a prolific liar, they love him for it.* Fools think he only lies about and to “bad” Americans.
Ignorance works as a definition.* Proud, stubborn ignorance.* “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”* trump figured out North Korea after ten minutes of talking to the president of China.* Frederick Douglass is a rising star and he is good friends with a dead Pavarotti.* Again, what a decent person would see as a flaw, Deplorables eat up as a virtue.* trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things.
Treasonous?* Narcissistic?* In both cases the nation is imperiled as trump is motivated primarily by feeding his justifiably fragile ego or pleasing Putin, in no particular order.* The good of the nation barely registers in the brat’s tiny mind.
Cronyism?* One of trump’s biggest lies is how “Drain the Swamp” became “Swamp the Drain.”* He has a cabinet full of banksters and cronies.* He has more ethics waivers to allow lobbyists into his administration in four months than Obama had in eight years.
The militaristic national chauvinism and over-compensating macho bluster evoke the definition “fascist.”* His attacks on a free press, combined with the lickspittle approval of his herd turn his buffoonery into something more frightening.* The casual bigotry seen in the way he has pandered to the ugliest of Americans adds an even more sinister odor of nazism to the fascism that so appeals to so many Deplorables.* Sissies are so desperate for a strong man to protect them that they can even find him in a flabby septuagenarian brat.
Ultimately, though, I decided I would go with “cowardly.”* Nothing defines trump and trumpies better.** trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth.* His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work.* Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff.* His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster.* And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice.* It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd.* trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd.* He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence.* Face to face?* trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico.* He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after.* He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance.* Yup, cowardly.* No label I can think of better defines trump.* Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches.
I was thinking about how to define the trump presidency in a word or two.* It became obvious immediately that it would be difficult to contain so much … trumpiness so succinctly.
Of course, “incompetence” came immediately to mind.* From his Muslim travel ban to his health care bill to illiterate tweets to appointing people like Rick Perry or Betsy DeVos specifically for their ineptitude, this administration reeks of incompetence like no presidency I can think of.* bush was a moron, but he looked for competence in his administration, perhaps in compensation for his cretinism.
“Dishonesty” is certainly prominent under trump.* trump was labeled by every legitimate factchecker as far and away the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates.* He has not let up.** His political career was built on the birther lie.* He lied about always opposing the Iraq war and continued to lie in spite of a video showing he supported the invasion.* He lied about watching Muslims celebrate on 9/11 and stuck by the lie just as he has about being “bugged” by Obama.** Incompetence rises again in terms of how blatant and awkward are his lies.* He knows now his fluffer groupies would believe him if he told them it was noon at midnight.* They not only do not care that trump is a prolific liar, they love him for it.* Fools think he only lies about and to “bad” Americans.
Ignorance works as a definition.* Proud, stubborn ignorance.* “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”* trump figured out North Korea after ten minutes of talking to the president of China.* Frederick Douglass is a rising star and he is good friends with a dead Pavarotti.* Again, what a decent person would see as a flaw, Deplorables eat up as a virtue.* trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things.
Treasonous?* Narcissistic?* In both cases the nation is imperiled as trump is motivated primarily by feeding his justifiably fragile ego or pleasing Putin, in no particular order.* The good of the nation barely registers in the brat’s tiny mind.
Cronyism?* One of trump’s biggest lies is how “Drain the Swamp” became “Swamp the Drain.”* He has a cabinet full of banksters and cronies.* He has more ethics waivers to allow lobbyists into his administration in four months than Obama had in eight years.
The militaristic national chauvinism and over-compensating macho bluster evoke the definition “fascist.”* His attacks on a free press, combined with the lickspittle approval of his herd turn his buffoonery into something more frightening.* The casual bigotry seen in the way he has pandered to the ugliest of Americans adds an even more sinister odor of nazism to the fascism that so appeals to so many Deplorables.* Sissies are so desperate for a strong man to protect them that they can even find him in a flabby septuagenarian brat.
Ultimately, though, I decided I would go with “cowardly.”* Nothing defines trump and trumpies better.** trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth.* His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work.* Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff.* His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster.* And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice.* It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd.* trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd.* He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence.* Face to face?* trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico.* He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after.* He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance.* Yup, cowardly.* No label I can think of better defines trump.* Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches.

Incessant whining has worked will so far. Keep up the good work.