trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

it would be a shame if you kids turned out to be nothing more than a roving pack of any of you have anything to post besides the same DNC memes we've been getting from our own worn out lib'ruls?......
I see, in 'similar threads', the word 'moron' is a favorite. Let's hope we encounter larger vocabularies...

if they are in fact similar threads it would not be surprising if the word "moron" was used......after all, it was used twice in the thread title.....are you BRINGING larger vocabularies?.....
I have the same problem so I have to use photobucket.

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Trump actually ran the most brilliant political campaign of recent memory last 2016. People will be studying it in the future.

He hijacked a party and every institutional advantage was against him. A hostile press, outspent 2:1, and a spoiler candidate in mcmullin whose only purpose is to draw votes away from trump. Not to mention figures in his own party openly siding with the opposition.
Multi-billionaire world class businessman beat the best of the best both parties had to offer sitting POTUS carrying winners in all runoff elections.

It's a start.

Sure.......tell me why a "world class businessman" must personally guarantee the bank loans issued to his world class business?