trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

no....redistricting is done by state guys missed that in late to change things for 2020......good luck in 2030........

Stubborn little cretin, aincha? I can think of nobody better than trump to inspire a liberal tsunami I spoke of earlier than Putin's spoiled bitch. Such a tsunami in 2020 would change the make up of state legislatures, beginning the end of rightard minority rule through gerrymandering. Kinda like what happened in 2010, dumbass. Such a tsunami would then lead to redistricting in a year a two.

I've figured out now how to post pictures here now, if that will help you any.
Stubborn little cretin, aincha? I can think of nobody better than trump to inspire a liberal tsunami I spoke of earlier than Putin's spoiled bitch. Such a tsunami in 2020 would change the make up of state legislatures, beginning the end of rightard minority rule through gerrymandering. Kinda like what happened in 2010, dumbass. Such a tsunami would then lead to redistricting in a year a two.

I've figured out now how to post pictures here now, if that will help you any. basically you're basing your hopes on hot air and hatred of Trump?.......isn't that what you tried in 2016......
Well, glad you and your comrades are here. The libs have been getting thrashed here. It's been a little boring. No challenge.

If they've been getting thrashed by "snowflake" clichés and bon mots like, "I bet he thinks The Onion is real news! Tee hee," than they are a sad lot indeed. It is my experience, though, that Deplorables tend to fellate themselves with claims of unearned prowess. Dirty job, but nobody else is gonna do it.
There seem to be various limitations.

IAC you can't even post links until you have five posts under your I cannot yet say with any certainty how limited we will be here.....

Not as user friendly as we are used to, butI'm adapting. You can't get stuff off of Facebook, but I think I've figured out how to get stuff from elsewhere.

Best of all, it is a target-rich environment.

And, for you I sense one or two righties who might provide you with someone substantive to play with.
There seem to be various limitations.

IAC you can't even post links until you have five posts under your I cannot yet say with any certainty how limited we will be here.....
Yeah, it's taking a little while to explore the functionality limits. Which seem greater.
We have lots of climaphobes here. Do not fear climate change. Embrace change.


Well, death is one kind of change.

Do you embrace death? Your own, that of your children, other loved ones????

...I will grant you that anthropogenic climate change is difficult to understand.

Many people have pointed out that it is precisely the kind of crisis that a hostile Deity would visit upon us.

A crisis that most people cannot understand, and that requires us to make sacrifices--although, perhaps not such great sacrifices as have been mooted in the past--in the interest of many generations of our descendants that we will never see and cannot easily imagine.

Much, much easier to kick back, yawn, and subscribe to one of the many forms of denialism that are provided courtesy of various Kochtopus-funded astroturf groups.
Oh, I don't see any alerts for when somebody thanks one of your posts. Am I missing some way of knowing which posts were so noted?

I'll check for answers later, but thank them now.