trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Sure.......tell me why a "world class businessman" must personally guarantee the bank loans issued to his world class business?

Beat the best of the best both parties had to offer sitting POTUS carrying winners in all runoff elections.

Multibillionaire who beat his opposition into the mud.

I'm OK, you're OK.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo

This is what happens when I use that image icon.
IMG_0077.jpgHmm. Works on my iPad. I'm usually at my desk. I'll try it from tnere later.
I'm a lot more pedantic and not as much fun to read as Ricky, but just to elucidate what we all prolly know instinctively anyways....the first $10,000/year or so, yes, that brings happiness. Hell, it brings sanity. The second $20k brings some more happiness, but not as much. And so on, asymptotically downward, until the difference between e.g. $350k and $360k is trivial.

So anyone who begins to understand this should not shed any tears when billionaires are taxed more heavily.

And that is quite separate from the issue of rampant inequality, and how it makes all of us--even the very well-off among us--miserable:

The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger Kindle Edition
by Richard Wilkinson (Author), Kate Pickett (Author)

The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way We Think, Live, and Die Kindle Edition
by Keith Payne (Author)

Hierarchy of needs meets law of diminishing returns and marginal utility all rolled in one.
That's how the cycle goes. BJ Clinton begat Bush II. Bush II begat Obama. Obama begat Trump.
We can expect Josef Stalin's clone in 2024.

Smart. dumb, smart, dumb is the obvious sequence here. Or one step forward two steps back, one forward, two back.

Or complete term, completed term, completed term, impeachment in shame disgrace, obloquy, vilification derision scorn.... repeat?
This is what happens when I use that image icon.
View attachment 4288Hmm. Works on my iPad. I'm usually at my desk. I'll try it from tnere later.
It is very easy to just copy and paste on a PC, just right click and select copy image and paste into your post.

On my Android phone I use Tapatalk, so there you have to save the image and then upload.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
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