trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

If they've been getting thrashed by "snowflake" clichés and bon mots like, "I bet he thinks The Onion is real news! Tee hee," than they are a sad lot indeed. It is my experience, though, that Deplorables tend to fellate themselves with claims of unearned prowess. Dirty job, but nobody else is gonna do it.

You mean, like you morons with your Trumpkins and TrumpTard memes? STFU hypocrite. You've been here a day and already you remove any doubt what a whiney pathetic moron you are.

You're the model constituency for the Party of the Jackass and Liars. Hell, your rants were predictable before you even make them. c
Oh, I don't see any alerts for when somebody thanks one of your posts. Am I missing some way of knowing which posts were so noted?

I'll check for answers later, but thank them now.

I don't think we have an alerts system here, like the one in the other place.

That is far and away the biggest negative for me.

Still, let's see what we can do to adapt. Hey, it's still better than NYT and GUT....which of course were a decade or more ago, but.....
You mean, like you morons with your Trumpkins and TrumpTard memes?

You might check to see if someone has said what you said they did, before whining about what they didn't say. Sure, it will inhibit your ability to whimper, but you will look less of a sniveling feeb.

Sorry, I don't take orders from MightyMouth sissies trying to pose badass in cyberspace. Or, much of anyone else.
Seems like we did a forum with this format years ago. As my 5 year old granddaughter would say, "It's very old fashioned."

Oh well.

Here's a decent quote --

"Trump has been ruled by compulsions, obsessions and vindictiveness, expressed nearly daily on Twitter. He has demonstrated an egotism that borders on solipsism. His political skills as president have been close to nonexistent. His White House is divided, incompetent and chaotic, and key administration jobs remain unfilled. His legislative agenda has gone nowhere. He has told constant, childish, refuted, uncorrected lies, and demanded and habituated deception among his underlings. He has humiliated and undercut his staff while requiring and rewarding flattery. He has promoted self-serving conspiracy theories. He has displayed pathetic, even frightening, ignorance on policy matters foreign and domestic. He has inflicted his ethically challenged associates on the nation. He is dead to the poetry of language and to the nobility of the political enterprise, viewing politics as conquest rather than as service."
Such is the verdict of Michael Gerson, writing in the Washington Post. He is not some liberal critic but a proud Republican who was a top aide to President George W. Bush. Needless to say he is not a fan of Donald Trump, but neither does he support Democratic policies. His point is that no good will come to the GOP from its complicity with Donald Trump, because we are on a dangerous path with no clear end game.
His column is worth reading in full.
Post one more time, XO, and then the software will let you include links.

Kinda primitive here, eh.

Well, at the very least, we could use this place to confer on a final destination....

There seem to be various limitations.

IAC you can't even post links until you have five posts under your I cannot yet say with any certainty how limited we will be here.....
It's to stop spammers, so can't see you staying long.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
I don't think we have an alerts system here, like the one in the other place.

That is far and away the biggest negative for me.

Still, let's see what we can do to adapt. Hey, it's still better than NYT and GUT....which of course were a decade or more ago, but.....

do you mean Debate Politics? I have an account there. same username
"Climate realist" Is this another instance where conservatives have redefined a word in order to make a non existent point?

Like, 'realist' = 'denier'?
I don't think we have an alerts system here, like the one in the other place.

That is far and away the biggest negative for me.

Still, let's see what we can do to adapt. Hey, it's still better than NYT and GUT....which of course were a decade or more ago, but.....
I should fuck off then, it's obviously not for you.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Howdy. I'm new here. There is a possibility I am the vanguard of a liberal invasion. I am scouting for neo-paleo-conservative prey. Possible also that lonely and abused Deplorables will follow, later.

I don't think trump is a very good president.

Hi Ricky,
Just checking in case this does become our new home.

And I agree. trump is not a very good POTUS!