trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Can't seem to post an image with url, can't find the appropriate url so far - at least not an image on FB.

I think in a very real sense Trump is your president lol.

Unless you live in another country.
or suffering from prolonged TDS..or part of the mindless "resistance" to Trump's "facism."

Or any other of the 38 reasons Hillary claims why she lost. She’s blaming everyone but herself.
Hillary Still Blaming Everyone Else For Her Loss
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday spent an entire interview pointing the finger at a number of sources — including Russian hackers, fake news, James Comey and even the Democratic Party — as the ultimate reasons for her election defeat.
Well, that's annoying. You can't do videos from Facebook here?

There seem to be various limitations.

IAC you can't even post links until you have five posts under your I cannot yet say with any certainty how limited we will be here.....
Redistricting will be determined by the 2020 election. I guess you were so busy doing pettiness to deal with the point.

no....redistricting is done by state guys missed that in late to change things for 2020......good luck in 2030........
Well alright, this will give me five posts, after which I can post links.

PMProphet, you spoke of lack of substance. This post is it.

However, I promise to keep substance-deficient posts to a minimum hereafter.
Cry harder snowflake; I expect much more whining, lying and moronic predictions from you.....after all, that's what morons on the left do.


You must be so proud of being able to parrot over-compensating rightard machismo. You're dumb enough you might be able to convince yourself you really are a manly man.
